Several (or all?) of the "user contribution" forum threads (such as in addons, custom art, etc.) aren't pointing to the correct threads when you click "Read more about this resource...". Being new here, I don't know if this is an old issue or a new issue, but just wanted to let you know.

Sorry about that we had an issue with the resource area with a forum update- the ones which your checking out most likely have not been fixed yet. As any with the past which were added needed to be added once again and then to remove the old post.
Which ones were you able maybe I can check those out and fix them :)
So far it seems to be all of them. I've gone into the first few threads in both the Addons and Art forums and none of the "Read more..." parts go to the right spots. Also some of the attachments are missing.

I see the same thing when I go there from the forums. It only seems to work properly when you click on UO Archive at the top.

The old forum posts are linked to the old corrupted database.