I put both of these together- Shed East Id numbers are 19422-19433
Shed South ID numbers are 19434- 19445
Uo guide has this information on them for any one interested
The Garden Shed is a 15th year Veteran Reward that contains two secure containers that do not count towards house storage limits, each capable of holding 125 items with no weight limit. The containers can be accessed by standing near the door of the shed and double-clicking it. It can be placed to face:
Shed South ID numbers are 19434- 19445
Uo guide has this information on them for any one interested
The Garden Shed is a 15th year Veteran Reward that contains two secure containers that do not count towards house storage limits, each capable of holding 125 items with no weight limit. The containers can be accessed by standing near the door of the shed and double-clicking it. It can be placed to face: