Is there a way to secure or use deeds in the cellar?
And I have to ask, because as a not-good scripter, the code on the cellar.cs, the code line on the left stops at line 554
public static bool CanPlace(Mobile m, Point3D p, out BaseHouse house, bool message = true)
Also, what is the cellar placeholder for?
Thanks for the assistance!
The Cellar doesn't allow lock-downs likely because your BaseHouse needs changed - it will be the same as trying to lock things down outside (the house checks if items are indoors).

The CellarPlaceHolder is mentioned in the resource details page.
The Cellar doesn't allow lock-downs likely because your BaseHouse needs changed - it will be the same as trying to lock things down outside (the house checks if items are indoors).

The CellarPlaceHolder is mentioned in the resource details page.

just looked for the info on your cellar addon to make it so lockdowns can be used and there was no information on what needs to be added to the to make that happen
just looked for the info on your cellar addon to make it so lockdowns can be used and there was no information on what needs to be added to the to make that happen

The mod is different depending on the situation and requires that the IsIndoors() method of BaseHouse checks that the entity is inside the HouseRegion, instead of being within walls and a roof. This has the sometimes unwanted effect of allowing players to lock items down anywhere on the ground, like in castle court-yards.
Instead of changing the IsInside() method, I created IsHouseRegion() so that I could pick and choose what I wanted to use it. For example I want players to be able to ban or remove players and monsters from their courtyards, but not lock things down there. You can also choose whether to allow addons to be placed there.

Here is my addition to BaseHouse.cs just under the existing IsInside method

// David: Add check for House Region
 public bool IsHouseRegion( Mobile m )
 if ( m == null || m.Deleted || m.Map != this.Map )
 return false;

 return IsHouseRegion( m.Location, m.Map );

 public bool IsHouseRegion( Item item )
 if ( item == null || item.Deleted || item.Map != this.Map )
 return false;

 return IsHouseRegion( item.Location, item.Map );

 public virtual bool IsHouseRegion ( Point3D p, Map map )
 Region reg = Region.Find( p, map );
 BaseHouse house = null;
 if (reg is HouseRegion)
 HouseRegion hreg = reg as HouseRegion;
 house = hreg.House;
 if ( house != null )
 return true;
 return false;

 return true;
Good solution.
You can make it more efficient by checking the BaseHouse.Region property, instead of having to search for the Region using Region.Find.

public virtual bool IsHouseRegion ( Point3D p, Map map )
	return Region != null && Region.Map == map && Region.Contains( p );
Can somebody please look at my basehouse script and help me get this working? I have tried to enter "Fireball's" Code but still cannot get items to lock down in the cellar.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.Accounting;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Guilds;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Multis.Deeds;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Regions;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Engines.Auction;

namespace Server.Multis
    public abstract class BaseHouse : BaseMulti
        private static int m_AccountHouseLimit = Config.Get("Housing.AccountHouseLimit", 1);

        public static bool NewVendorSystem
                return Core.AOS;
        }// Is new player vendor system enabled?

        public const int MaxCoOwners = 15;
        public static int MaxFriends
                return !Core.AOS ? 50 : 140;
        public static int MaxBans
                return !Core.AOS ? 50 : 140;

        #region Dynamic decay system
        private DecayLevel m_CurrentStage;
        private DateTime m_NextDecayStage;

        public DateTime NextDecayStage
                return this.m_NextDecayStage;
                this.m_NextDecayStage = value;

        public void ResetDynamicDecay()
            this.m_CurrentStage = DecayLevel.Ageless;
            this.m_NextDecayStage = DateTime.MinValue;

        public void SetDynamicDecay(DecayLevel level)
            this.m_CurrentStage = level;

            if (DynamicDecay.Decays(level))
                this.m_NextDecayStage = DateTime.UtcNow + DynamicDecay.GetRandomDuration(level);
                this.m_NextDecayStage = DateTime.MinValue;


        public const bool DecayEnabled = true;

        public static void Decay_OnTick()
            for (int i = 0; i < m_AllHouses.Count; ++i)

        private DateTime m_LastRefreshed;
        private bool m_RestrictDecay;

        public DateTime LastRefreshed
                return this.m_LastRefreshed;
                this.m_LastRefreshed = value;

        public bool RestrictDecay
                return this.m_RestrictDecay;
                this.m_RestrictDecay = value;

        public virtual TimeSpan DecayPeriod
                return TimeSpan.FromDays(5.0);

        public virtual DecayType DecayType
                if (this.m_RestrictDecay || !DecayEnabled || this.DecayPeriod == TimeSpan.Zero)
                    return DecayType.Ageless;

                if (this.m_Owner == null)
                    return Core.AOS ? DecayType.Condemned : DecayType.ManualRefresh;

                Account acct = this.m_Owner.Account as Account;

                if (acct == null)
                    return Core.AOS ? DecayType.Condemned : DecayType.ManualRefresh;

                if (acct.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster)
                    return DecayType.Ageless;

                for (int i = 0; i < acct.Length; ++i)
                    Mobile mob = acct[i];

                    if (mob != null && mob.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster)
                        return DecayType.Ageless;

                if (!Core.AOS)
                    return DecayType.ManualRefresh;

                if (acct.Inactive)
                    return DecayType.Condemned;

                List<BaseHouse> allHouses = new List<BaseHouse>();

                for (int i = 0; i < acct.Length; ++i)
                    Mobile mob = acct[i];

                    if (mob != null)

                BaseHouse newest = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < allHouses.Count; ++i)
                    BaseHouse check = allHouses[i];

                    if (newest == null || this.IsNewer(check, newest))
                        newest = check;

                if (this == newest)
                    return DecayType.AutoRefresh;

                return DecayType.ManualRefresh;

        public bool IsNewer(BaseHouse check, BaseHouse house)
            DateTime checkTime = (check.LastTraded > check.BuiltOn ? check.LastTraded : check.BuiltOn);
            DateTime houseTime = (house.LastTraded > house.BuiltOn ? house.LastTraded : house.BuiltOn);

            return (checkTime > houseTime);

        public virtual bool CanDecay
                DecayType type = this.DecayType;

                return (type == DecayType.Condemned || type == DecayType.ManualRefresh);

        private DecayLevel m_LastDecayLevel;

        public virtual DecayLevel DecayLevel
                DecayLevel result;

                if (!this.CanDecay)
                    if (DynamicDecay.Enabled)

                    this.m_LastRefreshed = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    result = DecayLevel.Ageless;
                else if (DynamicDecay.Enabled)
                    DecayLevel stage = this.m_CurrentStage;

                    if (stage == DecayLevel.Ageless || (DynamicDecay.Decays(stage) && this.m_NextDecayStage <= DateTime.UtcNow))

                    if (stage == DecayLevel.Collapsed && (this.HasRentedVendors || this.VendorInventories.Count > 0))
                        result = DecayLevel.DemolitionPending;
                        result = stage;
                    result = this.GetOldDecayLevel();

                if (result != this.m_LastDecayLevel)
                    this.m_LastDecayLevel = result;

                    if (this.m_Sign != null && !this.m_Sign.GettingProperties)

                return result;

        public DecayLevel GetOldDecayLevel()
            TimeSpan timeAfterRefresh = DateTime.UtcNow - this.m_LastRefreshed;
            int percent = (int)((timeAfterRefresh.Ticks * 1000) / this.DecayPeriod.Ticks);

            if (percent >= 1000) // 100.0%
                return (this.HasRentedVendors || this.VendorInventories.Count > 0) ? DecayLevel.DemolitionPending : DecayLevel.Collapsed;
            else if (percent >= 950) // 95.0% - 99.9%
                return DecayLevel.IDOC;
            else if (percent >= 750) // 75.0% - 94.9%
                return DecayLevel.Greatly;
            else if (percent >= 500) // 50.0% - 74.9%
                return DecayLevel.Fairly;
            else if (percent >= 250) // 25.0% - 49.9%
                return DecayLevel.Somewhat;
            else if (percent >= 005) // 00.5% - 24.9%
                return DecayLevel.Slightly;

            return DecayLevel.LikeNew;

        public virtual bool RefreshDecay()
            if (this.DecayType == DecayType.Condemned)
                return false;

            DecayLevel oldLevel = this.DecayLevel;

            this.m_LastRefreshed = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (DynamicDecay.Enabled)

            if (this.m_Sign != null)

            return (oldLevel > DecayLevel.LikeNew);

        public virtual bool CheckDecay()
            if (!this.Deleted && this.DecayLevel == DecayLevel.Collapsed)
                Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.Zero, new TimerCallback(Decay_Sandbox));
                return true;

            return false;

        public virtual void KillVendors()
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList(this.PlayerVendors);

            foreach (PlayerVendor vendor in list)

            list = new ArrayList(this.PlayerBarkeepers);

            foreach (PlayerBarkeeper barkeeper in list)

        public virtual void Decay_Sandbox()
            if (this.Deleted)

            if (Core.ML)
                new TempNoHousingRegion(this, null);


        public virtual TimeSpan RestrictedPlacingTime
                return TimeSpan.FromHours(1.0);

        public virtual double BonusStorageScalar
                return (Core.ML ? 1.2 : 1.0);

        private bool m_Public;

        private HouseRegion m_Region;
        private HouseSign m_Sign;
        private TrashBarrel m_Trash;
        private ArrayList m_Doors;

        private Mobile m_Owner;

        private ArrayList m_Access;
        private ArrayList m_Bans;
        private ArrayList m_CoOwners;
        private ArrayList m_Friends;

        private readonly ArrayList m_PlayerVendors = new ArrayList();
        private readonly ArrayList m_PlayerBarkeepers = new ArrayList();

        private Dictionary<Item, Mobile> m_LockDowns;
        private ArrayList m_VendorRentalContracts;
        private ArrayList m_Secures;

        private ArrayList m_Addons;
        private ArrayList m_Carpets;

        private readonly ArrayList m_VendorInventories = new ArrayList();
        private readonly ArrayList m_RelocatedEntities = new ArrayList();

        private MovingCrate m_MovingCrate;
        private ArrayList m_InternalizedVendors;

        private int m_MaxLockDowns;
        private int m_MaxSecures;
        private int m_Price;

        private int m_Visits;

        private DateTime m_BuiltOn, m_LastTraded;

        private Point3D m_RelativeBanLocation;

        private static readonly Dictionary<Mobile, List<BaseHouse>> m_Table = new Dictionary<Mobile, List<BaseHouse>>();

        public virtual bool IsAosRules
                return Core.AOS;

        public virtual bool IsActive
                return true;

        public virtual HousePlacementEntry GetAosEntry()
            return HousePlacementEntry.Find(this);

        public virtual int GetAosMaxSecures()
            HousePlacementEntry hpe = this.GetAosEntry();

            if (hpe == null)
                return 0;

            return (int)(hpe.Storage * this.BonusStorageScalar);

        public virtual int GetAosMaxLockdowns()
            HousePlacementEntry hpe = this.GetAosEntry();

            if (hpe == null)
                return 0;

            return (int)(hpe.Lockdowns * this.BonusStorageScalar);

        public virtual int GetAosCurSecures(out int fromSecures, out int fromVendors, out int fromLockdowns, out int fromMovingCrate)
            fromSecures = 0;
            fromVendors = 0;
            fromLockdowns = 0;
            fromMovingCrate = 0;

