Hello heres the crashlog

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Server.TimeSystem.Support.GetMapIndex(Object o) in c:\ScriptsSupport.cs:line 611

at Server.TimeSystem.TimeEngine.GetFacetAdjustment(Object o) in c:\Scripts\Engines\TimeEngine.cs:line 121

at Server.TimeSystem.TimeEngine.GetAdjustments(Object o, Boolean useTimeZoneScaling) in c:\Scripts\\Engines\TimeEngine.cs:line 111

at Server.TimeSystem.TimeEngine.CalculateLightLevel(Object o, EffectsObject eo) in c:\Scripts\\Engines\TimeEngine.cs:line 317

at Server.TimeSystem.TimeEngine.CalculateLightLevel(Object o) in c:\Scripts\\Engines\TimeEngine.cs:line 269

at Server.LightCycle.ComputeLevelFor(Mobile from) in c:\Scripts\Misc\LightCycle.cs:line 77
at Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.ComputeBaseLightLevels(Int32& global, Int32& personal) in c:\Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs:line 1293

at Server.Mobile.ComputeLightLevels(Int32& global, Int32& personal)
at Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.CheckLightLevels(Boolean forceResend) in c:\Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs:line 1333

at Server.TimeSystem.Engine.OnMasterTick() in c:c:\Scripts\\Engine.cs:line 164

at Server.TimeSystem.Engine.TimeSystemTimer.OnTick() in c:\Scripts\CUSTOM\2017\TIMESYSTEM\Engine.cs:line 252

at Server.Timer.Slice()
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)


 public static int GetMapIndex(object o)
            int index = -1;

            if (o is Mobile)
                index = ((Mobile)o).Map.MapIndex; //Line 611
            else if (o is Item)
                index = ((Item)o).Map.MapIndex;
            else if (o is Map)
                index = ((Map)o).MapIndex;

            return index;

I post whole TimeEngine.cs sinc the line number may have been changed, i got the crash time ago and i remember i added some lines there

using System;
using Server;
using Server.Items;

namespace Server.TimeSystem
    public class TimeEngine
        #region Get Methods

        private static int GetMinutesAfterNight(int minute, int hour)
            if (hour >= Data.NightStartHour)
                return (hour - Data.NightStartHour) * Data.MinutesPerHour + minute - Data.NightStartMinute;
                return ((Data.HoursPerDay - Data.NightStartHour) + hour) * Data.MinutesPerHour + minute - Data.NightStartMinute;

        private static int GetMinutesAfterDay(int minute, int hour)
            if (hour >= Data.DayStartHour)
                return (hour - Data.DayStartHour) * Data.MinutesPerHour + minute - Data.DayStartMinute;
                return ((Data.HoursPerDay - Data.DayStartHour) + hour) * Data.MinutesPerHour + minute - Data.DayStartMinute;

        private static bool IsNightTime(int minute, int hour)
            if (hour == Data.NightStartHour && minute >= Data.NightStartMinute)
                return true;
            else if (hour > Data.NightStartHour || hour < Data.DayStartHour)
                return true;
                return false;
/////////////BROADCASTS DARKESTHOUR///////////////
public static void Dn()  
        //  World.Broadcast(258, false, "");
        //   World.Broadcast(258, false, "");
      //     World.Broadcast(258, false, "");
        //World.Broadcast(38, false, "");

public static void Bc()  
       //    World.Broadcast(258, false, "");
        //World.Broadcast(38, false, "");

public static void Dia()  
         //    World.Broadcast(258, false, "");
      //     World.Broadcast(258, false, "");
        //World.Broadcast(38, false, "");

        public static bool IsNightTime(object o)
            int x = Support.GetXAxis(o);

            int minute, hour;

