Ive seen these before but cant figure it out or find a script for it anywhere its farmable on a spawner where there lined up like they was planted 2 rows wide by 20 plants long ( or 2x10) anybody seen these or know how its done ?????need a point in right direction for this
I think his question is more of a "How do i spawn them all lined up and beautiful" rather than "what are the farmable items".
The XMLSpawner just does random distance within the range. The only way i can think of...is to actually create 1 XMLSpawner per item with no range and place it manually exactly where you want it.

You would want to do it in a file so that it loads with createworld.
Just place one with location of (x, y). Copy paste that field a few times and change the y to -1 each time and it will create an appearance of line.

---------------------i (x, y)
--------------i (x,y-1)
-------i (x, y-2)
i (x, y-3)
You could also use the default spawner and include the spawns in the [decorate command. This way is less complicated in my opinion. I have quite a few spawners at my disposal if you need an alternative to use side by side with xmlspawner.
got both premium and xml tryin to set 1 up now and get it working :) also have the seeds and the farm plots that We are working on a drop or something for them

( running on JustUo so maybe a few tweaks )