Does anyone know how I can change the keyword for bank?

All I see for keywords is this in banker.cs
        public override void OnSpeech( SpeechEventArgs e )
            if ( !e.Handled && e.Mobile.InRange( this.Location, 12 ) )
                for ( int i = 0; i < e.Keywords.Length; ++i )
                    int keyword = e.Keywords[i];

                    switch ( keyword )
                        case 0x0000: // *withdraw*
                            e.Handled = true;

                            if ( e.Mobile.Criminal )
                                this.Say( 500389 ); // I will not do business with a criminal!

                            string[] split = e.Speech.Split( ' ' );

                            if ( split.Length >= 2 )
                                int amount;

                                Container pack = e.Mobile.Backpack;

                                if ( !int.TryParse( split[1], out amount ) )

                                if ( amount > 5000 )
                                    this.Say( 500381 ); // Thou canst not withdraw so much at one time!
                                else if (pack == null || pack.Deleted || !(pack.TotalWeight < pack.MaxWeight) || !(pack.TotalItems < pack.MaxItems))
                                    this.Say(1048147); // Your backpack can't hold anything else.
                                else if (amount > 0)
                                    BankBox box = e.Mobile.FindBankNoCreate();

                                    if (box == null || !box.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Gold), amount))
                                        this.Say(500384); // Ah, art thou trying to fool me? Thou hast not so much gold!
                                        pack.DropItem(new Gold(amount));

                                        this.Say(1010005); // Thou hast withdrawn gold from thy account.

                        case 0x0001: // *balance*
                            e.Handled = true;

                            if ( e.Mobile.Criminal )
                                this.Say( 500389 ); // I will not do business with a criminal!

                            BankBox box = e.Mobile.FindBankNoCreate();

                            if ( box != null )
                                this.Say( 1042759, box.TotalGold.ToString() ); // Thy current bank balance is ~1_AMOUNT~ gold.
                                this.Say( 1042759, "0" ); // Thy current bank balance is ~1_AMOUNT~ gold.

                        case 0x0002: // *bank*
                            e.Handled = true;

                            if ( e.Mobile.Criminal )
                                this.Say( 500378 ); // Thou art a criminal and cannot access thy bank box.



            base.OnSpeech( e );
How would I change case 0x0002:// *bank* to a different word?
You can't really do that. Not based on the e.Keyword variable anyway. So, you can't just change the case to a different number. Nor can you use a string there. Those are Integers stored in the client, and they are limited. I am not even sure how to view all of them, as they don't exactly relate to Cliloc entries as far as I can tell.

What you have to use instead is e.Speech which is the string variable containing the spoken words. Then you can use something like this:
if (e.Speech.Contains('yada-yada')) do stuff;