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Ultima Expansion
Anyway to create a partial hue item w/ more than 1 area of partial hue?? I'm guessing not w/out modifying the client flags?
I didn't understand exactly what you mean. Do you want to use twice different colors on partialhue iztem? Or do you want to make several different colors in a bmp image on just one item and apply the hue to it?
twice different colors on partialhue iztem
ie, a flower the petals and the stem both partialhue with the petals any hue and the stem any other hue
Here you will need to combine the colors in the base. That is, for the image you want to use, you must enter some colors outside the grascale scale. I will give an example: The tulip will have red petals of a flower. The center of the flower will be yellow and the leaves with the stem will be green. You make the leaves and the stalk graiscale. Namely: Graiscale in the game you can color with any color. So that the result does not have to be green. It's Partial Hue. it is not possible to invent a double element of Partial Hhue. Only once. What will be graiscale when setting the falg Partial Hue will be colored with the color you choose in the UO. But don't despair, Adobe Photoshop is enchanting. you won't have just one item for that. You have to use more items to be able to do what you want. And give a timer that swaps items at a given time. It's possible to do it on sphere. I assume that on C # or C +, I don't know what language ServUO has, this will definitely work out. after all, it is an advanced programming language. .... In other words, what you can't create in a picture, use a programming language.
What if
in fiddler
to make a double partial hue
you'd pick a color that's the inverse // factor of a color applied to the partial hue
such as, to have a flower whose petals are red and stem is purple when the whole thing is greyscale

the stem would be an inverse color to the color you're trying to achieve, um it's hard to explain.
the stem would be greyscale-blue, that when red is applied, becomes purple, whereas the actual partial hue is red.

whereas if the stem is yellow and red is applied, than the stem becomes orange and the petals are red.

I guess that's not really double partial, because, it's just a variant of the flower you'd have to have multiple different flower itemIDs
each one would be a different 'inverse color -- base color' I don't know. theory.

that's how I'd do it anyway, just have multiple flowers partial hue with each a different color stem.
The client handles only one color to be chosen at a time for partial hue. The only real way to do what you are trying to do is to have the plant be an addon instead of item so you can control the color of the pieces that make up the addon. It just means you need to create a deed that players use to place it in their home.
The 32 color blocks that make up a hue are mapped to the RGB greyscale values, so if you create or edit a hue in just the right way, different color blocks can be applied to different greyscale values. In effect, you can have up to 32 different partially hued segments on an item using this technique.
Oh, that means creating your own new hue that has more colors. And then try to apply it to the flower. In theory, it could work.