ServUO Version
Publish 57
Ultima Expansion
Time Of Legends
I am trying to learn how to bypass clilocs without making any changes to distro. Lets say I want to change this from:

Original Code:
from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1061905); // * You eat the orange petal.  You feel more resilient! *


Bad code:
from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, "Say whatever I want it to say!");  // * You eat the orange petal.  You feel more resilient! *

I get the following error:
CS1503: Line 80: Argument 3: cannot convert from 'string' to 'int'

I think the 0x3B2 is the font and 1061905 is the cliloc. What can I do to skip the cliloc and have it show whatever I would like it to say?

I got it to work with
Still Bad Code:
from.SendMessage ("What I want it to say")
Last edited:
How about this string to int error

Is there an easy way to replace the cliloc info with something custom for buff icons? This is how they are used
BuffInfo.AddBuff(from, new BuffInfo(BuffIcon.Bless, 1158798, 1158797, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0), from));

and I want to try something like

BuffInfo.AddBuff(from, new BuffInfo(BuffIcon.Bless, "+20", "to Intel", TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0), from));

but I get the error cannot convert from string to int
You can use an argument-based cliloc number for the secondary description and provide a custom string format for it via another argument of the BuffInfo constructor.
BuffInfo.AddBuff(from, new BuffInfo(BuffIcon.Bless, PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0), from, "CUSTOM DESCRIPTION"));

The SECONDARY should be a cliloc with a value of "~1_NOTHING~" or similar.

Lots of other buffs use the args so there are plenty of references to look at.
Thank you, worked great! I used the cliloc for activated for the primary then used the one for ~1_NOTHING~ and added in the "+20 Intelligence" and perfecto. It also show me some fun ways to play with some of these clilocs they have that crack me up.