            ArrayList list = this.m_Secures;

            if (list != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
                    SecureInfo si = (SecureInfo)list[i];

                    if(!(si.Item is Server.Engines.Plants.SeedBox))
                        fromSecures += si.Item.TotalItems;

                fromLockdowns += list.Count;

            fromLockdowns += this.GetLockdowns();

            if (!NewVendorSystem)
                foreach (PlayerVendor vendor in this.PlayerVendors)
                    if (vendor.Backpack != null)
                        fromVendors += vendor.Backpack.TotalItems;

            if (this.MovingCrate != null)
                fromMovingCrate += this.MovingCrate.TotalItems;

                foreach (Item item in this.MovingCrate.Items)
                    if (item is PackingBox)

            return fromSecures + fromVendors + fromLockdowns + fromMovingCrate;

        public bool InRange(IPoint2D from, int range)
            if (this.Region == null)
                return false;

            foreach (Rectangle3D rect in this.Region.Area)
                if (from.X >= rect.Start.X - range && from.Y >= rect.Start.Y - range && from.X < rect.End.X + range && from.Y < rect.End.Y + range)
                    return true;

            return false;

        public virtual int GetNewVendorSystemMaxVendors()
            HousePlacementEntry hpe = this.GetAosEntry();

            if (hpe == null)
                return 0;

            return (int)(hpe.Vendors * this.BonusStorageScalar);

        public virtual bool CanPlaceNewVendor()
            if (!this.IsAosRules)
                return true;

            if (!NewVendorSystem)
                return this.CheckAosLockdowns(10);

            return ((this.PlayerVendors.Count + this.VendorRentalContracts.Count) < this.GetNewVendorSystemMaxVendors());

        public const int MaximumBarkeepCount = 2;

        public virtual bool CanPlaceNewBarkeep()
            return (this.PlayerBarkeepers.Count < MaximumBarkeepCount);

        public static void IsThereVendor(Point3D location, Map map, out bool vendor, out bool rentalContract)
            vendor = false;
            rentalContract = false;

            IPooledEnumerable eable = map.GetObjectsInRange(location, 0);

            foreach (IEntity entity in eable)
                if (Math.Abs(location.Z - entity.Z) <= 16)
                    if (entity is PlayerVendor || entity is PlayerBarkeeper || entity is PlayerVendorPlaceholder)
                        vendor = true;

                    if (entity is VendorRentalContract)
                        rentalContract = true;


        public bool HasPersonalVendors
                foreach (PlayerVendor vendor in this.PlayerVendors)
                    if (!(vendor is RentedVendor))
                        return true;

                return false;

        public bool HasRentedVendors
                foreach (PlayerVendor vendor in this.PlayerVendors)
                    if (vendor is RentedVendor)
                        return true;

                return false;

        #region Mondain's Legacy
        public bool HasAddonContainers
                foreach (Item item in this.Addons)
                    if (item is BaseAddonContainer || item is RaisedGardenSmallAddon || item is RaisedGardenLargeAddon || item is RaisedGardenEastAddon || item is RaisedGardenSouthAddon)
                        return true;

                return false;

        #region TOL
        public bool HasActiveAuction
                foreach (Item item in Addons)
                    if (item is AuctionSafe && ((AuctionSafe)item).Auction != null && ((AuctionSafe)item).Auction.OnGoing)
                        return true;

                return false;

        public ArrayList AvailableVendorsFor(Mobile m)
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

            foreach (PlayerVendor vendor in this.PlayerVendors)
                if (vendor.CanInteractWith(m, false))

            return list;

        public bool AreThereAvailableVendorsFor(Mobile m)
            foreach (PlayerVendor vendor in this.PlayerVendors)
                if (vendor.CanInteractWith(m, false))
                    return true;

            return false;

        public void MoveAllToCrate()

            if (this.MovingCrate != null)

            if (this.m_Trash != null)
                this.m_Trash = null;

            foreach (Item item in this.LockDowns.Keys)
                if (!item.Deleted)
                    item.IsLockedDown = false;
                    item.IsSecure = false;
                    item.Movable = true;

                    if (item.Parent == null)


            foreach (Item item in this.VendorRentalContracts)
                if (!item.Deleted)
                    item.IsLockedDown = false;
                    item.IsSecure = false;
                    item.Movable = true;

                    if (item.Parent == null)


            foreach (SecureInfo info in this.Secures)
                Item item = info.Item;

                if (!item.Deleted)
                    if (item is StrongBox)
                        item = ((StrongBox)item).ConvertToStandardContainer();

                    item.IsLockedDown = false;
                    item.IsSecure = false;
                    item.Movable = true;

                    if (item.Parent == null)


            foreach (Item addon in this.Addons)
                if (!addon.Deleted)
                    Item deed = null;
                    bool retainDeedHue = false;    //if the items aren't hued but the deed itself is
                    int hue = 0;

                    if (addon is IAddon)
                        deed = ((IAddon)addon).Deed;

                        if (addon is BaseAddon && ((BaseAddon)addon).RetainDeedHue)    //There are things that are IAddon which aren't BaseAddon
                            BaseAddon ba = (BaseAddon)addon;
                            retainDeedHue = true;

                            for (int i = 0; hue == 0 && i < ba.Components.Count; ++i)
                                AddonComponent c = ba.Components[i];

                                if (c.Hue != 0)
                                    hue = c.Hue;

                    if (deed != null)
                        #region Mondain's Legacy
                        if (deed is BaseAddonContainerDeed && addon is BaseAddonContainer)
                            BaseAddonContainer c = (BaseAddonContainer)addon;

                            ((BaseAddonContainerDeed)deed).Resource = c.Resource;
                        else if (deed is BaseAddonDeed && addon is BaseAddon)
                            ((BaseAddonDeed)deed).Resource = ((BaseAddon)addon).Resource;


                        if (retainDeedHue)
                            deed.Hue = hue;



            foreach (PlayerVendor mobile in this.PlayerVendors)

            foreach (Mobile mobile in this.PlayerBarkeepers)

        public Dictionary<IEntity, Mobile> GetHouseEntities()
            Dictionary<IEntity, Mobile> list = new Dictionary<IEntity, Mobile>();

            if (this.MovingCrate != null)

            if (this.m_Trash != null && this.m_Trash.Map != Map.Internal)
                list.Add(this.m_Trash, Owner);

            foreach (Item item in this.LockDowns.Keys)
                if (item.Parent == null && item.Map != Map.Internal)
                    list.Add(item, LockDowns[item]);

            foreach (Item item in this.VendorRentalContracts)
                if (item.Parent == null && item.Map != Map.Internal)
                    list.Add(item, Owner);

            foreach (SecureInfo info in this.Secures)
                Item item = info.Item;

                if (item.Parent == null && item.Map != Map.Internal)
                    list.Add(item, Owner);

            foreach (Item item in this.Addons)
                if (item.Parent == null && item.Map != Map.Internal)
                    list.Add(item, Owner);

            foreach (PlayerVendor mobile in this.PlayerVendors)

                if (mobile.Map != Map.Internal)
                    list.Add(mobile, Owner);

            foreach (Mobile mobile in this.PlayerBarkeepers)
                if (mobile.Map != Map.Internal)
                    list.Add(mobile, Owner);

            return list;

        public void RelocateEntities()
            Dictionary<IEntity, Mobile> entities = this.GetHouseEntities();

            foreach (IEntity entity in entities.Keys)
                Point3D relLoc = new Point3D(entity.X - this.X, entity.Y - this.Y, entity.Z - this.Z);
                RelocatedEntity relocEntity = new RelocatedEntity(entity, relLoc, entities[entity]);


                if (entity is Item)

        public void RestoreRelocatedEntities()
            foreach (RelocatedEntity relocEntity in this.RelocatedEntities)
                Point3D relLoc = relocEntity.RelativeLocation;
                Point3D location = new Point3D(relLoc.X + this.X, relLoc.Y + this.Y, relLoc.Z + this.Z);

                IEntity entity = relocEntity.Entity;

                if (entity is Item)
                    Item item = (Item)entity;

                    if (!item.Deleted)
                        if (item is IAddon)
                            if (((IAddon)item).CouldFit(location, this.Map))
                                item.MoveToWorld(location, this.Map);
                            int height;
                            bool requireSurface;
                            if (item is VendorRentalContract)
                                height = 16;
                                requireSurface = true;
                                height = item.ItemData.Height;
                                requireSurface = false;

                            if (this.Map.CanFit(location.X, location.Y, location.Z, height, false, false, requireSurface))
                                item.MoveToWorld(location, this.Map);

                        // The item can't fit

                        if (item is TrashBarrel)
                            item.Delete(); // Trash barrels don't go to the moving crate
                            this.SetLockdown(relocEntity.Owner, item, false);
                            item.IsSecure = false;
                            item.Movable = true;

                            Item relocateItem = item;

                            if (item is StrongBox)
                                relocateItem = ((StrongBox)item).ConvertToStandardContainer();

                            if (item is IAddon)
                                Item deed = ((IAddon)item).Deed;
                                bool retainDeedHue = false;    //if the items aren't hued but the deed itself is
                                int hue = 0;

                                if (item is BaseAddon && ((BaseAddon)item).RetainDeedHue)    //There are things that are IAddon which aren't BaseAddon
                                    BaseAddon ba = (BaseAddon)item;
                                    retainDeedHue = true;

                                    for (int i = 0; hue == 0 && i < ba.Components.Count; ++i)
                                        AddonComponent c = ba.Components[i];

                                        if (c.Hue != 0)
                                            hue = c.Hue;

                                #region Mondain's Legacy
                                if (deed != null)
                                    if (deed is BaseAddonContainerDeed && item is BaseAddonContainer)
                                        BaseAddonContainer c = (BaseAddonContainer)item;

                                        ((BaseAddonContainerDeed)deed).Resource = c.Resource;
                                    else if (deed is BaseAddonDeed && item is BaseAddon)
                                        ((BaseAddonDeed)deed).Resource = ((BaseAddon)item).Resource;

                                    if (retainDeedHue)
                                        deed.Hue = hue;

                                relocateItem = deed;

                            if (relocateItem != null)

                    if (this.m_Trash == item)
                        this.m_Trash = null;

                    for (int i = this.Secures.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (((SecureInfo)this.Secures[i]).Item == item)
                    Mobile mobile = (Mobile)entity;

                    if (!mobile.Deleted)
                        if (this.Map.CanFit(location, 16, false, false))
                            mobile.MoveToWorld(location, this.Map);


        public void DropToMovingCrate(Item item)
            if (this.MovingCrate == null)
                this.MovingCrate = new MovingCrate(this);


        public List<Item> GetItems()
            if (this.Map == null || this.Map == Map.Internal)
                return new List<Item>();

            Point2D start = new Point2D(this.X + this.Components.Min.X, this.Y + this.Components.Min.Y);
            Point2D end = new Point2D(this.X + this.Components.Max.X + 1, this.Y + this.Components.Max.Y + 1);
            Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D(start, end);

            List<Item> list = new List<Item>();

            IPooledEnumerable eable = this.Map.GetItemsInBounds(rect);

            foreach (Item item in eable)
                if (item.Movable && this.IsInside(item))


            return list;

        public List<Mobile> GetMobiles()
            if (this.Map == null || this.Map == Map.Internal)
                return new List<Mobile>();

            List<Mobile> list = new List<Mobile>();

            foreach (Mobile mobile in this.Region.GetMobiles())
                if (this.IsInside(mobile))

            return list;

        public virtual bool CheckAosLockdowns(int need)
            return ((this.GetAosCurLockdowns() + need) <= this.GetAosMaxLockdowns());

        public virtual bool CheckAosStorage(int need)
            int fromSecures, fromVendors, fromLockdowns, fromMovingCrate;

            return ((this.GetAosCurSecures(out fromSecures, out fromVendors, out fromLockdowns, out fromMovingCrate) + need) <= this.GetAosMaxSecures());

        public static void Configure()
            Item.LockedDownFlag = 1;
            Item.SecureFlag = 2;

            Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0), new TimerCallback(Decay_OnTick));

        public virtual int GetAosCurLockdowns()
            int v = 0;

            v += this.GetLockdowns();

            if (this.m_Secures != null)
                v += this.m_Secures.Count;

            if (!NewVendorSystem)
                v += this.PlayerVendors.Count * 10;

            return v;

        public static bool CheckLockedDown(Item item)
            BaseHouse house = FindHouseAt(item);

            return (house != null && house.IsLockedDown(item));

        public static bool CheckSecured(Item item)
            BaseHouse house = FindHouseAt(item);

            return (house != null && house.IsSecure(item));

        public static bool CheckLockedDownOrSecured(Item item)
            BaseHouse house = FindHouseAt(item);

            return (house != null && (house.IsSecure(item) || house.IsLockedDown(item)));

        public static List<BaseHouse> GetHouses(Mobile m)
            List<BaseHouse> list = new List<BaseHouse>();

            if (m != null)
                List<BaseHouse> exists = null;
                m_Table.TryGetValue(m, out exists);

                if (exists != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < exists.Count; ++i)
                        BaseHouse house = exists[i];

