
A player reported that when you drop an item into a gargish chest that it sends the same sound as if you dropped an item into a bag, instead of a chest.

Is this all controlled client side? I did various searched but could not need to pin down where these sounds are sent from.
I think all containers default to the "bag" sound 0x48 if no other is specified in the script. DropSound and GumpID can be propsed on containers to see what they are. The GargoyleWoodenChest script does not provide a DropSound in the code.

This snippet is from another container that specifies the usual "dropped into chest" sound:

  public override int DefaultDropSound
  return 0x42;
I looked all over for any Wooden or Metal Chest in the code and none of them have a specified sound in the script itself. Could you point me to one in ServUO please?
That example is from OrnateElvenChestEastAddon.cs

It is true that other containers seem to not specify a sound -- perhaps the client does pick those automatically, especially those that have been in the game forever.

Hitting the Scripts folder with AgentRansack searching for "DefaultDropSound" found 29 more results, so it's commonly used but they all seem to be more recent (say ML and later) items.