ServUO Version
Publish Unknown
Ultima Expansion
I've been away from this for a very long time, for a combination of reasons, I finally have a new computer for gaming, but it does not have internet access (yet, or probably anytime soon). I started to set up a new offline shard on it for solo play like I used to do, but have run into a problem. (Actually, a string of them, but I managed to get around the lack of internet, downloading stuff onto a stick drive from the laptop and moving files over, including Windows 10's apparently not having .NET preinstalled so I had to do that...)

Anyhow, late last night when I finally got to the step of running the bat file to build things, I ended up with a paragraph of red text instead. After the build engine for .net intro it says "Determining projects to restore..." in the normal white and then the following in red text:
"C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.1\NuGet.targets(130,5): error : unable to load the service index for source [C:\Users\SLSOcho\ServUO]ServUO-master\ServUO.sln]
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.1\NuGet.targets(130,5): error : No such host is known. (
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.1\NuGet.targets(130,5): error : No such host is known. [C:\Users\SLSOcho\ServUO]ServUO-master\ServUO.sln]
And then back to white text for "Build FAILED.", then a repeat of the red text, followed by 0 Warning(s) (in white), 1 Error(s) (in red), time elapsed, done, and press any key to continue.

It seems to me it's looking for something online at the lack of internet is crashing the build? Is there any way around this? I really don't want (and actually can't, don't have the right length cord lying around) to connect that computer to the internet at this time, or anytime soon really. Does this need internet now to run offline, or did something from .NET not install right?

P.S. Sorry for not filling in the ServUO version and Ultima Expansion fields right. Both are whatever I downloaded from ServUO and the Ultima Online site as of yesterday, so they'd be the most recent.
You'll need to compile the server with access to the internet to get the NuGet Packages, not sure if there is a easy work around except to get a server that is already compiled!
Drat. It's a PITA the way everything wants you to be on the net 24-7 any more. Guess getting back into this will have to wait until I get a second HD for the laptop and do it there (It doesn't have space to install anything until I do that - there's only 70GB that isn't taken up by Windows, and that isn't a typo. While the desktop has a whole TB, net access is not happening there any time soon for multiple reasons.

Hmm... maybe I could compile the server on the laptop and then move it to the desktop via the stick drive? (And then delete it from the laptop?) Fiddly, but then a lot is. Would it run after being moved like that?
I don't see why it would not work, I haven't tried on the new ServUO, but after you compile, it should be easy to just zip up and move the server, shouldn't need the internet if you are just going to mess with it local on
Woot! I'll give that a try this evening, then. Thanks. :)

Update: And it still won't build. Now it throws up this in red, even though I've checked and the file is exactly where it's looking for it.

C:\Users\acer\Downloads\ServUO-master\ServUO-master\Scripts\Misc\DataPath.cs(18,121): error CS1026: ) expected [C:\Users\acer\Downloads\ServUO-master\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
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That has to do with looking for the Ultima Online Folder, did you edit the either DataPath files? Or do you have Ultima in a custom location? Either could be a issue, not sure if when compiling the server it would have stored a location of the UO Folder, don't think so, which leads me to think it was the one of the two I mention above!
Got it! I must have made a typo pointing DataPath.cs in the right direction. Build successful! Now to zip it up and see if I can shove it on a stick drive for transport. Look out Mongbats, here I come... (Sosaria does still have mongbats, right? It's been a LOOONG time. XD)