            GetTimeMinHour(o, x, out minute, out hour);

            return IsNightTime(minute, hour);

        private static bool IsDarkestHour(int minute, int hour)
            int minutesAfterNight = GetMinutesAfterNight(minute, hour);

            if (minutesAfterNight - Data.DarkestHourStartMinutes >= 0)
                return ((minutesAfterNight - Data.DarkestHourStartMinutes) <= Data.DarkestHourTotalMinutes);
                return false;

        private static bool IsDarkestHour(int minute, int hour, EffectsObject eo)
            if (!Data.UseDarkestHour || eo == null || eo.EffectsMap == null || !eo.EffectsMap.UseDarkestHour)
                return false;

            return IsDarkestHour(minute, hour);

        public static bool IsDarkestHour(object o, EffectsObject eo)
            if (!Data.UseDarkestHour || eo == null || eo.EffectsMap == null || !eo.EffectsMap.UseDarkestHour)
                return false;

            int x = Support.GetXAxis(o);

            int minute, hour;

            GetTimeMinHour(o, x, out minute, out hour);

            return IsDarkestHour(minute, hour);

        public static int GetAdjustments(object o, bool useTimeZoneScaling)
            int x = Support.GetXAxis(o);

            if (x == -1)
                x = 0;

            return GetFacetAdjustment(o) + GetTimeZoneAdjustment(x, useTimeZoneScaling);

        public static int GetAdjustments(object o, int x)
            return GetFacetAdjustment(o) + GetTimeZoneAdjustment(x, Data.UseTimeZones);

        public static int GetFacetAdjustment(object o)
            int index = Support.GetMapIndex(o);

            if (index > -1)
                FacetPropsObject fpo = Data.FacetArray[index];

                return fpo.Adjustment;
                return 0;

        public static int GetTimeZoneAdjustment(int x, bool useTimeZoneScaling)
            if (Data.UseTimeZones)
                if (useTimeZoneScaling)
                    return Support.GetWholeNumber(Support.GetWholeNumber(x, Data.TimeZoneXDivisor, true), Data.TimeZoneScaleMinutes, true) * Data.TimeZoneScaleMinutes;
                    return Support.GetWholeNumber(x, Data.TimeZoneXDivisor, true);
                return 0;

        public static void GetTimeMinHour(object o, int x, out int minute, out int hour)
            minute = Data.Minute + GetAdjustments(o, x);
            hour = Data.Hour;
            int day = Data.Day;
            int month = Data.Month;
            int year = Data.Year;

            CheckTime(ref minute, ref hour, ref day, ref month, ref year, false);

        public static void GetTimeMonthDay(object o, int x, out int month, out int day)
            int minute = Data.Minute + GetAdjustments(o, x);
            int hour = Data.Hour;
            day = Data.Day;
            month = Data.Month;
            int year = Data.Year;

            CheckTime(ref minute, ref hour, ref day, ref month, ref year, false);


        #region Check Methods

        public static void CheckTime(ref int minute, ref int hour, ref int day, ref int month, ref int year, bool checkMoonPhaseDay)
            int totalMonths = Data.MonthsArray.Count;

            MonthPropsObject mpo = Data.MonthsArray[month - 1];

            int totalDays = mpo.TotalDays;

            if (minute >= Data.MinutesPerHour)
                int amountOver = Support.GetWholeNumber(minute, Data.MinutesPerHour, true);
                int leftOver = amountOver * Data.MinutesPerHour;

                minute -= leftOver;
                hour += amountOver;

            if (hour >= Data.HoursPerDay)
                int amountOver = Support.GetWholeNumber(hour, Data.HoursPerDay, true);
                int leftOver = amountOver * Data.HoursPerDay;

                hour -= leftOver;
                day += amountOver;

            while (day > totalDays)
                day -= totalDays;


                if (month > totalMonths)
                    month -= totalMonths;


                mpo = Data.MonthsArray[month - 1];

                totalDays = mpo.TotalDays;

            if (checkMoonPhaseDay)
                if (hour == Data.NightStartHour && minute == Data.NightStartMinute)
                    MoonEngine.IncrementMoonDay(1, day);


