I was wondering how to change the hue of command responses? For instance when I use the command "[add smithhammer" the server responds with " 1 object has been created in 0 seconds " and the text is grey. If I want the text to be hue 0x120, can I change that in the commands script?
m.SendMessage(33, "asdasdasasds");

In ServUO/Server/Mobile.cs, see this region:
#region Send[ASCII]Message

There are plenty of options:
public void SendMessage(string text)
public void SendMessage(string format, params object[] args)
public void SendMessage(int hue, string text)
public void SendMessage(int hue, string format, params object[] args)
public void SendAsciiMessage(string text)
public void SendAsciiMessage(string format, params object[] args)
public void SendAsciiMessage(int hue, string text)
public void SendAsciiMessage(int hue, string format, params object[] args)

Alternatively, if you use Visual Studio, you can see those different calls.