So I was going to have an item have the date they got the item added under the reward they got. I just want the year really.....What would be the best way to do that? Any help? Would u go normal on the Properties list? I am more needing to figure out how to add that. Thanks.
Would you mind posting your finding for others to use when looking this question up?
I don't need the answer but others might sometime.

Here is the finished product for my item.

using System;
namespace Server.Items
    public class RewardItem : Item
        private string m_dateobtained;
        public RewardItem( int itemid, string name, int hue ) : base( itemid )
            Weight = 1.0;
            Name = name;
            Hue = hue;
            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
            m_dateobtained = dt.ToString("yyyy");

        public override void GetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)
            list.Add("Found in {0}", m_dateobtained);

        public RewardItem(Serial serial)
            : base(serial)

        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );

            writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version



        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );

            int version = reader.ReadInt();
            switch (version)
                case 0:
                        this.m_dateobtained = reader.ReadString();