        #region Calculation Methods

        public static void CalculateBaseTime()
            if (Data.UseRealTime)
                Data.Minute = DateTime.Now.Minute;
                Data.Hour = DateTime.Now.Hour;
                Data.Day = DateTime.Now.Day;
                Data.Month = DateTime.Now.Month;
                Data.Year = DateTime.Now.Year;
                int minute = Data.Minute;
                int hour = Data.Hour;
                int day = Data.Day;
                int month = Data.Month;
                int year = Data.Year;

                minute += Data.MinutesPerTick;

                CheckTime(ref minute, ref hour, ref day, ref month, ref year, true);

                Data.Minute = minute;
                Data.Hour = hour;
                Data.Day = day;
                Data.Month = month;
                Data.Year = year;

        public static int CalculateLightLevel(object o)
            return CalculateLightLevel(o, null);

        public static int CalculateLightLevel(object o, EffectsObject eo)
            if (!Data.Enabled)
                return Data.DayLevel;

            MobileObject mo = null;

            if (o is Mobile)
                mo = Support.GetMobileObject((Mobile)o);

                if (mo != null)
                    if (DateTime.Now - mo.UpdateTimeStamp < TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Data.UpdateInterval))
                        return mo.LightLevel;

                    mo.IsDarkestHour = false;
                    return Data.DayLevel;

            if (o != null && eo == null)
                eo = EffectsEngine.GetEffects(o, false);

            int currentLevel = Data.BaseLightLevel;

            if (Data.UseLightLevelOverride && eo != null && eo.EffectsMap != null && eo.EffectsMap.UseLightLevelOverride)
                currentLevel = eo.EffectsMap.LightLevelOverrideAdjust;
                int nightLevelAdjust = MoonEngine.GetNightLevelAdjust();

                int x = Support.GetXAxis(o);

                int minute = Data.Minute + GetAdjustments(o, o is Mobile ? false : Data.UseTimeZones);
                int hour = Data.Hour;
                int day = Data.Day;
                int month = Data.Month;
                int year = Data.Year;

                if (o != null)
                    CheckTime(ref minute, ref hour, ref day, ref month, ref year, false);

                if (IsNightTime(minute, hour)) // Night time.
                    bool isDarkestHour = IsDarkestHour(minute, hour, eo);

                    if (mo != null)
                        mo.IsDarkestHour = isDarkestHour;
                        // Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 5.0 ), Dn);
                        //World.Broadcast(258, false, "");

                    int minutesAfterNight = GetMinutesAfterNight(minute, hour);

                    if (Data.ScaleTimeMinutes - minutesAfterNight >= 0)
                        currentLevel = (int)(nightLevelAdjust * ((double)minutesAfterNight / (double)Data.ScaleTimeMinutes));
                    else if (isDarkestHour)
                        if (o is BaseLight)
                            LightsEngine.CalculateLightOutage((BaseLight)o, eo);

                        int bonus = 0;

                        if (mo != null && eo != null && eo.EffectsMap != null)
                            if (Data.UseMurdererDarkestHourBonus && eo.EffectsMap.UseMurdererDarkestHourBonus && mo.IsMurderer)
                                bonus = eo.EffectsMap.MurdererDarkestHourLevelBonus;
                                // Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 5.0 ), Bc);
                                //World.Broadcast(258, false, ".");
                            //    World.Broadcast(258, false, ".");

                        int minutesAfterDarkestHour = minutesAfterNight - Data.DarkestHourStartMinutes;

                        if (minutesAfterDarkestHour <= Data.DarkestHourScaleTimeMinutes)
                            currentLevel = (int)(nightLevelAdjust + ((Data.DarkestHourLevel - bonus - nightLevelAdjust) * ((double)minutesAfterDarkestHour / (double)Data.DarkestHourScaleTimeMinutes)));
                        else if (minutesAfterDarkestHour > Data.DarkestHourScaleTimeMinutes && minutesAfterDarkestHour <= (Data.DarkestHourLength + Data.DarkestHourScaleTimeMinutes))
                            currentLevel = Data.DarkestHourLevel - bonus;
                        else if (minutesAfterDarkestHour > (Data.DarkestHourLength + Data.DarkestHourScaleTimeMinutes) && minutesAfterDarkestHour <= Data.DarkestHourTotalMinutes)
                            currentLevel = (int)(nightLevelAdjust + ((Data.DarkestHourLevel - bonus - nightLevelAdjust) * ((double)(Data.DarkestHourTotalMinutes - minutesAfterDarkestHour) / (double)Data.DarkestHourScaleTimeMinutes)));
                        currentLevel = nightLevelAdjust;

