I have searched high and low and can't find any examples of this. I want to make a custom guard that will attack evil npcs for a small town event I want to run. My question is simple. Does anyone know a good place to start? Maybe an example script I can't find, or something?
It was done on my shard using Xmlspawners. Using Centaurs (inherently Good) and Trolls (inherently Evil) or any two mobs that are in opposing groups would work. Then just props the Evil ones to have more kills than are needed on your shard to turn a player red (being a murderer).
Thanks guys, I didn't know there was default modes for that.

So if I make the guards FightMode.Evil and make the npcs have negative karma the guards will actually attack them like they would a player?

If so thats awesome. I thought FightMode.Evil only made the npc attack evil players.