                        if (house != null && !house.Deleted && house.Owner == m)

            return list;

        public static bool CheckHold(Mobile m, Container cont, Item item, bool message, bool checkItems, int plusItems, int plusWeight)
            BaseHouse house = FindHouseAt(cont);

            if (house == null || !house.IsAosRules)
                return true;

            if (house.IsSecure(cont) && !house.CheckAosStorage(1 + item.TotalItems + plusItems))
                if (message)
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1061839); // This action would exceed the secure storage limit of the house.

                return false;

            return true;

        public static bool CheckAccessible(Mobile m, Item item)
            if (m.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster)
                return true; // Staff can access anything

            BaseHouse house = FindHouseAt(item);

            if (house == null)
                return true;

            SecureAccessResult res = house.CheckSecureAccess(m, item);

            switch ( res )
                case SecureAccessResult.Insecure:
                case SecureAccessResult.Accessible:
                    return true;
                case SecureAccessResult.Inaccessible:
                    return false;

            if (house.IsLockedDown(item))
                return house.IsCoOwner(m) && (item is Container);

            return true;

        public static BaseHouse FindHouseAt(Mobile m)
            if (m == null || m.Deleted)
                return null;

            return FindHouseAt(m.Location, m.Map, 16);

        public static BaseHouse FindHouseAt(Item item)
            if (item == null || item.Deleted)
                return null;

            return FindHouseAt(item.GetWorldLocation(), item.Map, item.ItemData.Height);

        public static BaseHouse FindHouseAt(Point3D loc, Map map, int height)
            if (map == null || map == Map.Internal)
                return null;

            Sector sector = map.GetSector(loc);

            for (int i = 0; i < sector.Multis.Count; ++i)
                BaseHouse house = sector.Multis[i] as BaseHouse;

                if (house != null && house.IsInside(loc, height))
                    return house;

            return null;

        public bool IsInside(Mobile m)
            if (m == null || m.Deleted || m.Map != this.Map)
                return false;

            return this.IsInside(m.Location, 16);

        public bool IsInside(Item item)
            if (item == null || item.Deleted || item.Map != this.Map)
                return false;

            return this.IsInside(item.Location, item.ItemData.Height);

        public bool CheckAccessibility(Item item, Mobile from)
            SecureAccessResult res = this.CheckSecureAccess(from, item);

            switch ( res )
                case SecureAccessResult.Insecure:
                case SecureAccessResult.Accessible:
                    return true;
                case SecureAccessResult.Inaccessible:
                    return false;

            if (!this.IsLockedDown(item))
                return true;
            else if (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster)
                return true;
            else if (item is Runebook)
                return true;
            else if (item is ISecurable)
                return this.HasSecureAccess(from, ((ISecurable)item).Level);
            else if (item is Container)
                return this.IsCoOwner(from);
            else if (item.Stackable)
                return true;
            else if (item is BaseLight)
                return this.IsFriend(from);
            else if (item is PotionKeg)
                return this.IsFriend(from);
            else if (item is BaseBoard)
                return true;
            else if (item is Dices)
                return true;
            else if (item is RecallRune)
                return true;
            else if (item is TreasureMap)
                return true;
            else if (item is Clock)
                return true;
            else if (item is BaseInstrument)
                return true;
            else if (item is Dyes || item is DyeTub)
                return true;
            else if (item is VendorRentalContract)
                return true;
            else if (item is RewardBrazier)
                return true;

            return false;

        public virtual bool IsInside(Point3D p, int height)
            if (this.Deleted)
                return false;

            MultiComponentList mcl = this.Components;

            int x = p.X - (this.X + mcl.Min.X);
            int y = p.Y - (this.Y + mcl.Min.Y);

            if (x < 0 || x >= mcl.Width || y < 0 || y >= mcl.Height)
                return false;

            if (this is HouseFoundation && y < (mcl.Height - 1) && p.Z >= this.Z)
                return true;

            StaticTile[] tiles = mcl.Tiles[x][y];

            for (int j = 0; j < tiles.Length; ++j)
                StaticTile tile = tiles[j];
                int id = tile.ID & TileData.MaxItemValue;
                ItemData data = TileData.ItemTable[id];

                // Slanted roofs do not count; they overhang blocking south and east sides of the multi
                if ((data.Flags & TileFlag.Roof) != 0)

                // Signs and signposts are not considered part of the multi
                if ((id >= 0xB95 && id <= 0xC0E) || (id >= 0xC43 && id <= 0xC44))

                int tileZ = tile.Z + this.Z;

                if (p.Z == tileZ || (p.Z + height) > tileZ)
                    return true;

            if (tiles.Length == 0 && this is Castle)
                return true;

            return false;
// David: Add check for House Region
public bool IsHouseRegion( Mobile m )
if ( m == null || m.Deleted || m.Map != this.Map )
return true;
return IsHouseRegion( m.Location, m.Map );
public bool IsHouseRegion( Item item )
if ( item == null || item.Deleted || item.Map != this.Map )
return true;
return IsHouseRegion( item.Location, item.Map );
public virtual bool IsHouseRegion ( Point3D p, Map map )
Region reg = Region.Find( p, map );
BaseHouse house = null;
if (reg is HouseRegion)
HouseRegion hreg = reg as HouseRegion;
house = hreg.House;
if ( house != null )
return true;
return false;
return true;
        public SecureAccessResult CheckSecureAccess(Mobile m, Item item)
            if (this.m_Secures == null || !(item is Container))
                return SecureAccessResult.Insecure;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Secures.Count; ++i)
                SecureInfo info = (SecureInfo)this.m_Secures[i];

                if (info.Item == item)
                    return this.HasSecureAccess(m, info.Level) ? SecureAccessResult.Accessible : SecureAccessResult.Inaccessible;

            return SecureAccessResult.Insecure;

        private static readonly List<BaseHouse> m_AllHouses = new List<BaseHouse>();

        public static List<BaseHouse> AllHouses
                return m_AllHouses;

        public BaseHouse(int multiID, Mobile owner, int MaxLockDown, int MaxSecure)
            : base(multiID)

            this.m_LastRefreshed = DateTime.UtcNow;

            this.m_BuiltOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
            this.m_LastTraded = DateTime.MinValue;

            this.m_Doors = new ArrayList();
            this.m_LockDowns = new Dictionary<Item, Mobile>();
            this.m_Secures = new ArrayList();
            this.m_Addons = new ArrayList();
            this.m_Carpets = new ArrayList();

            this.m_CoOwners = new ArrayList();
            this.m_Friends = new ArrayList();
            this.m_Bans = new ArrayList();
            this.m_Access = new ArrayList();

            this.m_VendorRentalContracts = new ArrayList();
            this.m_InternalizedVendors = new ArrayList();

            this.m_Owner = owner;

            this.m_MaxLockDowns = MaxLockDown;
            this.m_MaxSecures = MaxSecure;

            this.m_RelativeBanLocation = this.BaseBanLocation;


            if (owner != null)
                List<BaseHouse> list = null;
                m_Table.TryGetValue(owner, out list);

                if (list == null)
                    m_Table[owner] = list = new List<BaseHouse>();


            this.Movable = false;

        public BaseHouse(Serial serial)
            : base(serial)

        public override void OnMapChange()
            if (this.m_LockDowns == null)


            if (this.m_Sign != null && !this.m_Sign.Deleted)
                this.m_Sign.Map = this.Map;

            if (this.m_Doors != null)
                foreach (Item item in this.m_Doors)
                    item.Map = this.Map;

            foreach (IEntity entity in this.GetHouseEntities().Keys)
                if (entity is Item)
                    ((Item)entity).Map = this.Map;
                    ((Mobile)entity).Map = this.Map;

        public virtual void ChangeSignType(int itemID)
            if (this.m_Sign != null)
                this.m_Sign.ItemID = itemID;

        public abstract Rectangle2D[] Area { get; }
        public abstract Point3D BaseBanLocation { get; }

        public virtual void UpdateRegion()
            if (this.m_Region != null)

            if (this.Map != null)
                this.m_Region = new HouseRegion(this);
                this.m_Region = null;

        public override void OnLocationChange(Point3D oldLocation)
            if (this.m_LockDowns == null)

            int x = base.Location.X - oldLocation.X;
            int y = base.Location.Y - oldLocation.Y;
            int z = base.Location.Z - oldLocation.Z;

            if (this.m_Sign != null && !this.m_Sign.Deleted)
                this.m_Sign.Location = new Point3D(this.m_Sign.X + x, this.m_Sign.Y + y, this.m_Sign.Z + z);


            if (this.m_Doors != null)
                foreach (Item item in this.m_Doors)
                    if (!item.Deleted)
                        item.Location = new Point3D(item.X + x, item.Y + y, item.Z + z);

            foreach (IEntity entity in this.GetHouseEntities().Keys)
                Point3D newLocation = new Point3D(entity.X + x, entity.Y + y, entity.Z + z);

                if (entity is Item)
                    ((Item)entity).Location = newLocation;
                    ((Mobile)entity).Location = newLocation;

        public BaseDoor AddEastDoor(int x, int y, int z)
            return this.AddEastDoor(true, x, y, z);

        public BaseDoor AddEastDoor(bool wood, int x, int y, int z)
            BaseDoor door = this.MakeDoor(wood, DoorFacing.SouthCW);

            this.AddDoor(door, x, y, z);

            return door;

        public BaseDoor AddSouthDoor(int x, int y, int z)
            return this.AddSouthDoor(true, x, y, z);

        public BaseDoor AddSouthDoor(bool wood, int x, int y, int z)
            BaseDoor door = this.MakeDoor(wood, DoorFacing.WestCW);

            this.AddDoor(door, x, y, z);

            return door;

        public BaseDoor AddEastDoor(int x, int y, int z, uint k)
            return this.AddEastDoor(true, x, y, z, k);

        public BaseDoor AddEastDoor(bool wood, int x, int y, int z, uint k)
            BaseDoor door = this.MakeDoor(wood, DoorFacing.SouthCW);

            door.Locked = true;
            door.KeyValue = k;

            this.AddDoor(door, x, y, z);

            return door;

        public BaseDoor AddSouthDoor(int x, int y, int z, uint k)
            return this.AddSouthDoor(true, x, y, z, k);

        public BaseDoor AddSouthDoor(bool wood, int x, int y, int z, uint k)
            BaseDoor door = this.MakeDoor(wood, DoorFacing.WestCW);

            door.Locked = true;
            door.KeyValue = k;

            this.AddDoor(door, x, y, z);

            return door;

        public BaseDoor[] AddSouthDoors(int x, int y, int z, uint k)
            return this.AddSouthDoors(true, x, y, z, k);

        public BaseDoor[] AddSouthDoors(bool wood, int x, int y, int z, uint k)
            BaseDoor westDoor = this.MakeDoor(wood, DoorFacing.WestCW);
            BaseDoor eastDoor = this.MakeDoor(wood, DoorFacing.EastCCW);

            westDoor.Locked = true;
            eastDoor.Locked = true;

            westDoor.KeyValue = k;
            eastDoor.KeyValue = k;

            westDoor.Link = eastDoor;
            eastDoor.Link = westDoor;

            this.AddDoor(westDoor, x, y, z);
            this.AddDoor(eastDoor, x + 1, y, z);

            return new BaseDoor[2] { westDoor, eastDoor };

        public uint CreateKeys(Mobile m)
            uint value = Key.RandomValue();

            if (!this.IsAosRules)
                Key packKey = new Key(KeyType.Gold);
                Key bankKey = new Key(KeyType.Gold);

                packKey.KeyValue = value;
                bankKey.KeyValue = value;

                packKey.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
                bankKey.LootType = LootType.Newbied;

