
Tecmo submitted a new resource:

[Easter 2014] Raised Easter Bunnies & Marshmallow Ducklings - 2014 Easter Gifts found on Official UO Servers

Characters atleast [X] days old logging in between publish day and 12:01 AM 5/1/2014 will receive an Easter Gift!

  • An Easter Bunny raised in one of Sosaria’s various cities, with a chance at a rare location!
  • The Easter Bunny comes in eight (8) different vest colors.
  • 8 possible rare locations! [Add as many as you like]
  • 5 possible rare hues! [Add as many as you...

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Thank you so much Tecmo for taking time to release this. I may use this year around! :D
@Tecmo Would you be so kind as to tell us about the GiftGiving.cs included in this archive? please and thank you
I had not changed the version because everything remained the same with the exception of adding the Easter Basket. I have updated the version now. Thanks

@Tecmo Would you be so kind as to tell us about the GiftGiving.cs included in this archive? please and thank you

You must make sure the start date in the HappyEasterBasketGiver.cs file is set to a date after your next restart date.

If you add these updates go live on a Friday at 6:00 AM you will want the start date in the HappyEasterBasketGiver.cs file to be one day later (Saturday).

The way it works and doesn't work and the reason why you want to go with the "next" day after install....
GiftGiving.cs looks at the last login time and if it is >= to the start date in HappyEasterBasketGiver.cs then it will presume the player already has the gift.

Will work: Set the date to a day after your install date
Will not work: Set the start date to the same day you restart your server

Every year you only need to adjust the start/finish dates in the HappyEasterBasketGiver. Anyone wanting to can easily modify the HolidayConfig.cs file to allow all Gift giving files (such as HappyEasterBasketGiver) to call on it for the start/ finish dates just as I have shown with the year.
  public override DateTime Start{ get{ return new DateTime( HolidayConfig.m_CurrentYear, 4, 16 ); } }
 public override DateTime Finish{ get{ return new DateTime( HolidayConfig.m_CurrentYear, 5, 1 ); } }

You can easily set all holiday dates from the HolidayConfig.cs file and then reference them from any and all Holiday packages as I have shown above.
Nope it's not in there. I searched all of the different sites, all of them have the same thing. I got it working though by going to the container.cs and copying the basket renaming it to EasterBasket. My server also had a GiftGiving.cs in the SpecialSystems folder, I removed it and used the one from this addon.

Modify HappyEasterBasketGiver.cs to get rid of the errors it it.

case GiftResult.Backpack:
mob.SendLocalizedMessage( 1154717 );//Happy Easter! We have placed a gift for you in your backpack.
case GiftResult.BankBox:
mob.SendLocalizedMessage( 1154718 );//Happy Easter! We have placed a gift for you in your bank box.

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