Yes, I often do single spawns or multiple spawners associated with a quest. This way I can load and unload the spawners as needed.
The best way to do this is with [xmlfind:
First, I have created an xmlspawner with a name. I cannot emphasize enough the need to name your spawners!!! In this case, it is named TurkeyQuest:
Next, using xmlfind command, you can search for the name of the spawners you are wanting to save:
Now, check the spawners that you are wanting to save so that they are selected:
Now, where it says save to save to file, give it a name. I called mine turkeyquest.xml :
That will save only the spawners you selected into the turkeyquest.xml file. You can then use [xmlload turkeyquest.xml or [xmlunload turkeyquest.xml whenever you want it loaded or unloaded.