                BankBox box = m.BankBox;

                if (!box.TryDropItem(m, bankKey, false))


            return value;

        public BaseDoor[] AddSouthDoors(int x, int y, int z)
            return this.AddSouthDoors(true, x, y, z, false);

        public BaseDoor[] AddSouthDoors(bool wood, int x, int y, int z, bool inv)
            BaseDoor westDoor = this.MakeDoor(wood, inv ? DoorFacing.WestCCW : DoorFacing.WestCW);
            BaseDoor eastDoor = this.MakeDoor(wood, inv ? DoorFacing.EastCW : DoorFacing.EastCCW);

            westDoor.Link = eastDoor;
            eastDoor.Link = westDoor;

            this.AddDoor(westDoor, x, y, z);
            this.AddDoor(eastDoor, x + 1, y, z);

            return new BaseDoor[2] { westDoor, eastDoor };

        public BaseDoor MakeDoor(bool wood, DoorFacing facing)
            if (wood)
                return new DarkWoodHouseDoor(facing);
                return new MetalHouseDoor(facing);

        public void AddDoor(BaseDoor door, int xoff, int yoff, int zoff)
            door.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(xoff + this.X, yoff + this.Y, zoff + this.Z), this.Map);

        public void AddTrashBarrel(Mobile from)
            if (!this.IsActive)

            for (int i = 0; this.m_Doors != null && i < this.m_Doors.Count; ++i)
                BaseDoor door = this.m_Doors[i] as BaseDoor;
                Point3D p = door.Location;

                if (door.Open)
                    p = new Point3D(p.X - door.Offset.X, p.Y - door.Offset.Y, p.Z - door.Offset.Z);

                if ((from.Z + 16) >= p.Z && (p.Z + 16) >= from.Z)
                    if (from.InRange(p, 1))
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(502120); // You cannot place a trash barrel near a door or near steps.

            if (this.m_Trash == null || this.m_Trash.Deleted)
                this.m_Trash = new TrashBarrel();

                this.m_Trash.Movable = false;
                this.m_Trash.MoveToWorld(from.Location, from.Map);

                from.SendLocalizedMessage(502121); /* You have a new trash barrel.
                * Three minutes after you put something in the barrel, the trash will be emptied.
                * Be forewarned, this is permanent! */
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(502117); // You already have a trash barrel!

        public void SetSign(int xoff, int yoff, int zoff)
            this.m_Sign = new HouseSign(this);
            this.m_Sign.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X + xoff, this.Y + yoff, this.Z + zoff), this.Map);

        private void SetLockdown(Mobile m, Item i, bool locked)
            this.SetLockdown(m, i, locked, false);

        private void SetLockdown(Mobile m, Item i, bool locked, bool checkContains)
            if (this.m_LockDowns == null)

            #region Mondain's Legacy
            if (i is BaseAddonContainer)
                i.Movable = false;

            i.Movable = !locked;
            i.IsLockedDown = locked;

            if (m == null)
                m = Owner;

            if (locked)
                if (i is VendorRentalContract)
                    if (!this.VendorRentalContracts.Contains(i))
                    if (!checkContains || !this.m_LockDowns.ContainsKey(i))
                        this.m_LockDowns.Add(i, m);

            if (!locked)

            if ((i is Container) && (!locked || !(i is BaseBoard || i is Aquarium || i is FishBowl)))
                foreach (Item c in i.Items)
                    this.SetLockdown(m, c, locked, checkContains);

        public bool LockDown(Mobile m, Item item)
            return this.LockDown(m, item, true);

        public bool LockDown(Mobile m, Item item, bool checkIsInside)
            if (!this.IsCoOwner(m) || !this.IsActive)
                return false;

            if ((item is BaseAddonContainer || item.Movable) && !this.IsSecure(item))
                int amt = 1 + item.TotalItems;

                Item rootItem = item.RootParent as Item;
                Item parentItem = item.Parent as Item;

                if (checkIsInside && item.RootParent is Mobile)
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1005525);//That is not in your house
                else if (checkIsInside && !this.IsInside(item.GetWorldLocation(), item.ItemData.Height))
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1005525);//That is not in your house
                else if (Ethics.Ethic.IsImbued(item))
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1005377);//You cannot lock that down
                else if (this.IsSecure(rootItem))
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(501737); // You need not lock down items in a secure container.
                else if (parentItem != null && !this.IsLockedDown(parentItem))
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(501736); // You must lockdown the container first!
                else if (!(item is VendorRentalContract) && (this.IsAosRules ? (!this.CheckAosLockdowns(amt) || !this.CheckAosStorage(amt)) : (this.LockDownCount + amt) > this.m_MaxLockDowns))
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1005379);//That would exceed the maximum lock down limit for this house
                    this.SetLockdown(m, item, true);
                    return true;
            else if (this.m_LockDowns.ContainsKey(item))
                m.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3E9, 1005526); //That is already locked down
                return true;
            else if (item is HouseSign || item is Static)
                m.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3E9, 1005526); // This is already locked down.
                m.SendLocalizedMessage(1005377);//You cannot lock that down

            return false;

        private class TransferItem : Item
            private readonly BaseHouse m_House;

            public override string DefaultName
                    return "a house transfer contract";

            public TransferItem(BaseHouse house)
                : base(0x14F0)
                this.m_House = house;

                this.Hue = 0x480;
                this.Movable = false;

            public override void GetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)

                string houseName, owner, location;

                houseName = (this.m_House == null ? "an unnamed house" : this.m_House.Sign.GetName());

                Mobile houseOwner = (this.m_House == null ? null : this.m_House.Owner);

                if (houseOwner == null)
                    owner = "nobody";
                    owner = houseOwner.Name;

                int xLong = 0, yLat = 0, xMins = 0, yMins = 0;
                bool xEast = false, ySouth = false;

                bool valid = this.m_House != null && Sextant.Format(this.m_House.Location, this.m_House.Map, ref xLong, ref yLat, ref xMins, ref yMins, ref xEast, ref ySouth);

                if (valid)
                    location = String.Format("{0}� {1}'{2}, {3}� {4}'{5}", yLat, yMins, ySouth ? "S" : "N", xLong, xMins, xEast ? "E" : "W");
                    location = "unknown";

                list.Add(1061112, Utility.FixHtml(houseName)); // House Name: ~1_val~
                list.Add(1061113, owner); // Owner: ~1_val~
                list.Add(1061114, location); // Location: ~1_val~

            public TransferItem(Serial serial)
                : base(serial)

            public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)

                writer.Write((int)0); // version

            public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

                int version = reader.ReadInt();


            public override bool AllowSecureTrade(Mobile from, Mobile to, Mobile newOwner, bool accepted)
                if (!base.AllowSecureTrade(from, to, newOwner, accepted))
                    return false;
                else if (!accepted)
                    return true;

                if (this.Deleted || this.m_House == null || this.m_House.Deleted || !this.m_House.IsOwner(from) || !from.CheckAlive() || !to.CheckAlive())
                    return false;

                if (BaseHouse.HasAccountHouse(to))
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(501388); // You cannot transfer ownership to another house owner or co-owner!
                    return false;

                return this.m_House.CheckTransferPosition(from, to);

            public override void OnSecureTrade(Mobile from, Mobile to, Mobile newOwner, bool accepted)
                if (this.Deleted)


                if (this.m_House == null || this.m_House.Deleted || !this.m_House.IsOwner(from) || !from.CheckAlive() || !to.CheckAlive())

                if (!accepted)

                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501338); // You have transferred ownership of the house.
                to.SendLocalizedMessage(501339); /* You are now the owner of this house.
                * The house's co-owner, friend, ban, and access lists have been cleared.
                * You should double-check the security settings on any doors and teleporters in the house.

                this.m_House.Owner = to;
                this.m_House.LastTraded = DateTime.UtcNow;

        public bool CheckTransferPosition(Mobile from, Mobile to)
            bool isValid = true;
            Item sign = this.m_Sign;
            Point3D p = (sign == null ? Point3D.Zero : sign.GetWorldLocation());

            if (from.Map != this.Map || to.Map != this.Map)
                isValid = false;
            else if (sign == null)
                isValid = false;
            else if (from.Map != sign.Map || to.Map != sign.Map)
                isValid = false;
            else if (this.IsInside(from))
                isValid = false;
            else if (this.IsInside(to))
                isValid = false;
            else if (!from.InRange(p, 2))
                isValid = false;
            else if (!to.InRange(p, 2))
                isValid = false;

            if (!isValid)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062067); // In order to transfer the house, you and the recipient must both be outside the building and within two paces of the house sign.

            return isValid;

        public void BeginConfirmTransfer(Mobile from, Mobile to)
            if (this.Deleted || !from.CheckAlive() || !this.IsOwner(from))

            if (NewVendorSystem && this.HasPersonalVendors)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062467); // You cannot trade this house while you still have personal vendors inside.
            else if (this.DecayLevel == DecayLevel.DemolitionPending)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005321); // This house has been marked for demolition, and it cannot be transferred.
            else if (from == to)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005330); // You cannot transfer a house to yourself, silly.
            else if (to.Player)
                if (BaseHouse.HasAccountHouse(to))
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(501388); // You cannot transfer ownership to another house owner or co-owner!
                else if (this.CheckTransferPosition(from, to))
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005326); // Please wait while the other player verifies the transfer.

                    if (this.HasRentedVendors)
                        /* You are about to be traded a home that has active vendor contracts.
                        * While there are active vendor contracts in this house, you
                        * <strong>cannot</strong> demolish <strong>OR</strong> customize the home.
                        * When you accept this house, you also accept landlordship for every
                        * contract vendor in the house.
                        to.SendGump(new WarningGump(1060635, 30720, 1062487, 32512, 420, 280, new WarningGumpCallback(ConfirmTransfer_Callback), from));
                        to.SendGump(new Gumps.HouseTransferGump(from, to, this));
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501384); // Only a player can own a house!

        private void ConfirmTransfer_Callback(Mobile to, bool ok, object state)
            Mobile from = (Mobile)state;

            if (!ok || this.Deleted || !from.CheckAlive() || !this.IsOwner(from))

            if (this.CheckTransferPosition(from, to))
                to.SendGump(new Gumps.HouseTransferGump(from, to, this));

        public void EndConfirmTransfer(Mobile from, Mobile to)
            if (this.Deleted || !from.CheckAlive() || !this.IsOwner(from))

            if (NewVendorSystem && this.HasPersonalVendors)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062467); // You cannot trade this house while you still have personal vendors inside.
            else if (this.DecayLevel == DecayLevel.DemolitionPending)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005321); // This house has been marked for demolition, and it cannot be transferred.
            else if (from == to)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005330); // You cannot transfer a house to yourself, silly.
            else if (to.Player)
                if (BaseHouse.HasAccountHouse(to))
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(501388); // You cannot transfer ownership to another house owner or co-owner!
                else if (this.CheckTransferPosition(from, to))
                    NetState fromState = from.NetState, toState = to.NetState;

                    if (fromState != null && toState != null)
                        if (from.HasTrade)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062071); // You cannot trade a house while you have other trades pending.
                        else if (to.HasTrade)
                            to.SendLocalizedMessage(1062071); // You cannot trade a house while you have other trades pending.
                        else if (!to.Alive)
                            // TODO: Check if the message is correct.
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062069); // You cannot transfer this house to that person.
                            Container c = fromState.AddTrade(toState);

                            c.DropItem(new TransferItem(this));
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501384); // Only a player can own a house!

        public bool CheckLockdownOwnership(Mobile m, Item item)
            if(item == null)
                return false;

                return true;

            return LockDowns.ContainsKey(item) && IsSameAccount(m, LockDowns[item]);

        public bool IsSameAccount(Mobile one, Mobile two)
            if (one == null || two == null)
                return false;

            if (one == two)
                return true;

            Account acct = one.Account as Account;

            for (int i = 0; i < acct.Length; ++i)
                if (acct[i] != null && acct[i] == two)
                    return true;

            return false;

        public void Release(Mobile m, Item item)
            if (!this.IsCoOwner(m) || !this.IsActive)

            if (this.IsLockedDown(item))
                if (!CheckLockdownOwnership(m, item))
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1010418); // You did not lock this down, and you are not able to release this.
                    item.PublicOverheadMessage(Server.Network.MessageType.Label, 0x3B2, 501657);//[no longer locked down]
                    this.SetLockdown(m, item, false);

                    if (item is RewardBrazier)
            else if (this.IsSecure(item))
                this.ReleaseSecure(m, item);
                m.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3E9, 1010416); // This is not locked down or secured.

