Getting an error I've never had before. Have run the server for 6 months with no issues. This is also the latest Servuo

System.Exception: Type 'Server.Commands.Puke' does not have a serialization constructor
at Server.World.ReadTypes(BinaryReader tdbReader)
at Server.World.Load()
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)
This exception is fatal, press return to exit

I get this when running compile bat in debug mode

System.Exception: Type 'Server.Commands.Puke' does not have a serialization constructor
at Server.World.ReadTypes(BinaryReader tdbReader) in C:\Users\Green Origin Studios\Desktop\Master TEST CENTER\ServUO-master\Server\World.cs:line 256
at Server.World.Load() in C:\Users\Green Origin Studios\Desktop\Master TEST CENTER\ServUO-master\Server\World.cs:line 358
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\Green Origin Studios\Desktop\Master TEST CENTER\ServUO-master\Server\Main.cs:line 611
This exception is fatal, press return to exit

I have already done the backups to the saves folder and still getting an error
 public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)
            writer.Write(0); // version

        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            int version = reader.ReadInt();
System.Exception: Type 'Server.Commands.Puke' does not have a serialization constructor

What is Puke? Emote command maybe?
Got to be something you added, removed or edited.
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