                    if (o is BaseLight && !isDarkestHour)
                        LightsEngine.UpdateManagedLight((BaseLight)o, currentLevel);
                else // Day time.
                    int minutesAfterDay = GetMinutesAfterDay(minute, hour);

                    if (Data.ScaleTimeMinutes - minutesAfterDay >= 0)
                        currentLevel = (int)((nightLevelAdjust - Data.DayLevel) - ((nightLevelAdjust - Data.DayLevel) * ((double)minutesAfterDay / (double)Data.ScaleTimeMinutes)));
                    //    World.Broadcast(258, false, "[EVENTO] El sol comienza a elevarse, la oscuridad es cada vez menor y tu sensacion de seguridad aumenta");
                    // Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 5.0 ), Dia);
                        currentLevel = Data.DayLevel;

                    if (o is BaseLight)
                        LightsEngine.UpdateManagedLight((BaseLight)o, currentLevel);

            if(currentLevel > Data.MaxLightLevel)
                currentLevel = Data.MaxLightLevel;
            else if(currentLevel < Data.MinLightLevel)
                currentLevel = Data.MinLightLevel;

            if (o == null)
                Data.BaseLightLevel = currentLevel;
            else if (o is Mobile)
                if (mo != null)
                    mo.UpdateTimeStamp = DateTime.Now;

                    mo.LightLevel = currentLevel;

                    EffectsEngine.CheckEffects(mo, eo, true, true);

            return currentLevel;



    public static int ComputeLevelFor( Mobile from )
    if ( m_LevelOverride > int.MinValue )
        return m_LevelOverride;

// ** EDIT ** Time System

    return TimeSystem.TimeEngine.CalculateLightLevel(from);  //Line 77

    int hours, minutes;

    Server.Items.Clock.GetTime( from.Map, from.X, from.Y, out hours, out minutes );

    // OSI times:
     * Midnight ->  3:59 AM : Night
     *  4:00 AM -> 11:59 PM : Day
     * RunUO times:
     * 10:00 PM -> 11:59 PM : Scale to night
     * Midnight ->  3:59 AM : Night
     *  4:00 AM ->  5:59 AM : Scale to day
     *  6:00 AM ->  9:59 PM : Day

    if ( hours < 4 )
        return NightLevel;

    if ( hours < 6 )
        return NightLevel + (((((hours - 4) * 60) + minutes) * (DayLevel - NightLevel)) / 120);

    if ( hours < 22 )
        return DayLevel;

    if ( hours < 24 )
        return DayLevel + (((((hours - 22) * 60) + minutes) * (NightLevel - DayLevel)) / 120);

    return NightLevel; // should never be

// ** END *** Time System


Again, my playermobile got edited so i post the few methods related to lightlevel


        private int m_LastGlobalLight = -1, m_LastPersonalLight = -1;

        public override void OnNetStateChanged()
            m_LastGlobalLight = -1;
            m_LastPersonalLight = -1;

        public override void ComputeBaseLightLevels( out int global, out int personal )
    global = LightCycle.ComputeLevelFor( this );

// ** EDIT ** Time System

    /*if ( this.LightLevel < 21 && AosAttributes.GetValue( this, AosAttribute.NightSight ) > 0 )
        personal = 21;
        personal = this.LightLevel;*/

    if (this.LightLevel < 21 && AosAttributes.GetValue(this, AosAttribute.NightSight) > 0)
        int level = TimeSystem.EffectsEngine.GetNightSightLevel(this, 21);

        if (level > -1)
            personal = level;
            personal = 0;
        personal = this.LightLevel;

// ** END *** Time System


        public override void CheckLightLevels( bool forceResend )
            NetState ns = NetState;

            if ( ns == null )

            int global, personal;

