Would you be able to bracket out what was changed and what the exploit was? I only ask as I have an entirely different version of this file it seems.
Would you be able to bracket out what was changed and what the exploit was? I only ask as I have an entirely different version of this file it seems.

Sure, what does your version look like?

The exploit was using the Add Pile button to target and add gold or gold check ( bank checks ) that should not be accessible.

public class MasterLooterAddCurrencyTarget : Target
        private MasterLooterBackpack backpack;
        public MasterLooterAddCurrencyTarget(Mobile from, MasterLooterBackpack backpack)
            : base(18, false, TargetFlags.None)
            this.backpack = backpack;
        protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted )
            Item item = (Item)targeted; // Added
            if ( !(from is PlayerMobile) )
        //    if ( targeted is Item && backpack.AddCurrency(targeted as Item) )
            if ( item.IsChildOf(from.Backpack) && backpack.AddCurrency(item)  )
                from.SendMessage("You added the currency.");
                MasterLooterLedgerGump.SendGump(from, backpack);
                from.Target = new MasterLooterAddCurrencyTarget(from, backpack);
                from.SendMessage("Unable to add that.");
Here is my version

using System;
using Server;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Targeting;

namespace daat99
    public class MasterStorageAddTypeTarget : Target
        private MasterStorage backpack;
        private SELECTION selection;
        private Type previousType;
        public MasterStorageAddTypeTarget(MasterStorage backpack, Mobile from, SELECTION selection) : this(backpack, from, selection, null) { }
        public MasterStorageAddTypeTarget(MasterStorage backpack, Mobile from, SELECTION selection, Type previousType )
            : base(18, false, TargetFlags.None)
            this.backpack = backpack;
            this.previousType = previousType;
            this.selection = selection;
            if ( selection == SELECTION.ITEM_SELECTION )
                from.SendMessage("Please select an item to loot.");
            else if ( selection == SELECTION.TYPE_SELECTION && previousType == null )
                from.SendMessage("Please select the first item in order to look for common loot type.");
            else if ( selection == SELECTION.TYPE_SELECTION && previousType != null )
                from.SendMessage("Please select the second item in order to look for common loot type.");

        protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted )
            if ( from as PlayerMobile == null || backpack == null || backpack.Deleted )
            if ( targeted == null )
            Type targetType = targeted.GetType();
            if ( selection == SELECTION.ITEM_SELECTION )
                if ( backpack.isTypeLootable(targetType) )
                    from.SendMessage("You already loot that type.");
            else if ( previousType != null )
                if ( previousType == targetType )
                    from.SendMessage("Both items have the same type.");
                Type common = findCommonType(targetType, previousType);
                if ( common == null )
                    from.SendMessage("The selected items doesn't have a common type.");
                    string typeName = common.ToString();
                    int dotIndex = typeName.LastIndexOf(".");
                    if ( dotIndex >= 0 )
                        typeName = typeName.Substring(dotIndex+1);
                    from.SendMessage("You successfully added " + typeName + " to your loot list.");
                from.Target = new MasterStorageAddTypeTarget(backpack, from as PlayerMobile, selection, targetType);
            MasterStorageSetupGump.SendGump(from, backpack, -1);
        private Type findCommonType(Type first, Type second)
            while ( first != typeof(Item) && second != typeof(Item) )
                if ( first == second )
                    return first;
                if ( first.IsSubclassOf(second) )
                    return second;
                if ( second.IsSubclassOf(first) )
                    return first;
                first = first.BaseType;
                second = second.BaseType;
            return null;
    public class MasterStorageAddCurrencyTarget : Target
        private MasterStorage backpack;
        public MasterStorageAddCurrencyTarget(Mobile from, MasterStorage backpack)
            : base(18, false, TargetFlags.None)
            this.backpack = backpack;
        protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted )
            if ( !(from is PlayerMobile) )
            if ( targeted is Item && backpack.AddCurrency(targeted as Item) )
                from.SendMessage("You added the currency.");
                MasterStorageLedgerGump.SendGump(from, backpack);
                from.Target = new MasterStorageAddCurrencyTarget(from, backpack);
                from.SendMessage("Unable to add that.");
Thats the MasterStorage from OWLTR. The MasterLooter was the original, stand alone version that became MasterStorage.
I wasn't aware that it became part of OWLTR

But the issue is still the same

Here is my version

using System;
using Server;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Targeting;

namespace daat99
    public class MasterStorageAddTypeTarget : Target
        private MasterStorage backpack;
        private SELECTION selection;
        private Type previousType;
        public MasterStorageAddTypeTarget(MasterStorage backpack, Mobile from, SELECTION selection) : this(backpack, from, selection, null) { }
        public MasterStorageAddTypeTarget(MasterStorage backpack, Mobile from, SELECTION selection, Type previousType )
            : base(18, false, TargetFlags.None)
            this.backpack = backpack;
            this.previousType = previousType;
            this.selection = selection;
            if ( selection == SELECTION.ITEM_SELECTION )
                from.SendMessage("Please select an item to loot.");
            else if ( selection == SELECTION.TYPE_SELECTION && previousType == null )
                from.SendMessage("Please select the first item in order to look for common loot type.");
            else if ( selection == SELECTION.TYPE_SELECTION && previousType != null )
                from.SendMessage("Please select the second item in order to look for common loot type.");

        protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted )
            if ( from as PlayerMobile == null || backpack == null || backpack.Deleted )
            if ( targeted == null )
            Type targetType = targeted.GetType();
            if ( selection == SELECTION.ITEM_SELECTION )
                if ( backpack.isTypeLootable(targetType) )
                    from.SendMessage("You already loot that type.");
            else if ( previousType != null )
                if ( previousType == targetType )
                    from.SendMessage("Both items have the same type.");
                Type common = findCommonType(targetType, previousType);
                if ( common == null )
                    from.SendMessage("The selected items doesn't have a common type.");
                    string typeName = common.ToString();
                    int dotIndex = typeName.LastIndexOf(".");
                    if ( dotIndex >= 0 )
                        typeName = typeName.Substring(dotIndex+1);
                    from.SendMessage("You successfully added " + typeName + " to your loot list.");
                from.Target = new MasterStorageAddTypeTarget(backpack, from as PlayerMobile, selection, targetType);
            MasterStorageSetupGump.SendGump(from, backpack, -1);
        private Type findCommonType(Type first, Type second)
            while ( first != typeof(Item) && second != typeof(Item) )
                if ( first == second )
                    return first;
                if ( first.IsSubclassOf(second) )
                    return second;
                if ( second.IsSubclassOf(first) )
                    return first;
                first = first.BaseType;
                second = second.BaseType;
            return null;
    public class MasterStorageAddCurrencyTarget : Target
        private MasterStorage backpack;
        public MasterStorageAddCurrencyTarget(Mobile from, MasterStorage backpack)
            : base(18, false, TargetFlags.None)
            this.backpack = backpack;
        protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted )
            if ( !(from is PlayerMobile) )
            if ( targeted is Item && backpack.AddCurrency(targeted as Item) )
                from.SendMessage("You added the currency.");
                MasterStorageLedgerGump.SendGump(from, backpack);
                from.Target = new MasterStorageAddCurrencyTarget(from, backpack);
                from.SendMessage("Unable to add that.");

So you would want to change the OnTarget for MasterStorageAddCurrencyTarget to match the changes that I submitted