        public void AddSecure(Mobile m, Item item)
            if (this.m_Secures == null || !this.IsOwner(m) || !this.IsActive)

            if (!this.IsInside(item))
                m.SendLocalizedMessage(1005525); // That is not in your house
            else if (this.IsLockedDown(item))
                m.SendLocalizedMessage(1010550); // This is already locked down and cannot be secured.
            else if (!(item is Container))
                this.LockDown(m, item);
                SecureInfo info = null;

                for (int i = 0; info == null && i < this.m_Secures.Count; ++i)
                    if (((SecureInfo)this.m_Secures[i]).Item == item)
                        info = (SecureInfo)this.m_Secures[i];

                if (info != null)
                    m.CloseGump(typeof (SetSecureLevelGump));
                    m.SendGump(new Gumps.SetSecureLevelGump(this.m_Owner, info, this));
                else if (item.Parent != null)
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1010423); // You cannot secure this, place it on the ground first.
                // Mondain's Legacy mod
                else if (!(item is BaseAddonContainer) && !item.Movable)
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1010424); // You cannot secure this.
                else if (!this.IsAosRules && this.SecureCount >= this.MaxSecures)
                    // The maximum number of secure items has been reached :
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1008142, true, this.MaxSecures.ToString());
                else if (this.IsAosRules ? !this.CheckAosLockdowns(1) : ((this.LockDownCount + 125) >= this.MaxLockDowns))
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1005379); // That would exceed the maximum lock down limit for this house
                else if (this.IsAosRules && !this.CheckAosStorage(item.TotalItems))
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1061839); // This action would exceed the secure storage limit of the house.
                    info = new SecureInfo((Container)item, SecureLevel.Owner);

                    item.IsLockedDown = false;
                    item.IsSecure = true;



                    item.Movable = false;

                    m.CloseGump(typeof (SetSecureLevelGump));
                    m.SendGump(new Gumps.SetSecureLevelGump(this.m_Owner, info, this));

        public virtual bool IsCombatRestricted(Mobile m)
            if (m == null || !m.Player || m.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster || !this.IsAosRules || (this.m_Owner != null && this.m_Owner.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster))
                return false;

            for (int i = 0; i < m.Aggressed.Count; ++i)
                AggressorInfo info = m.Aggressed[i];

                Guild attackerGuild = m.Guild as Guild;
                Guild defenderGuild = info.Defender.Guild as Guild;

                if (info.Defender.Player && info.Defender.Alive && (DateTime.UtcNow - info.LastCombatTime) < HouseRegion.CombatHeatDelay && (attackerGuild == null || defenderGuild == null || defenderGuild != attackerGuild && !defenderGuild.IsEnemy(attackerGuild)))
                    return true;

            return false;

        public bool HasSecureAccess(Mobile m, SecureLevel level)
            if (m.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster)
                return true;

            if (this.IsCombatRestricted(m))
                return false;

            switch ( level )
                case SecureLevel.Owner:
                    return this.IsOwner(m);
                case SecureLevel.CoOwners:
                    return this.IsCoOwner(m);
                case SecureLevel.Friends:
                    return this.IsFriend(m);
                case SecureLevel.Anyone:
                    return true;
                case SecureLevel.Guild:
                    return this.IsGuildMember(m) | this.IsOwner(m);

            return false;

        public void ReleaseSecure(Mobile m, Item item)
            if (this.m_Secures == null || !this.IsOwner(m) || item is StrongBox || !this.IsActive)

            for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Secures.Count; ++i)
                SecureInfo info = (SecureInfo)this.m_Secures[i];

                if (info.Item == item && this.HasSecureAccess(m, info.Level))
                    item.IsLockedDown = false;
                    item.IsSecure = false;

                    #region Mondain's Legacy
                    if (item is BaseAddonContainer)
                        item.Movable = false;

                        item.Movable = true;
                    item.PublicOverheadMessage(Server.Network.MessageType.Label, 0x3B2, 501656);//[no longer secure]

            m.SendLocalizedMessage(501717);//This isn't secure...

        public override bool Decays
                return false;

        public void AddStrongBox(Mobile from)
            if (!this.IsCoOwner(from) || !this.IsActive)

            if (from == this.Owner)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(502109); // Owners don't get a strong box

            if (this.IsAosRules ? !this.CheckAosLockdowns(1) : ((this.LockDownCount + 1) > this.m_MaxLockDowns))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005379);//That would exceed the maximum lock down limit for this house

            foreach (SecureInfo info in this.m_Secures)
                Container c = info.Item;

                if (!c.Deleted && c is StrongBox && ((StrongBox)c).Owner == from)
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(502112);//You already have a strong box

            for (int i = 0; this.m_Doors != null && i < this.m_Doors.Count; ++i)
                BaseDoor door = this.m_Doors[i] as BaseDoor;
                Point3D p = door.Location;

                if (door.Open)
                    p = new Point3D(p.X - door.Offset.X, p.Y - door.Offset.Y, p.Z - door.Offset.Z);

                if ((from.Z + 16) >= p.Z && (p.Z + 16) >= from.Z)
                    if (from.InRange(p, 1))
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(502113); // You cannot place a strongbox near a door or near steps.

            StrongBox sb = new StrongBox(from, this);
            sb.Movable = false;
            sb.IsLockedDown = false;
            sb.IsSecure = true;
            this.m_Secures.Add(new SecureInfo(sb, SecureLevel.CoOwners));
            sb.MoveToWorld(from.Location, from.Map);

        public void Kick(Mobile from, Mobile targ)
            if (!this.IsFriend(from) || this.m_Friends == null)

            if (targ.IsStaff() && from.AccessLevel <= targ.AccessLevel)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501346); // Uh oh...a bigger boot may be required!
            else if (this.IsFriend(targ) && !Core.ML)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501348); // You cannot eject a friend of the house!
            else if (targ is PlayerVendor)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501351); // You cannot eject a vendor.
            else if (!this.IsInside(targ))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501352); // You may not eject someone who is not in your house!
            else if (targ is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)targ).NoHouseRestrictions)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501347); // You cannot eject that from the house!
                targ.MoveToWorld(this.BanLocation, this.Map);

                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042840, targ.Name); // ~1_PLAYER NAME~ has been ejected from this house.
                targ.SendLocalizedMessage(501341); /* You have been ejected from this house.
                * If you persist in entering, you may be banned from the house.

        public void RemoveAccess(Mobile from, Mobile targ)
            if (!this.IsFriend(from) || this.m_Access == null)

            if (this.m_Access.Contains(targ))

                if (!this.HasAccess(targ) && this.IsInside(targ))
                    targ.Location = this.BanLocation;
                    targ.SendLocalizedMessage(1060734); // Your access to this house has been revoked.

                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1050051); // The invitation has been revoked.

        public void RemoveBan(Mobile from, Mobile targ)
            if (!this.IsCoOwner(from) || this.m_Bans == null)

            if (this.m_Bans.Contains(targ))

                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501297); // The ban is lifted.

        public void Ban(Mobile from, Mobile targ)
            if (!this.IsFriend(from) || this.m_Bans == null)

            if (targ.IsStaff() && from.AccessLevel <= targ.AccessLevel)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501354); // Uh oh...a bigger boot may be required.
            else if (this.IsFriend(targ))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501348); // You cannot eject a friend of the house!
            else if (targ is PlayerVendor)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501351); // You cannot eject a vendor.
            else if (this.m_Bans.Count >= MaxBans)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501355); // The ban limit for this house has been reached!
            else if (this.IsBanned(targ))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501356); // This person is already banned!
            else if (!this.IsInside(targ))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501352); // You may not eject someone who is not in your house!
            else if (!this.Public && this.IsAosRules)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062521); // You cannot ban someone from a private house.  Revoke their access instead.
            else if (targ is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)targ).NoHouseRestrictions)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062040); // You cannot ban that.

                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042839, targ.Name); // ~1_PLAYER_NAME~ has been banned from this house.
                targ.SendLocalizedMessage(501340); // You have been banned from this house.

                targ.MoveToWorld(this.BanLocation, this.Map);

        public void GrantAccess(Mobile from, Mobile targ)
            if (!this.IsFriend(from) || this.m_Access == null)

            if (this.HasAccess(targ))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1060729); // That person already has access to this house.
            else if (!targ.Player)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1060712); // That is not a player.
            else if (this.IsBanned(targ))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501367); // This person is banned!  Unban them first.

                targ.SendLocalizedMessage(1060735); // You have been granted access to this house.

        public void AddCoOwner(Mobile from, Mobile targ)
            if (!this.IsOwner(from) || this.m_CoOwners == null || this.m_Friends == null)

            if (this.IsOwner(targ))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501360); // This person is already the house owner!
            else if (this.m_Friends.Contains(targ))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501361); // This person is a friend of the house. Remove them first.
            else if (!targ.Player)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501362); // That can't be a co-owner of the house.
            /*else if (HasAccountHouse(targ))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501364); // That person is already a house owner.
            else if (this.IsBanned(targ))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501367); // This person is banned!  Unban them first.
            else if (this.m_CoOwners.Count >= MaxCoOwners)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501368); // Your co-owner list is full!
            else if (this.m_CoOwners.Contains(targ))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501369); // This person is already on your co-owner list!

                targ.SendLocalizedMessage(501343); // You have been made a co-owner of this house.

        public void AddCoOwner(Mobile targ)

            List<Mobile> remove = new List<Mobile>();
            foreach(Mobile m in m_CoOwners)
                if (AccountHandler.CheckAccount(m, targ) && m != targ)

            foreach (Mobile m in remove)


            foreach (Mobile m in m_Friends)
                if (AccountHandler.CheckAccount(m, targ))

            foreach (Mobile m in remove)


        public void RemoveCoOwner(Mobile from, Mobile targ)
            if (!this.IsOwner(from) || this.m_CoOwners == null)

            if (this.m_CoOwners.Contains(targ))


                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501299); // Co-owner removed from list.
                targ.SendLocalizedMessage(501300); // You have been removed as a house co-owner.

                foreach (SecureInfo info in this.m_Secures)
                    Container c = info.Item;

                    if (c is StrongBox && ((StrongBox)c).Owner == targ)
                        c.IsLockedDown = false;
                        c.IsSecure = false;

        public void AddFriend(Mobile from, Mobile targ)
            if (!this.IsCoOwner(from) || this.m_Friends == null || this.m_CoOwners == null)

            if (this.IsOwner(targ))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501370); // This person is already an owner of the house!
            else if (this.m_CoOwners.Contains(targ))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501369); // This person is already on your co-owner list!
            else if (!targ.Player)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501371); // That can't be a friend of the house.
            else if (this.IsBanned(targ))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501374); // This person is banned!  Unban them first.
            else if (this.m_Friends.Count >= MaxFriends)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501375); // Your friends list is full!
            else if (this.m_Friends.Contains(targ))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501376); // This person is already on your friends list!

                targ.SendLocalizedMessage(501337); // You have been made a friend of this house.

        public void RemoveFriend(Mobile from, Mobile targ)
            if (!this.IsCoOwner(from) || this.m_Friends == null)

            if (this.m_Friends.Contains(targ))


                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501298); // Friend removed from list.
                targ.SendLocalizedMessage(1060751); // You are no longer a friend of this house.

