Yo!!!What file i need to mod to get shields can have dci plus hci and not just one of this prop?Thank you!
Update//Found this:
In BaseRunicTools.cs:
/* Begin Sheilds */ case 0: ApplyAttribute(primary, min, max, AosAttribute.SpellChanneling, 1, 1); break; case 1: ApplyAttribute(primary, min, max, AosAttribute.DefendChance, 1, 15); break; case 2: if (Core.ML) { ApplyAttribute(primary, min, max, AosAttribute.ReflectPhysical, 1, 15); } else { ApplyAttribute(primary, min, max, AosAttribute.AttackChance, 1, 15); } break; case 3: ApplyAttribute(primary, min, max, AosAttribute.CastSpeed, 1, 1); break; /* Begin Armor */ case 4: ApplyAttribute(secondary, min, max, AosArmorAttribute.LowerStatReq, 10, 100, 10); break; case 5: ApplyAttribute(secondary, min, max, AosArmorAttribute.SelfRepair, 1, 5); break; case 6: ApplyAttribute(secondary, min, max, AosArmorAttribute.DurabilityBonus, 10, 100, 10); break; /* End Shields */
In RunicReforging.cs:
private static object[] m_ShieldStandard = new object[] { AosAttribute.SpellChanneling, AosAttribute.DefendChance, //AosAttribute.AttackChance, AosAttribute.CastSpeed, AosAttribute.ReflectPhysical, AosArmorAttribute.LowerStatReq, };
Attack chance increase is commented here,tested without // with no results,still looking for tips,thank you!,in case of runictools i do not understand this code.