After comparing a working base of servuo and the server im adding it to, aswell as checking the specific commit where the damageableitem is added (in its current state).
Ive gotten so far as adding one, grabbing the health bar and everything...BUT..

I cant attack it, neither with spells nor melee. (No mana is consumed, and my combatant value wont change to the items value)
The damageableitem script is the same as servuo's version, and at the moment i cant be sure why this is, and today i figured out i try sick my pet on it, and when it attacked i got the following error:

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindEntry(TKey key)
at Server.Items.BaseWeapon.OnHit(Mobile attacker, IDamageable damageable, Double damageBonus)
at Server.Items.BaseWeapon.OnSwing(Mobile attacker, IDamageable damageable, Double damageBonus)
at Server.Items.Fists.OnSwing(Mobile attacker, IDamageable defender)
at Server.Mobile.CombatTimer.OnTick()
at Server.Timer.Slice()
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)

The packets have been modified and yea went trough every script a few times.. I do hope someone else had this issue and solved it, and could point me in the right direction, or some pro could figure out where its wrong ^^,
Do it in debug mode, it will give you the line where the exception occurs. Also, there were a lot of core edits to make this work. I know its a pain in the ass but it was honestly the only way. DamageableItem has a method, OnDoubleClick, that will call Attack method in mobile. Follow those methods, and make sure they match the ServUO code so its being attacked.
Cheers, well could also be that the difference is too great.. but i will try a bit longer.. Atleast pets i tell to kill, start attacking.. sure with a crash but still. ill update with more info if i get any closer or given up =P