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)

            writer.Write((int)17); // version

            writer.WriteItemList(m_Carpets, true);

            if (!DynamicDecay.Enabled)


            writer.WriteItemList(this.m_VendorRentalContracts, true);
            writer.WriteMobileList(this.m_InternalizedVendors, true);

            foreach (RelocatedEntity relEntity in this.m_RelocatedEntities)

                if ((relEntity.Entity is Item && ((Item)relEntity.Entity).Deleted) || (relEntity.Entity is Mobile && ((Mobile)relEntity.Entity).Deleted))

            for (int i = 0; i < this.m_VendorInventories.Count; i++)
                VendorInventory inventory = (VendorInventory)this.m_VendorInventories[i];






            writer.WriteItemList(this.m_Addons, true);


            for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Secures.Count; ++i)


            //writer.Write( BanLocation );


            // Version 5 no longer serializes region coords
            /*writer.Write( (int)m_Region.Coords.Count );
            foreach( Rectangle2D rect in m_Region.Coords )
            writer.Write( rect );

            writer.WriteMobileList(this.m_CoOwners, true);
            writer.WriteMobileList(this.m_Friends, true);
            writer.WriteMobileList(this.m_Bans, true);


            writer.WriteItemList(this.m_Doors, true);

            ColUtility.ForEach(m_LockDowns, (key, value) =>


            // Items in locked down containers that aren't locked down themselves must decay!
            foreach(KeyValuePair<Item, Mobile> kvp in m_LockDowns)
                Item item = kvp.Key;

                if (item is Container && !(item is BaseBoard || item is Aquarium || item is FishBowl))
                    Container cont = (Container)item;
                    List<Item> children = cont.Items;

                    for (int j = 0; j < children.Count; ++j)
                        Item child = children[j];

                        if (child.Decays && !child.IsLockedDown && !child.IsSecure && (child.LastMoved + child.DecayTime) <= DateTime.UtcNow)
                            Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.Zero, new TimerCallback(child.Delete));

        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

            int version = reader.ReadInt();
            int count;
            bool loadedDynamicDecay = false;

            switch (version)
                case 17:
                        m_Carpets = reader.ReadItemList();
                        goto case 16;
                case 16: // version 16, converted lockdown list to dictionary
                case 15:
                        int stage = reader.ReadInt();

                        if (stage != -1)
                            this.m_CurrentStage = (DecayLevel)stage;
                            this.m_NextDecayStage = reader.ReadDateTime();
                            loadedDynamicDecay = true;

                        goto case 14;
                case 14:
                        this.m_RelativeBanLocation = reader.ReadPoint3D();
                        goto case 13;
                case 13: // removed ban location serialization
                case 12:
                        this.m_VendorRentalContracts = reader.ReadItemList();
                        this.m_InternalizedVendors = reader.ReadMobileList();

                        int relocatedCount = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
                        for (int i = 0; i < relocatedCount; i++)
                            Mobile m;

                            if (version > 15)
                                m = reader.ReadMobile();
                                m = Owner;

                            Point3D relLocation = reader.ReadPoint3D();
                            IEntity entity = World.FindEntity(reader.ReadInt());

                            if (entity != null)
                                this.m_RelocatedEntities.Add(new RelocatedEntity(entity, relLocation, m));

                        int inventoryCount = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
                        for (int i = 0; i < inventoryCount; i++)
                            VendorInventory inventory = new VendorInventory(this, reader);

                        goto case 11;
                case 11:
                        this.m_LastRefreshed = reader.ReadDateTime();
                        this.m_RestrictDecay = reader.ReadBool();
                        goto case 10;
                case 10: // just a signal for updates
                case 9:
                        this.m_Visits = reader.ReadInt();
                        goto case 8;
                case 8:
                        this.m_Price = reader.ReadInt();
                        goto case 7;
                case 7:
                        this.m_Access = reader.ReadMobileList();
                        goto case 6;
                case 6:
                        this.m_BuiltOn = reader.ReadDateTime();
                        this.m_LastTraded = reader.ReadDateTime();
                        goto case 5;
                case 5: // just removed fields
                case 4:
                        this.m_Addons = reader.ReadItemList();
                        goto case 3;
                case 3:
                        count = reader.ReadInt();
                        this.m_Secures = new ArrayList(count);

                        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                            SecureInfo info = new SecureInfo(reader);

                            if (info.Item != null)
                                info.Item.IsSecure = true;

                        goto case 2;
                case 2:
                        this.m_Public = reader.ReadBool();
                        goto case 1;
                case 1:
                        if (version < 13)
                            reader.ReadPoint3D(); // house ban location
                        goto case 0;
                case 0:
                        if (version < 17)
                            m_Carpets = new ArrayList();

                        if (version < 14)
                            this.m_RelativeBanLocation = this.BaseBanLocation;

                        if (version < 12)
                            this.m_VendorRentalContracts = new ArrayList();
                            this.m_InternalizedVendors = new ArrayList();

                        if (version < 4)
                            this.m_Addons = new ArrayList();

                        if (version < 7)
                            this.m_Access = new ArrayList();

                        if (version < 8)
                            this.m_Price = this.DefaultPrice;

                        this.m_Owner = reader.ReadMobile();

                        if (version < 5)
                            count = reader.ReadInt();

                            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)


                        this.m_CoOwners = reader.ReadMobileList();
                        this.m_Friends = reader.ReadMobileList();
                        this.m_Bans = reader.ReadMobileList();

                        this.m_Sign = reader.ReadItem() as HouseSign;
                        this.m_Trash = reader.ReadItem() as TrashBarrel;

                        this.m_Doors = reader.ReadItemList();

                        m_LockDowns = new Dictionary<Item, Mobile>();

                        if (version < 16)
                            ArrayList list = reader.ReadItemList();

                            foreach (Item item in list)
                                item.IsLockedDown = true;
                                m_LockDowns[item] = Owner;
                            int c = reader.ReadInt();
                            for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
                                Item item = reader.ReadItem();
                                Mobile m = reader.ReadMobile();

                                if (item != null)
                                    item.IsLockedDown = true;
                                    m_LockDowns[item] = m != null ? m : Owner;

                        for (int i = 0; i < this.m_VendorRentalContracts.Count; ++i)
                            ((Item)this.m_VendorRentalContracts[i]).IsLockedDown = true;

                        if (version < 3)
                            ArrayList items = reader.ReadItemList();
                            this.m_Secures = new ArrayList(items.Count);

                            for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; ++i)
                                Container c = items[i] as Container;

                                if (c != null)
                                    c.IsSecure = true;
                                    this.m_Secures.Add(new SecureInfo(c, SecureLevel.CoOwners));

                        this.m_MaxLockDowns = reader.ReadInt();
                        this.m_MaxSecures = reader.ReadInt();

                        if ((this.Map == null || this.Map == Map.Internal) && this.Location == Point3D.Zero)

                        if (this.m_Owner != null)
                            List<BaseHouse> list = null;
                            m_Table.TryGetValue(this.m_Owner, out list);

                            if (list == null)
                                m_Table[this.m_Owner] = list = new List<BaseHouse>();


            if (version <= 1)
                this.ChangeSignType(0xBD2);//private house, plain brass sign

            if (version < 10)
                /* NOTE: This can exceed the house lockdown limit. It must be this way, because
                * we do not want players' items to decay without them knowing. Or not even
                * having a chance to fix it themselves.
                Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.Zero, new TimerCallback(FixLockdowns_Sandbox));

            if (version < 11)
                this.m_LastRefreshed = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromHours(24 * Utility.RandomDouble());

            if (DynamicDecay.Enabled && !loadedDynamicDecay)
                DecayLevel old = this.GetOldDecayLevel();

                if (old == DecayLevel.DemolitionPending)
                    old = DecayLevel.Collapsed;


            if (!this.CheckDecay())
                if (this.RelocatedEntities.Count > 0)
                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.Zero, new TimerCallback(RestoreRelocatedEntities));

                if (this.m_Owner == null && this.m_Friends.Count == 0 && this.m_CoOwners.Count == 0)
                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10.0), new TimerCallback(Delete));

        private void FixLockdowns_Sandbox()
            Dictionary<Item, Mobile> lockDowns = new Dictionary<Item, Mobile>();

            foreach(KeyValuePair<Item, Mobile> kvp in m_LockDowns)
                if (kvp.Key is Container)
                    lockDowns.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<Item, Mobile> kvp in lockDowns)
                this.SetLockdown(kvp.Value, kvp.Key, true, true);

        public static void HandleDeletion(Mobile mob)
            List<BaseHouse> houses = GetHouses(mob);

            if (houses.Count == 0)

            Account acct = mob.Account as Account;
            Mobile trans = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < acct.Length; ++i)
                if (acct[i] != null && acct[i] != mob)
                    trans = acct[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < houses.Count; ++i)
                BaseHouse house = houses[i];

                bool canClaim = false;

                if (trans == null)
                    canClaim = (house.CoOwners.Count > 0);
                for ( int j = 0; j < house.CoOwners.Count; ++j )
                Mobile check = house.CoOwners[j] as Mobile;

                if ( check != null && !check.Deleted && !HasAccountHouse( check ) )
                canClaim = true;

                if (trans == null && !canClaim)
                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.Zero, new TimerCallback(house.Delete));
                    house.Owner = trans;

        public Mobile Owner
                return this.m_Owner;
                if (this.m_Owner != null)
                    List<BaseHouse> list = null;
                    m_Table.TryGetValue(this.m_Owner, out list);

                    if (list == null)
                        m_Table[this.m_Owner] = list = new List<BaseHouse>();


                this.m_Owner = value;

                if (this.m_Owner != null)
                    List<BaseHouse> list = null;
                    m_Table.TryGetValue(this.m_Owner, out list);

                    if (list == null)
                        m_Table[this.m_Owner] = list = new List<BaseHouse>();


                if (this.m_Sign != null)

        public int Visits
                return this.m_Visits;
                this.m_Visits = value;

        public bool Public
                return this.m_Public;
                if (this.m_Public != value)
                    this.m_Public = value;

                    if (!this.m_Public) // Privatizing the house, change to brass sign

                    if (this.m_Sign != null)

        public int MaxSecures
                return this.m_MaxSecures;
                this.m_MaxSecures = value;

        public Point3D BanLocation
                if (this.m_Region != null)
                    return this.m_Region.GoLocation;

                Point3D rel = this.m_RelativeBanLocation;
                return new Point3D(this.X + rel.X, this.Y + rel.Y, this.Z + rel.Z);
                this.RelativeBanLocation = new Point3D(value.X - this.X, value.Y - this.Y, value.Z - this.Z);

        public Point3D RelativeBanLocation
                return this.m_RelativeBanLocation;
                this.m_RelativeBanLocation = value;

                if (this.m_Region != null)
                    this.m_Region.GoLocation = new Point3D(this.X + value.X, this.Y + value.Y, this.Z + value.Z);

        public int MaxLockDowns
                return this.m_MaxLockDowns;
                this.m_MaxLockDowns = value;

        public Region Region
                return this.m_Region;
        public ArrayList CoOwners
                return this.m_CoOwners;
                this.m_CoOwners = value;
        public ArrayList Friends
                return this.m_Friends;
                this.m_Friends = value;
        public ArrayList Access
                return this.m_Access;
                this.m_Access = value;
        public ArrayList Bans
                return this.m_Bans;
                this.m_Bans = value;
        public ArrayList Doors
                return this.m_Doors;
                this.m_Doors = value;

        public int GetLockdowns()
            int count = 0;

            if (this.m_LockDowns != null)
                foreach(KeyValuePair<Item, Mobile> kvp in m_LockDowns)
                    Item item = kvp.Key;

                    if (item is Server.Engines.Plants.Seed && item.Parent is Server.Engines.Plants.SeedBox)

                    if (!(item is Container))
                        count += item.TotalItems;


            return count;

        public int LockDownCount
                int count = 0;

                count += this.GetLockdowns();

                if (this.m_Secures != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Secures.Count; ++i)
                        SecureInfo info = (SecureInfo)this.m_Secures[i];

                        if (info.Item.Deleted)
                        else if (info.Item is StrongBox)
                            count += 1;
                            count += 125;

                return count;

        public int SecureCount
                int count = 0;

                if (this.m_Secures != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Secures.Count; i++)
                        SecureInfo info = (SecureInfo)this.m_Secures[i];

                        if (info.Item.Deleted)
                        else if (!(info.Item is StrongBox))
                            count += 1;

                return count;

        public ArrayList Carpets { get { return m_Carpets; } set { m_Carpets = value; } }

        public ArrayList Addons
                return this.m_Addons;
                this.m_Addons = value;
        public Dictionary<Item, Mobile> LockDowns
                return this.m_LockDowns;
        public ArrayList Secures
                return this.m_Secures;
        public HouseSign Sign
                return this.m_Sign;
                this.m_Sign = value;
        public ArrayList PlayerVendors
                return this.m_PlayerVendors;
        public ArrayList PlayerBarkeepers
                return this.m_PlayerBarkeepers;
        public ArrayList VendorRentalContracts
                return this.m_VendorRentalContracts;
        public ArrayList VendorInventories
                return this.m_VendorInventories;
        public ArrayList RelocatedEntities
                return this.m_RelocatedEntities;
        public MovingCrate MovingCrate
                return this.m_MovingCrate;
                this.m_MovingCrate = value;
        public ArrayList InternalizedVendors
                return this.m_InternalizedVendors;

        public DateTime BuiltOn
                return this.m_BuiltOn;
                this.m_BuiltOn = value;

        public DateTime LastTraded
                return this.m_LastTraded;
                this.m_LastTraded = value;

        public override void OnDelete()

            new FixColumnTimer(this).Start();


        private class FixColumnTimer : Timer
            private readonly Map m_Map;
            private readonly int m_StartX;

            private readonly int m_StartY;

            private readonly int m_EndX;

            private readonly int m_EndY;

            public FixColumnTimer(BaseMulti multi)
                : base(TimeSpan.Zero)
                this.m_Map = multi.Map;

