This will require a re-compile, but I haven't had any issues with it and previous saves.
Scripts to change:
"Server\Map.cs" (this is the repo folder)
Change Doinsiun to your map name
Change "return m_Maps[32] to your new map number
"\Scripts\Items\Skill Items\Magical\Misc\RecallRune.cs"
EX: this.Hue = (this.House != null ? 0x55F: Hue #);
Here is what it will look like:

The purple one is in above example for my custom map "Doinsiun".
To add colors to the runebook:
change "return 14;" to whatever color you desire.
It will look like this:

Scripts to change:
"Server\Map.cs" (this is the repo folder)
public static Map TerMur
return m_Maps[5];
//Custom Maps Start
public static Map Doinsiun
return m_Maps[32];
//Custom Map End
Change "return m_Maps[32] to your new map number
"\Scripts\Items\Skill Items\Magical\Misc\RecallRune.cs"
else if (this.m_TargetMap == Map.Tokuno)
this.Hue = (this.House != null ? 0x47F : 1154);
//Custom Rune Colors Start
else if (this.m_TargetMap == Map.Doinsiun)
this.Hue = (this.House != null ? 0x55F : 14);
//Custom Rune Colors End
EX: this.Hue = (this.House != null ? 0x55F: Hue #);
Here is what it will look like:

The purple one is in above example for my custom map "Doinsiun".
To add colors to the runebook:
else if (map == Map.Tokuno)
return 1154;
//Custom Rune Colors Start
else if (map == Map.Doinsiun)
return 14;
//Custom Rune Colors End
change "return 14;" to whatever color you desire.
It will look like this:

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