
Ok so for the first time ever , a new error has risen its fierce head and i am at lost on how to address this. Below is the error log and as you see, it only occurs when someone in staff was given a "normal char" account. I created the account with their pass. As soon as they create the char and click log in, the whole shard crashes and restarts. Is this related to the new update? Infor and/or help in this matter as usual and always is much appreciated. Account names and Ip's were removed per owners request. Not sure if it even makes a difference but just dont like ips out in public domain if can be be avoided.


  • crashlog.jpg
    161 KB · Views: 13
Server.Health.MasterSystem ? That is from some custom script isn't it? That is where your issue is.

Easiest way is to add a debug check, and then check again and see if the message comes up
public static Condition GetCondition(Mobile m)
... rest of the code
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Well until yesterday there has nver been a issue , then bam this hits, and i have not added any custom scripts lately, and at this point do not know enough to do a debug thing, my abilities at this time are rather limited but i am learning.Also as i said in my post, the shard "Crashes" and restarts on its own, so there is no screenshots nor the chance to take any. All i have is the crash log. Has to be something going on and i'm sure i'll find someone who can point to a starting place to look. Guess i'll roll over to RunUO and see if someone can help. Thanks
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By the looks of that crashlog it's something custom that's been added. Even if it's not recently added it can cause a crash, I've had systems in a server for months before someone does something that triggers a crash.
Try running the server in debug mode to get a more detailed report, or add the debug check in the script that Marcis suggested. It would also help if you could post up the script file so we can see where it's going wrong.
Ok it took some mind bending but i think i found the script thats causing the issue , health.cs. Was a script i added months ago and took forever to remember . We dont even use this anymore so i'm thinking the best thing to do is get a clean copy of a health.cs. I'll post the one i have , but have yet to find the (m) factor in "masterhealth" Been beating my head on the wall now for about three weeks, really didnt want to have to ask for any help on this one but i'm at my end. As usual , comments welcome, even the ones that are just suggestions. And the -debug addition, i tried to google this so that i might add it but i have yet to find a tutorial, suggestions there welcome. Thanks all


  • Health.cs
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