                MultiComponentList mcl = multi.Components;

                this.m_StartX = multi.X + mcl.Min.X;
                this.m_StartY = multi.Y + mcl.Min.Y;
                this.m_EndX = multi.X + mcl.Max.X;
                this.m_EndY = multi.Y + mcl.Max.Y;

            protected override void OnTick()
                if (this.m_Map == null)

                for (int x = this.m_StartX; x <= this.m_EndX; ++x)
                    for (int y = this.m_StartY; y <= this.m_EndY; ++y)
                        this.m_Map.FixColumn(x, y);

        public override void OnAfterDelete()

            if (this.m_Owner != null)
                List<BaseHouse> list = null;
                m_Table.TryGetValue(this.m_Owner, out list);

                if (list == null)
                    m_Table[this.m_Owner] = list = new List<BaseHouse>();


            if (this.m_Region != null)
                this.m_Region = null;

            if (this.m_Sign != null)

            if (this.m_Trash != null)

            if (this.m_Doors != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Doors.Count; ++i)
                    Item item = (Item)this.m_Doors[i];

                    if (item != null)


            if (this.m_LockDowns != null)
                foreach(KeyValuePair<Item, Mobile> kvp in m_LockDowns)
                    Item item = kvp.Key;

                    if (item != null)
                        item.IsLockedDown = false;
                        item.IsSecure = false;
                        item.Movable = true;


            if (this.VendorRentalContracts != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.VendorRentalContracts.Count; ++i)
                    Item item = (Item)this.VendorRentalContracts[i];

                    if (item != null)
                        item.IsLockedDown = false;
                        item.IsSecure = false;
                        item.Movable = true;


            if (this.m_Secures != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Secures.Count; ++i)
                    SecureInfo info = (SecureInfo)this.m_Secures[i];

                    if (info.Item is StrongBox)
                        info.Item.IsLockedDown = false;
                        info.Item.IsSecure = false;
                        info.Item.Movable = true;


            if (this.m_Addons != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Addons.Count; ++i)
                    Item item = (Item)this.m_Addons[i];

                    if (item != null)
                        if (!item.Deleted && item is IAddon)
                            Item deed = ((IAddon)item).Deed;
                            bool retainDeedHue = false;    //if the items aren't hued but the deed itself is
                            int hue = 0;

                            if (item is BaseAddon && ((BaseAddon)item).RetainDeedHue)    //There are things that are IAddon which aren't BaseAddon
                                BaseAddon ba = (BaseAddon)item;
                                retainDeedHue = true;

                                for (int j = 0; hue == 0 && j < ba.Components.Count; ++j)
                                    AddonComponent c = ba.Components[j];

                                    if (c.Hue != 0)
                                        hue = c.Hue;

                            if (deed != null)
                                if (retainDeedHue)
                                    deed.Hue = hue;
                                deed.MoveToWorld(item.Location, item.Map);



            if (m_Carpets != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < m_Carpets.Count; ++i)
                    Item carpet = (Item)m_Carpets[i];

                    if (carpet != null)
                        carpet.Movable = true;

            ArrayList inventories = new ArrayList(this.VendorInventories);

            foreach (VendorInventory inventory in inventories)

            if (this.MovingCrate != null)



        public static bool HasHouse(Mobile m)
            if (m == null)
                return false;

            List<BaseHouse> list = null;
            m_Table.TryGetValue(m, out list);

            if (list == null)
                return false;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
                BaseHouse h = list[i];

                if (!h.Deleted)
                    return true;

            return false;

        public static bool HasAccountHouse(Mobile m)
            Account a = m.Account as Account;

            if (a == null)
                return false;

                return true;

            int count = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; ++i)
                if (a[i] != null && HasHouse(a[i]))

            return count >= m_AccountHouseLimit;

        public bool IsOwner(Mobile m)
            if (m == null)
                return false;

            if (m == this.m_Owner || m.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster)
                return true;

            return this.IsAosRules && AccountHandler.CheckAccount(m, this.m_Owner);

        public bool IsCoOwner(Mobile m)
            if (m == null || this.m_CoOwners == null)
                return false;

            if (this.IsOwner(m) || this.m_CoOwners.Contains(m))
                return true;

            foreach (Mobile mob in m_CoOwners)
                if (AccountHandler.CheckAccount(mob, m))
                    return true;

            return !this.IsAosRules && AccountHandler.CheckAccount(m, this.m_Owner);

        public bool IsGuildMember(Mobile m)
            if (m == null || this.Owner == null || this.Owner.Guild == null)
                return false;

            return (m.Guild == this.Owner.Guild);

        public void RemoveKeys(Mobile m)
            if (this.m_Doors != null)
                uint keyValue = 0;

                for (int i = 0; keyValue == 0 && i < this.m_Doors.Count; ++i)
                    BaseDoor door = this.m_Doors[i] as BaseDoor;

                    if (door != null)
                        keyValue = door.KeyValue;

                Key.RemoveKeys(m, keyValue);

        public void ChangeLocks(Mobile m)
            uint keyValue = this.CreateKeys(m);

            if (this.m_Doors != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Doors.Count; ++i)
                    BaseDoor door = this.m_Doors[i] as BaseDoor;

                    if (door != null)
                        door.KeyValue = keyValue;

        public void RemoveLocks()
            if (this.m_Doors != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Doors.Count; ++i)
                    BaseDoor door = this.m_Doors[i] as BaseDoor;

                    if (door != null)
                        door.KeyValue = 0;
                        door.Locked = false;

        public virtual HousePlacementEntry ConvertEntry
                return null;
        public virtual int ConvertOffsetX
                return 0;
        public virtual int ConvertOffsetY
                return 0;
        public virtual int ConvertOffsetZ
                return 0;

        public virtual int DefaultPrice
                return 0;

        public int Price
                return this.m_Price;
                this.m_Price = value;

        public virtual HouseDeed GetDeed()
            return null;

        public bool IsFriend(Mobile m)
            if (m == null || this.m_Friends == null)
                return false;

            return (this.IsCoOwner(m) || this.m_Friends.Contains(m));

        public bool IsBanned(Mobile m)
            if (m == null || m == this.Owner || m.IsStaff() || this.m_Bans == null)
                return false;

            Account theirAccount = m.Account as Account;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Bans.Count; ++i)
                Mobile c = (Mobile)this.m_Bans[i];

                if (c == m)
                    return true;

                Account bannedAccount = c.Account as Account;

                if (bannedAccount != null && bannedAccount == theirAccount)
                    return true;

            return false;

        public bool HasAccess(Mobile m)
            if (m == null)
                return false;

            if (m.IsStaff() || this.IsFriend(m) || (this.m_Access != null && this.m_Access.Contains(m)))
                return true;

            if (m is BaseCreature)
                BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)m;

                if (bc.NoHouseRestrictions)
                    return true;

                if (bc.Controlled || bc.Summoned)
                    m = bc.ControlMaster;

                    if (m == null)
                        m = bc.SummonMaster;

                    if (m == null)
                        return false;

                    if (m.IsStaff() || this.IsFriend(m) || (this.m_Access != null && this.m_Access.Contains(m)))
                        return true;

            return false;

        public new bool IsLockedDown(Item check)
            if (check == null)
                return false;

            if (this.m_LockDowns == null)
                return false;

            return (this.m_LockDowns.ContainsKey(check) || this.VendorRentalContracts.Contains(check));

        public new bool IsSecure(Item item)
            if (item == null)
                return false;

            if (this.m_Secures == null)
                return false;

            bool contains = false;

            for (int i = 0; !contains && i < this.m_Secures.Count; ++i)
                contains = (((SecureInfo)this.m_Secures[i]).Item == item);

            return contains;

        public virtual Guildstone FindGuildstone()
            Map map = this.Map;

            if (map == null)
                return null;

            MultiComponentList mcl = this.Components;
            IPooledEnumerable eable = map.GetItemsInBounds(new Rectangle2D(this.X + mcl.Min.X, this.Y + mcl.Min.Y, mcl.Width, mcl.Height));

            foreach (Item item in eable)
                if (item is Guildstone && this.Contains(item))
                    return (Guildstone)item;

            return null;

    public enum DecayType

    public enum DecayLevel

    public enum SecureAccessResult

    public enum SecureLevel

    public class SecureInfo : ISecurable
        private readonly Container m_Item;
        private SecureLevel m_Level;

        public Container Item
                return this.m_Item;
        public SecureLevel Level
                return this.m_Level;
                this.m_Level = value;

        public SecureInfo(Container item, SecureLevel level)
            this.m_Item = item;
            this.m_Level = level;

        public SecureInfo(GenericReader reader)
            this.m_Item = reader.ReadItem() as Container;
            this.m_Level = (SecureLevel)reader.ReadByte();

        public void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)

    public class RelocatedEntity
        private readonly IEntity m_Entity;
        private readonly Point3D m_RelativeLocation;
        private readonly Mobile m_Owner;

        public IEntity Entity
                return this.m_Entity;

        public Point3D RelativeLocation
                return this.m_RelativeLocation;

        public Mobile Owner
                return this.m_Owner;

        public RelocatedEntity(IEntity entity, Point3D relativeLocation, Mobile owner)
            this.m_Entity = entity;
            this.m_RelativeLocation = relativeLocation;
            this.m_Owner = owner;

    #region Targets

    public class LockdownTarget : Target
        private readonly bool m_Release;
        private readonly BaseHouse m_House;

        public LockdownTarget(bool release, BaseHouse house)
            : base(12, false, TargetFlags.None)
            this.CheckLOS = false;

            this.m_Release = release;
            this.m_House = house;

        protected override void OnTargetNotAccessible(Mobile from, object targeted)
            this.OnTarget(from, targeted);

        protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
            if (!from.Alive || this.m_House.Deleted || !this.m_House.IsCoOwner(from))

            if (targeted is Item)
                if (this.m_Release)
                    #region Mondain's legacy
                    if (targeted is AddonContainerComponent)
                        AddonContainerComponent component = (AddonContainerComponent)targeted;

                        if (component.Addon != null)
                            this.m_House.Release(from, component.Addon);
                        this.m_House.Release(from, (Item)targeted);
                    if (targeted is VendorRentalContract)
                        from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1062392); // You must double click the contract in your pack to lock it down.
                        from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 501732); // I cannot lock this down!
                    else if ((Item)targeted is AddonComponent)
                        from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3E9, 501727); // You cannot lock that down!
                        from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3E9, 501732); // I cannot lock this down!
                        #region Mondain's legacy
                        if (targeted is AddonContainerComponent)
                            AddonContainerComponent component = (AddonContainerComponent)targeted;

                            if (component.Addon != null)
                                this.m_House.LockDown(from, component.Addon);

                            this.m_House.LockDown(from, (Item)targeted);
            else if (targeted is StaticTarget)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005377); //You cannot lock that down

    public class SecureTarget : Target
        private readonly bool m_Release;
        private readonly BaseHouse m_House;

        public SecureTarget(bool release, BaseHouse house)
            : base(12, false, TargetFlags.None)
            this.CheckLOS = false;

            this.m_Release = release;
            this.m_House = house;

        protected override void OnTargetNotAccessible(Mobile from, object targeted)
            this.OnTarget(from, targeted);

        protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
            if (!from.Alive || this.m_House.Deleted || !this.m_House.IsCoOwner(from))

            if (targeted is Item)
                if (this.m_Release)
                    #region Mondain's legacy
                    if (targeted is AddonContainerComponent)
                        AddonContainerComponent component = (AddonContainerComponent)targeted;

