The customs framework basically allows you to create features without having to create an item to save data. Basically, it allows you to serialize data directly.

I don't believe there are any tutorials for this, however there were some systems in the repo in the past that were removed due to them being unfinished and not OSI features.

Here is an arbitrary commit that still had the systems, perhaps you could learn from them? Systems
If it wouldn't cause world save incompatibilities, I'd rip the entire system out of the core.

Storing data arbitrarily can be done with the new core Persistence class.

It basically adds a fourth type to core serialization: Items, Mobiles, Guilds and CustomData.
CustomData is an object that implements the generic serialization pattern and exposes Serialize(GenericWriter writer) and Deserialize(GenericReader reader) as overridable methods for the purposes of storing arbitrary data without the hassle of writing the IO yourself.
Wow, API madness :) I'll have a look at Persistence, but I think it would be beneficial to provide a well-documented public API for adding stand-alone scripts.