For a long time we've had IP's connecting and disconnecting(this happens back to back), with various IP's. I've done IP loopups and they seem to be, from the ones I checked coming from China. I don't know a whole lot about networking, so I'm wondering what, if any, impact this could potentially have on the shard. When I use the [Admin comand in game the ones doing this show up as [no account] I 'm assuming this is just people probing the port that our UO server is on but I want to make sure there aren't any dangers in not doing anything about it. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

those are the joinuo, listuo, etc connecting to your shard to collect informations like amount of players, up/down status, etc.

edit: china? Might be proxies.
Ah ok.....there was a time that we weren't getting them......I'm not saying the screenshot contained ones from China.....I had ran a few before and the provider showed as from China. I didn't think they would poll for status that frequently...It happens like every 1 or 2 secs. Thank you for the answer though..that makes sense.
Oh boy... xD
On which website pollers are you listed on?
Are you using your direct IP to connect?
Are you hosting it at home or on a dedicated machine?
When was that time you did not have those, and what has changed since then?
Many of them...MMORPG TopList, GameServerLists, UOGateway,MmorpgTop200,GameZone,TopMmorpgSites,ListUO,etc.

Not sure what you mean by Direct IP to connect. We have a dedicated machine for hosting. It prob been at least 6months(just a guestimation) since I noticed it. Never seen it prior to that. The only thing I can think of would we added Vita-Nex Core some time ago. Other than that I'm at a loss. They aren't actually "logging" in. It shows connection, then like a second later a disconnect. Just a continuous stream of them. It doesnt appear to be causing any lag or other ill effects. Mainly its just annoying to me.
.It happens like every 1 or 2 secs
I wouldn't think they would be polling that often, but there are 8 different ips listed, you could always contact the listings which your with just to ask how often they do poll servers.
Oh, there's more! LOL If thats all it is it's no big deal. As I said just annoying. I'm not super worried about it, just probing to see of others knew anything about it. I'm too busy(lazy), to waist time enquiring with all the different lists. :cool:

As long as it's not impacting our shard I won't invest too much effort into researching it. But yeah, even if we were listed with 20 lists I still dont see them polling constantly. No joke, it's 24/7 and every few seconds....sometimes as often as every second.