Making a mobile cast fireball to a predefined target just in one line.
I'm not sure if something similar was added to the core of servuo, but if not this could be an interesting feature.

Utility: npcs casting night sight on you, untrapping chests, opening distant doors, teleport to a tile...
(just a note, the guy on there made Target a mobile, but the target can also be a land or item!)

Well was just curious if anyone ever did that or if it's already in (using old version here).
I'm not aware of this for ServUO, we pretty much try to keep the repo osi accurate-from there you can add any custom scripts which you would enjoy for your server :)
At one point there was a Spider that when he/she got to 1/4 Hits, He/she would teleport the attackers to another place, A dungeon, A spot in the woods. Wish I had the script for it, but All I can do is remember.