
djtone submitted a new resource:

Dave's Wooden Nickels 0.95 - reward system

Okay something for amusement I'll admit it :)

Place the scripts in a custom folder under your scripts directory. Make sure to backup the LootPack.cs script, as the one in here replaces that one.

What do you get with this ?
- Added the item Wooden Nickel(s)
- Modified LootPack.cs to drop Wooden Nickels (much like coins get dropped) on kills.
- Reworked an older vendor stone to support Wooden Nickels.
- You have to add the items you want to be purchased from the stone.

Now ALL those...

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djtone updated Dave's Wooden Nickels 0.95 with a new update entry:

Wooden Nickels 1.0

Added Gold.cs to this release.. (back up your original)

* Reduced significantly the weight of gold and wooden nickels (was annoying me).
- you can remove Gold.cs from this release if your happy with its' present weight.
* Added a TrashBag.cs to this release
- You can exchange trash items for Wooden Nickels by dropping items into the trash bag.

As always comments/suggestions welcome :)

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