                        if (component.Addon != null)
                            this.m_House.ReleaseSecure(from, component.Addon);

                        this.m_House.ReleaseSecure(from, (Item)targeted);
                    if (targeted is VendorRentalContract)
                        from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1062392); // You must double click the contract in your pack to lock it down.
                        from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 501732); // I cannot lock this down!
                        #region Mondain's legacy
                        if (targeted is AddonContainerComponent)
                            AddonContainerComponent component = (AddonContainerComponent)targeted;

                            if (component.Addon != null)
                                this.m_House.AddSecure(from, component.Addon);

                            this.m_House.AddSecure(from, (Item)targeted);
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1010424);//You cannot secure this

    public class HouseKickTarget : Target
        private readonly BaseHouse m_House;

        public HouseKickTarget(BaseHouse house)
            : base(-1, false, TargetFlags.None)
            this.CheckLOS = false;

            this.m_House = house;

        protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
            if (!from.Alive || this.m_House.Deleted || !this.m_House.IsFriend(from))

            if (targeted is Mobile)
                this.m_House.Kick(from, (Mobile)targeted);
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501347);//You cannot eject that from the house!

    public class HouseBanTarget : Target
        private readonly BaseHouse m_House;
        private readonly bool m_Banning;

        public HouseBanTarget(bool ban, BaseHouse house)
            : base(-1, false, TargetFlags.None)
            this.CheckLOS = false;

            this.m_House = house;
            this.m_Banning = ban;

        protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
            if (!from.Alive || this.m_House.Deleted || !this.m_House.IsFriend(from))

            if (targeted is Mobile)
                if (this.m_Banning)
                    this.m_House.Ban(from, (Mobile)targeted);
                    this.m_House.RemoveBan(from, (Mobile)targeted);
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501347);//You cannot eject that from the house!

    public class HouseAccessTarget : Target
        private readonly BaseHouse m_House;

        public HouseAccessTarget(BaseHouse house)
            : base(-1, false, TargetFlags.None)
            this.CheckLOS = false;

            this.m_House = house;

        protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
            if (!from.Alive || this.m_House.Deleted || !this.m_House.IsFriend(from))

            if (targeted is Mobile)
                this.m_House.GrantAccess(from, (Mobile)targeted);
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1060712); // That is not a player.

    public class CoOwnerTarget : Target
        private readonly BaseHouse m_House;
        private readonly bool m_Add;

        public CoOwnerTarget(bool add, BaseHouse house)
            : base(12, false, TargetFlags.None)
            this.CheckLOS = false;

            this.m_House = house;
            this.m_Add = add;

        protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
            if (!from.Alive || this.m_House.Deleted || !this.m_House.IsOwner(from))

            if (targeted is Mobile)
                if (this.m_Add)
                    this.m_House.AddCoOwner(from, (Mobile)targeted);
                    this.m_House.RemoveCoOwner(from, (Mobile)targeted);
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501362);//That can't be a coowner

    public class HouseFriendTarget : Target
        private readonly BaseHouse m_House;
        private readonly bool m_Add;

        public HouseFriendTarget(bool add, BaseHouse house)
            : base(12, false, TargetFlags.None)
            this.CheckLOS = false;

            this.m_House = house;
            this.m_Add = add;

        protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
            if (!from.Alive || this.m_House.Deleted || !this.m_House.IsCoOwner(from))

            if (targeted is Mobile)
                if (this.m_Add)
                    this.m_House.AddFriend(from, (Mobile)targeted);
                    this.m_House.RemoveFriend(from, (Mobile)targeted);
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501371); // That can't be a friend

    public class HouseOwnerTarget : Target
        private readonly BaseHouse m_House;

        public HouseOwnerTarget(BaseHouse house)
            : base(12, false, TargetFlags.None)
            this.CheckLOS = false;

            this.m_House = house;

        protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
            if (targeted is Mobile)
                this.m_House.BeginConfirmTransfer(from, (Mobile)targeted);
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501384); // Only a player can own a house!


    public class SetSecureLevelEntry : ContextMenuEntry
        private readonly Item m_Item;
        private readonly ISecurable m_Securable;

        public SetSecureLevelEntry(Item item, ISecurable securable)
            : base(6203, 6)
            this.m_Item = item;
            this.m_Securable = securable;

        public static ISecurable GetSecurable(Mobile from, Item item)
            BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(item);

            if (house == null || !house.IsOwner(from) || !house.IsAosRules)
                return null;

            ISecurable sec = null;

            if (item is ISecurable)
                bool isOwned = house.Doors.Contains(item);

                if (!isOwned)
                    isOwned = (house is HouseFoundation && ((HouseFoundation)house).IsFixture(item));

                if (!isOwned)
                    isOwned = house.IsLockedDown(item);

                if (isOwned)
                    sec = (ISecurable)item;
                ArrayList list = house.Secures;

                for (int i = 0; sec == null && list != null && i < list.Count; ++i)
                    SecureInfo si = (SecureInfo)list[i];

                    if (si.Item == item)
                        sec = si;

            return sec;

        public static void AddTo(Mobile from, Item item, List<ContextMenuEntry> list)
            ISecurable sec = GetSecurable(from, item);

            if (sec != null)
                list.Add(new SetSecureLevelEntry(item, sec));

        public override void OnClick()
            ISecurable sec = GetSecurable(this.Owner.From, this.m_Item);

            if (sec != null)
                this.Owner.From.CloseGump(typeof (SetSecureLevelGump));
                this.Owner.From.SendGump(new SetSecureLevelGump(this.Owner.From, sec, BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(this.m_Item)));

    public class TempNoHousingRegion : BaseRegion
        private readonly Mobile m_RegionOwner;

        public TempNoHousingRegion(BaseHouse house, Mobile regionowner)
            : base(null, house.Map, Region.DefaultPriority, house.Region.Area)

            this.m_RegionOwner = regionowner;

            Timer.DelayCall(house.RestrictedPlacingTime, Unregister);

        public override bool AllowHousing(Mobile from, Point3D p)
            return (from == this.m_RegionOwner || AccountHandler.CheckAccount(from, this.m_RegionOwner));
I know this is an old post, so probably won't get a lot of attention, but what do I need to change in Basehouse.cs to allow people to lock down or secure items in the castle courtyards?
I would like to use this .
has anyone out there with one that works . I am a very new at this I tried adding the edits but think I probably put it wrong spot . using version 57 . the short snips of stuff is great for old-timer's but us newer types could use a line number reference or a few lines above or below the right area .
It does work. You only have to add the new HouseRegion check in BaseHouse.cs if you want to be able to lock things down in the cellar. You can place the cellar OK, yes? And you also have to think about serialisation which is in effect "saving" the items that are in the house every time there is a world save. I know it's all a bit daunting when you are starting out. We were all there once.
Last edited:
thanks for replying still dumb as box of rocks do I put the new Region check at the end of basehouse.cs Yes I can place the cellar it works great except locking down deco like Navery webs an eggcases.
I really don't mind someone locking down in courtyards if thats easier to accomplish .
I had to modify quite a few scripts to get things to lock down in the cellar and this also enables it in courtyards. I also had to modify HouseRegion.cs so that if you log off in a cellar or courtyard you don't get booted out to the house sign when you log back in and also you can ban/remove people from your courtyard. Another issue is that with the original you could only place a cellar where z = 0 so I changed that to make the cellar depth variable with the land height. All of this means that you can lock down craftable walls and even doors in your cellar which make for some good deco. Here are pictures of it in one of my custom houses. This is our largest house which is bigger upstairs. Here you see the ground floor with central courtyard, but because upstairs is bigger, there is actually an extended courtyard outside where I am able to lock down hedges and other deco. The hedge is at the house boundary. The house overhangs the rock face at the corner because it is higher and therefore legally places. Double-click the bookcase and you and your pets are teleported to the cellar around 30 z below. In the cellar you will see that I have locked down craftable walls and a door to make it look like you go up the steps and through the door to exit, and craftable walls line the edge of the cellar and also there is a walled section to divide the cellar into rooms. Because I also own the house next door, I can put crafted doors in the wall and a house teleporter tile in each house cellar so that you can simply walk through to the next house's cellar. I will attach the code sections that you need for each file. CellarTeleporter.JPG


I use this cellar as a junk room for the in-game items I accumulate. The spider walls are a stealable item from our Halloween event. The things on the floor to the left are crafting boost talismans which drop from boss mobs.

Note that I am using RunUO which has been heavily modified from 2.4 with bits from 2.7, bits from ServUO and very many custom mods of my own. For example my doors hold the name and type of key so re-keying is easy. If you change your house locks all the keys are correctly named, like "key to a keep" or whatever, the front doors are gold keys and the inner ones vary depending on type of door. Makes life easier for the house owner!
Post automatically merged:

I forgot the InteriorDecorator tool also need to be updated. See attachment for the changes

Good luck!



  • BaseAddonChanges.txt
    703 bytes · Views: 41
  • BaseHouseChanges.txt
    13.6 KB · Views: 43
  • HouseRegionChanges.txt
    2.2 KB · Views: 39
  • CellarAddon.cs
    13.9 KB · Views: 39
  • InteriorDecoratorChanges.txt
    3.1 KB · Views: 34
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I had to modify quite a few scripts to get things to lock down in the cellar and this also enables it in courtyards. I also had to modify HouseRegion.cs so that if you log off in a cellar or courtyard you don't get booted out to the house sign when you log back in and also you can ban/remove people from your courtyard. Another issue is that with the original you could only place a cellar where z = 0 so I changed that to make the cellar depth variable with the land height. All of this means that you can lock down craftable walls and even doors in your cellar which make for some good deco. Here are pictures of it in one of my custom houses. This is our largest house which is bigger upstairs. Here you see the ground floor with central courtyard, but because upstairs is bigger, there is actually an extended courtyard outside where I am able to lock down hedges and other deco. The hedge is at the house boundary. The house overhangs the rock face at the corner because it is higher and therefore legally places. Double-click the bookcase and you and your pets are teleported to the cellar around 30 z below. In the cellar you will see that I have locked down craftable walls and a door to make it look like you go up the steps and through the door to exit, and craftable walls line the edge of the cellar and also there is a walled section to divide the cellar into rooms. Because I also own the house next door, I can put crafted doors in the wall and a house teleporter tile in each house cellar so that you can simply walk through to the next house's cellar. I will attach the code sections that you need for each file. View attachment 17877

View attachment 17878

I use this cellar as a junk room for the in-game items I accumulate. The spider walls are a stealable item from our Halloween event. The things on the floor to the left are crafting boost talismans which drop from boss mobs.

Note that I am using RunUO which has been heavily modified from 2.4 with bits from 2.7, bits from ServUO and very many custom mods of my own. For example my doors hold the name and type of key so re-keying is easy. If you change your house locks all the keys are correctly named, like "key to a keep" or whatever, the front doors are gold keys and the inner ones vary depending on type of door. Makes life easier for the house owner!
Post automatically merged:

I forgot the InteriorDecorator tool also need to be updated. See attachment for the changes

Good luck!

Hey i have added the cellar and done the edits seems to all work fine but only my staff character can see anything placed onto the cellar floor. Any help would be appreciated lol
I'm afraid I don't know why that might be. It works fine on my shard for everyone. Although I think we had a problem with some added floor tiles. Someone placed different tiles down on their floor (crafted paving slabs or something like that) and they were not visible until we increased the z of that tile by 1 so reduce the cellar z by one by targeting the cellar floor with your "[inc z -1" and then increase the floor tile by 1, and then increase the cellar z by 1 again to put it back where it should be. But containers and anything else seem to place fine. Crates like in my shot and house add-ons etc. like the buoy top centre in this screenshot. All of these items, other than the buoy, are just placed down and locked down or secured and that character in the middle is just a normal player who I got to take the screenshot. And I know that the picnic baskets on the left are not locked down or secured.

Of course if the house falls you're screwed. Unless you put the house back and install a new cellar before the items decay.



  • Storage.JPG
    1.4 MB · Views: 6
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