            ComputeLightLevels( out global, out personal );

            if ( !forceResend )
                forceResend = ( global != m_LastGlobalLight || personal != m_LastPersonalLight );

            if ( !forceResend )

            m_LastGlobalLight = global;
            m_LastPersonalLight = personal;

            ns.Send( GlobalLightLevel.Instantiate( global ) );
            ns.Send( new PersonalLightLevel( this, personal ) );

        public override int GetMinResistance( ResistanceType type )
            int magicResist = (int)(Skills[SkillName.MagicResist].Value * 10);
            int min = int.MinValue;

            if ( magicResist >= 1000 )
                min = 40 + ((magicResist - 1000) / 50);
            else if ( magicResist >= 400 )
                min = (magicResist - 400) / 15;

            if ( min > MaxPlayerResistance )
                min = MaxPlayerResistance;

            int baseMin = base.GetMinResistance( type );

            if ( min < baseMin )
                min = baseMin;

            return min;


  private class TimeSystemTimer : Timer
            public TimeSystemTimer()
                : base(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Data.TimerSpeed))

            protected override void OnTick()
                OnMasterTick();  //Line 252

Well i hope someone can help me find the null reference, the crash got me worried it happened many times already

Im not pretty sure but i think the crash happens when player is teleporting to another facet (And it almost never happens)
so its probably has to do with readjusting the lightlevel or something like that :S

Last edited:
if u have custom maps, neeed add their map index to Map.cs

        public static Map Felucca { get { return m_Maps[0]; } }
        public static Map Trammel { get { return m_Maps[1]; } }
        public static Map Ilshenar { get { return m_Maps[2]; } }
        public static Map Malas { get { return m_Maps[3]; } }
        public static Map Tokuno { get { return m_Maps[4]; } }
        public static Map TerMur { get { return m_Maps[5]; } }
        public static Map Internal { get { return m_Maps[0x7F]; } }

try check map for null reference:
if  ( ((Mobile)o).Map != null)
index =((Mobile)o).Map.MapIndex;
Console.WriteLine("Checked mobile with nulled map {0}", Mobile.ToString());
return index;
Thanks for your help @Juzzver , i dont have any custom map, the default ones is what i have: Felucca,Trammel,Ilshenar,Malas and Tokuno.

will add that null check and see if it keep crashing

best regards

Edit: server starts and crash since i added that null check: the line is the 609

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Server.TimeSystem.Support.GetMapIndex(Object o) in c:\Scripts\CUSTOM\2017\TIMESYSTEM SERVUO\Support.cs:line 609
at Server.TimeSystem.TimeEngine.GetFacetAdjustment(Object o) in c:c:\Scripts\CUSTOM\2017\TIMESYSTEM SERVUO\Engines\TimeEngine.cs:line 145
at Server.TimeSystem.TimeEngine.GetAdjustments(Object o, Boolean useTimeZoneScaling) in c:\c:\Scripts\CUSTOM\2017\TIMESYSTEM SERVUO\Engines\TimeEngine.cs:line 135

at Server.TimeSystem.Formatting.GetTimeFormat(Object o, Format format, Boolean useTimeZoneScaling) in c:c:\Scripts\CUSTOM\2017\TIMESYSTEM SERVUO\Formatting.cs:line 37

at Server.TimeSystem.Formatting.GetTimeFormat(Object o, Format format) in c:\c:\Scripts\CUSTOM\2017\TIMESYSTEM SERVUO\Formatting.cs:line 32
at Server.TimeSystem.Engine.InitializeSystem() in c:c:\Scripts\CUSTOM\2017\TIMESYSTEM SERVUO\Engine.cs:line 57
at Server.TimeSystem.Engine.DelayedInitializationTimer.OnTick() in c:c:\Scripts\CUSTOM\2017\TIMESYSTEM SERVUO\Engine.cs:line 187
at Server.Timer.Slice()
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)

This how the GetMapIndex looks:

  public static int GetMapIndex(object o)
            int index = -1;

             if  ( ((Mobile)o).Map != null)  //if (o is Mobile)
                index = ((Mobile)o).Map.MapIndex;
            else if (o is Item)
                index = ((Item)o).Map.MapIndex;
            else if (o is Map)
                index = ((Map)o).MapIndex;
           Console.WriteLine("Checked mobile with nulled map {0}", ((Mobile)o).ToString());
            return index;

Changed Mobile.ToString to ((Mobile)o).ToString()) because it was telling me ''an object reference is required...''

