Hello there!

When I save my world, I know get this error on my console :

15:36:42 WARNING: Automatic backup FAILED: System.IO.IOException: L'acc?s au che
min d'acc?s 'C:\Projets\vieuxmonde\Saves' est refus?.
   ? System.IO.Directory.InternalMove(String sourceDirName, String destDirName,
Boolean checkHost)
   ? Server.Misc.AutoSave.Backup()
   ? Server.Misc.AutoSave.Save(Boolean permitBackgroundWrite)
15:36:42 Core: Using dual save strategy
15:36:42 World: Saving...
15:36:42 Closing Save Files.
15:36:42 Save finished in 0,09 seconds.

The save in itself seems to work, but no backup is created, which is an issue if I ever have a corrupted file.

Anyone got this error before?

Edit : I have Windows 10, if that is important.
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I have Windows 10 also, and I have to run the Server in "Administrator" mode every time.
Sorry to Necro, but I had a similar issue and moving this to the documents in Windows 10 solved it for me also. Thank you.
To improve on the necro'd post, Windows by default tries to do some really strange things with permissions on Win10. By default, you only have access AS your user to YOUR Users directory. Thats why some of the time, whenever you make changes outside of your user directory, it asks you for Administrative Rights. Windows will remember which user created folders and what not, but occasionally it refreshes the ACL's and can remove your user access to the folder. You can either manually update the ACL's when this happens, or you can move the server into your Users directory.
Sorry, another necro. Ran into the same problem, documents fix didn't help. Ended up adding code to set file attributes normal prior to deletions.

private static bool Backup()
string backups_root = Path.Combine(Core.BaseDirectory, "Backups");
var directory = new DirectoryInfo(backups_root) { Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal };
foreach (var info in directory.GetFileSystemInfos("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
info.Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal;
//end custom

*** edited (started out just fixing temp root, ended up just moving it to the top and doing the whole backups hierarchy)
also, don't be me and be IN the directories when testing the change... can't remove it if you are in it. <_<
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