This is a pretty broad question, but do the combat scripts all live in one place or is it split up the same way sphereserver is?

I want to know how much we can customize the combat math with servuo. For example... could I totally rewrite how resists and damage are calculated, or how skills impact damage calculation?

Is there a clear path to follow? EX: Monster hits a player. What functions are called to determine the amount of damage the player takes and where do those functions live?
I love sphere gameplay, but Runuo and specially Servuo is WAY better than the rusty spheres

Yes you can fully customize your server and emulate sphere gameplay, add mods and totally change the way skills work
I guess my main question is... Can I totally overhaul how armor and resists are calculated. Could I write custom code that, for example, compared a new variable firePotency against a players fire resist? When I ran through runuo a while back it seemed like the combat math was all over the place. Is there an explanation showing how it works from start to finish?

Monster casts spell on player (where is this specific function?) What function then calculates the damage? What function applies the damage to the player? Has anyone broken down the whole process or is this something that everyone has to go through themselves to figure out?
Hello again fellow redditor

About resistances im not sure since they are disabled on mymserverm

Alterspelldamageto, you can override that method to mod spells, increase dmg vs certain creatures, players carrying x items etc

Altermeleedamageto, to mod melee dmg.

Maybe @Voxpire can answer your questions
Yes you can rewrite any logic you want, have a browse thru the source and checkout what you can do
If it could be done on sphere of course it can be done on runuo/servuo.
Quite a few people have rewritten combat to be sphere style, there's a few open source examples i think imaginenation on github, and a few other servers run sphere style pvp as well. I myself played on Santiago/Mythik. I've converted most of their custom stuff and pvp style to runuo but never ended up opening a server.