EDIT2: Removed the console line also changed:

if ( ((Mobile)o).Map != null)
if ((o is Mobile) && ((Mobile)o).Map != null)

And it doesnt crash on startup anymore, still need to see if the random crash keeps happening or not
Last edited:
Hi there !

Here is how I would write the code around line 611 :

if (o is Mobile)
        if (((Mobile)o).Map != null && ((Mobile)o).Map.MapIndex != null)
            index = ((Mobile)o).Map.MapIndex; //Line 611

I think it should avoid the crash when the object is a Mobile.
But you might check for Item and Map too.

Hopefully this helps ;)

btw, in the change you made just above, you removed the condition where it checks if it's a mobile. It's probably why it crashes (for a different reason).
Good luck !
Hi there !

Here is how I would write the code around line 611 :

if (o is Mobile)
        if (((Mobile)o).Map != null && ((Mobile)o).Map.MapIndex != null)
            index = ((Mobile)o).Map.MapIndex; //Line 611

I think it should avoid the crash when the object is a Mobile.
But you might check for Item and Map too.

Hopefully this helps ;)

btw, in the change you made just above, you removed the condition where it checks if it's a mobile. It's probably why it crashes (for a different reason).
Good luck !

Hello renak, thanks for your help and yes if you check my last edit thats what i just did :D we post at same time.

It have never crashed for Item and Map if i recall good should i add those null checks there too?
lol ! Awesome ! I didn't see the edit, but it seems we are on the same page ;)

I guess you'll know in the crash logs, if it crashes for items and maps. Hopefully not !
But yeah, there are potential null pointers there too ...
ah nvm my edit was different, cant add the nullcheck to the map one

        public static int GetMapIndex(object o)
            int index = -1;
         if (o is Mobile)
        if (((Mobile)o).Map != null && ((Mobile)o).Map.MapIndex != null)
                index = ((Mobile)o).Map.MapIndex;
            else if (o is Item)
                 if (((Item)o).Map != null && ((Item)o).Map.MapIndex != null)
                index = ((Item)o).Map.MapIndex;
            else if (o is Map)
                 if (((Map)o).Map != null && ((Map)o).Map.MapIndex != null)
                index = ((Map)o).MapIndex;
            return index;

CS1061: Line 626: 'Server.Map' does not contain a definition for 'Map' and n
o extension method 'Map' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Map' could b
e found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 626: 'Server.Map' does not contain a definition for 'Map' and n
o extension method 'Map' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Map' could b

e found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

what reference could i be missing?

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using Server;
using Server.Accounting;
using Server.Commands;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Targeting;
Can you try this bit of code ?

    public static int GetMapIndex(object o)
            int index = -1;

			if((o is Mobile) && ((Mobile)o).Map!=null && ((Mobile)o).Map.MapIndex!=null)
                index = ((Mobile)o).Map.MapIndex;
            else if ((o is Item) && ((Item)o).Map != null) && ((Item)o).Map.MapIndex != null)
                index = ((Item)o).Map.MapIndex;
            else if ((o is Map) && ((Map)o).MapIndex != null)
                index = ((Map)o).MapIndex;
            return index;

You were trying to do "Map.Map" ^^
Thankssss that one compile yes. theres a '')'' in
 else if ((o is Item) && ((Item)o).Map != null) && ((Item)o).Map.MapIndex != null)
that shouldnt be there hehe

Hopefully it stops crashing, thanks for your time @Regnak
lol ! indeed ! nice catch ! I wrote it in notepad and didn't double check. :p

You're welcome !

Keep us updated ;)