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  • OK. I must have lost another brain cell after 70. I need the ServUO master , and all I get is news about it.?
    Please let me know an easy way to get restarted.
    are you looking for the source code of servuo? you can download the zip- above button at the top- Source Code
    hi there...i just wondered if it was possible to change the [command to a .command b/c it is easier for me to type it as .? i haven't seen this topic anywhere here so i thought i'd just ask u
    If I remember right from runUO, you CAN change it somewhere in a file - I dunno if it was a .cfg or .cs, though, it was ages ago. If I do something with ServUO, I will need to change that, as well and may report back when I found it.
    PS: The command prefix can be changed in "ServUO-master\Scripts\Commands\Handlers.cs" on Line 22. Have fun!
    Happy B-day man - hope you get to have a couple solid drinks and relax!
    Busy season is over at work so hoping to do some much needed housekeeping here. Forum updates etc. Hope you all had a great holiday!
    Murphy, are you coming back to Ultima Shards? You are missed!
    $$$ Yes this is a provocation post $$$
    It's that time of the year again, been busy with exams and such so haven't been around!
    Just updated the art api with the art from the latest patch which added the expansion content.
    Since installing a more accurate analytic system, since wednesday we have had 2525 unique visitors to Servuo with more than 20k pageviews.
    Wow this is amazing! :) Way to go!!
    Site should be loading faster now for those who have had problems. Purchased a CDN so static files load closer to home.
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