
Felladrin submitted a new resource:

ClearOtherFacets Command - Helps to keep the world clean if you use only one facet in your shard.

ClearOtherFacets Command

This script is a rewrite of original [ClearFacet command from RunUO, that helps to keep the world clean if you use only one facet in your shard. So you don't need go through all maps typing [ClearFacet.

Just put ClearOtherFacets.cs on your Scripts folder, and in-game use the command: [ClearOtherFacets

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See also: [gobal remove where item map != trammel map != internal

Works with mobile or any other type just fine, plus you don't have to download, install, or restart anything. It's really nothing more than making use of the commands you already have.

You'd honestly be surprised at how much access to the game is at your fingertips just by using the global modify to search the entire contents of the game world for whatever your search query may be through the where limiter. And interface even turns it into a nice in-game Excel sheet for you.
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