Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone would be able to assist me in figuring out how to disable races/classes from the character creation gump. I do not want gargoyles or elves for races or samurai/ninja classes available. I am basing it off AoS content.

Will I have to create a custom gump for this, anyone have an example I can look at? or advice?

Thank You
To my knowledge, you need to have the correct client version (meaning you would not be able to use a client older than Mondain's Legacy), because the races are hard-coded into the client window during character creation, before they even get in the world. The other option would be allowing players to pick elves/gargoyles, but in the CharacterCreation.cs, force those races to be Human.

That aside, I believe it is as simple as setting your shard to run as AoS, instead of ML/SA/HS.
You could also come up with a custom gump for ingame character creation.
That's not an easy job, but atleast you won't have players complaining about their hair styles and colors, and you get more control over the possibilities that way.
You could also come up with a custom gump for ingame character creation.
That's not an easy job, but atleast you won't have players complaining about their hair styles and colors, and you get more control over the possibilities that way.

That's an idea too! Players would, in essence, be creating a character twice, but it would server the purpose and I've come across similar systems on other shards. I know some custom shards have made edits to their client.exe for more control over things that are client-driven vs server-driven. That would require using a hex editor and changing/removing the hex values that represent each button.
So if I just wanted to make it work with ML I would have to regulate which patch people have to use to connect to server?
Well, largely, that depends on which version of the client you can actually download. I've been seeing more and more mirror sites being taken down (or maybe they are expiring). As those dwindle away, the only clients that might still be available would be from Stratics/UO, unless someone here has clients backed up by patch/expansion and can send you one.

Once you get the proper client, it is just a few scripts edits.
Do I change this then?

public static readonly Expansion Expansion = Config.GetEnum<Expansion>("Expansion.CurrentExpansion", Expansion.TOL);
Yes and you would set it to SE instead of TOL, I believe (Samurai Empire was right before ML as I recall).

is I set it to SE wouldn't it still have ninja and samurai available on character creation though?
As playable classes, yes and players would still see Elves and Gargoyles, until they logged into the world the first time. You are just disabling expansion content beyond Samurai Empire (so no racial exclusivity for Elves or Gargoyles). You might still have to edit the Loot.cs and Lootpack.cs, of that I am not 100% certain. If the loot drops aren't changed, you would still see elvish and gargish gear as loot.
Well I want gargoyles and elf's disabled, as well as ninja and samurai, I thought if I switched to lower client I it would solve that issue. I dont want them as playable characters or the skills in the game is what im trying to accomplish
You'd have to go lower on the client version to eliminate ninja and samurai as well, as 6.0 was ML. No matter what, you will still be making script edits. I'm just not certain with the latest ServUO repo exactly what you have to edit now :)
well yeah I know ill have to edit scripts for the loot and damage etc... I am just trying to make them disabled before I move forward lol
Also the better way to change the expansion is Config->Expansion.cfg
Only thing you would change by altering the fallback value is .. the fallback but if the expansion is set to TOL in the cfg it will take that anyway