So can anyone point me in the direction of what script controls FC and FCR? Is it config.cfg?

Also I want my server to let folks raise skills to 100 then Powerscroll to 120. However I love the XML socket option so I need to figure out how to let players raise say things like parry and swords over 120 by using sockets and equipment. I have seen some stuff on character creation to let certain skills go higher but is there a config setting? I don't want players to raise over 120 by skilling up. Just by using equipment and sockets. Any idea how to set that up?
IS this the answer to letting items raise over the cap? I saw it in a ZeroDowned post.

if you want it to apply to ALL items open scripts/misc/AOS.cs

find the method:
public void AddTo(Mobile m)

and in it change: sk.ObeyCap = true; to false

My Stuff on Github
Praxiiz's Poor Man UO Resource

Ok that did allow items to raise the skill cap, I am hoping this will only let equipment raise the skill cap.
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