Havent looked at your scripts but I know someone else made the lantern and made it work like lamp the lantern should work like a candle it has animation like a candle it doesn't turn on and off in the manner of 2 graphics like a lantern.

On that note Im interested in making all lamps/lanterns require oil to continue working. Osi states fish oil makes it burn longer so an oil flask should be required at minimum to sustain a lit oil consuming object.
Okay thanks. I just found theres also an east facing Dragon Lantern. Still trying to find the animated version.
Okay thanks. I just found theres also an east facing Dragon Lantern. Still trying to find the animated version.
Here are the animated graphics for the Dragon Lantern Lit Item Id's [ South 0x4CDE ] [ East 0x4CE2 ]

I briefly tried to make a lantern chargeable with an oil flask, I'll need to revisit that script and finish it.
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