I have tried setting the pick to ore and stone, and just ore, and I do not get the elementals to spawn.
Has anyone else seen this or had players report this?

Shazzy :]
Are you sure you do not use a "SturdyPickaxe" or whatever it is called?
Are you using a "GargoylePickaxe"?
What map were you on?
Did you try it on all?
Where did you get the pickaxe from?
Have you modified something related on ores/mining/etc?
Elementals never seemed to be afraid of my miners.... in fact they actually seemed to like them .. A LOT! One would appear & take a BIG chunk out of the miner.. usually consisting of all of his htpts. :oops:
One my favorite characters my miner had high magery and used a heavy Xbow [mage weapon/elemental slayer] used to love hunting ore elementals while I was mining with Gargoyle pickaxe

"....silly miner all that diggin' is for suckers!" ;)

On OSI they dropped 25 ore. Needs to be adjusted in the server. ServUo drops one large ore, which isn't much incentive to use the gargoyle pickaxe IMO.
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I am pretty sure the problem with the gargoylespickaxe is in the mining.cs, i fixed this problem along with the gargoylesknife and gargoylesaxe in the OWLTR for ServUO 54 i posted
On OSI they dropped 25 ore. Needs to be adjusted in the server. ServUo drops one large ore, which isn't much incentive to use the gargoyle pickaxe IMO.
Pub 54 is set for the Ore Elementals that are summoned with the garg pickaxe to drop 25 ore of their prospective ore type. The regular Earth Elemental has only ever dropped 1 ore pile of 5 ore.
Taken from Mining.cs showing coding for 25 ore from spawned/summoned ore elemental.
BaseCreature spawned = Activator.CreateInstance(res.Types[2], new object[] { 25 }) as BaseCreature;
Pub 54 is set for the Ore Elementals that are summoned with the garg pickaxe to drop 25 ore of their prospective ore type. The regular Earth Elemental has only ever dropped 1 ore pile of 5 ore.
Taken from Mining.cs showing coding for 25 ore from spawned/summoned ore elemental.
BaseCreature spawned = Activator.CreateInstance(res.Types[2], new object[] { 25 }) as BaseCreature;
I glad it got changed.
I remember them not dropping the 25 ore only 2 ore, otherwise I wouldn't mention it. Check out how I changed the code in the elemental below and I just tested it. It doesn't drop an additional 25 ore like mining.cs may suggest just 25 so the method in mining.cs you speak of doesn't work and never worked, which is why I remember changing it long ago. If my mobile is dropping 25 and mining.cs should drop 25 my test would reveal 50.

public class VeriteElemental : BaseCreature
		public VeriteElemental() : this( 25 )
		public VeriteElemental( int oreAmount ) : base( AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4 )
			Name = "a verite elemental";
			Body = 113;
			BaseSoundID = 268;
			SetStr( 226, 255 );
			SetDex( 126, 145 );
			SetInt( 71, 92 );
			SetHits( 136, 153 );
			SetDamage( 9, 16 );
			SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Physical, 50 );
			SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Energy, 50 );
			SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 30, 40 );
			SetResistance( ResistanceType.Fire, 10, 20 );
			SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 50, 60 );
			SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 50, 60 );
			SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 50, 60 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.MagicResist, 50.1, 95.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 60.1, 100.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Wrestling, 60.1, 100.0 );
			Fame = 3500;
			Karma = -3500;
			VirtualArmor = 35;
PackItem(new VeriteOre(25));
			//Item ore = new VeriteOre( oreAmount );
//ore.ItemID = 0x19B9;
			//PackItem( ore );

Here is a link showing that they carry 25 : http://uo.stratics.com/database/view.php?db_content=hunters&id=353

Someone else test it and let's see what you get. The repo still reflects the wrong ore elemental scripts dropping 2 ore.
Just did a test with a Gargoyle Pickaxe, the elemental dropped 25 ore when just killing an elemental they drop 2
As Stratics states..
ScreenHunter_31 May. 07 20.20.jpg
"Dug up with a Gargoyle's Pickaxe".
All other Ore elementals would only have 2 ore, but 25 when using the GargoylePickaxe. Which is why Mining.cs has..
        public override void OnHarvestFinished(Mobile from, Item tool, HarvestDefinition def, HarvestVein vein, HarvestBank bank, HarvestResource resource, object harvested)
            if (tool is GargoylesPickaxe && def == this.m_OreAndStone && 0.1 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                HarvestResource res = vein.PrimaryResource;
                if (res == resource && res.Types.Length >= 3)
                        Map map = from.Map;
                        if (map == null)
                        BaseCreature spawned = Activator.CreateInstance(res.Types[2], new object[] { 25 }) as BaseCreature;
                        if (spawned != null)
Just killing a regularly spawned ore ele will give you 2 ore, but using the GargoylePickaxe gives you 25 making the GargPick a "special" item
Found the issue, the gems were in the ore line for some reason!
You should get the gems with ores, but also spawn the elementals (gargoyle pickaxe) when I was testing for the amount of ores I did get a gem in my pack
I am going to check out the SVN and do a compare.

Also I agree with you about the boards/logs issue on the craft window. I KNOW I had a working server WAY back when ML first started that would show if you had logs or boards in the craft window. I will look around for that!
Just did a test with a Gargoyle Pickaxe, the elemental dropped 25 ore when just killing an elemental they drop 2
View attachment 3272
View attachment 3273

The dull copper elemental is the only one that would ever drop 2 ore and the mining.cs covers that issue, but why are copper~valorite scripted to drop 2 ore when they never would? There was an event on Osi that spawned them with 25 ore and I believe they need to be scripted that way.
I had checked UOguide and the information which I find for Valorite Elemental is spawned with the gargoyle pickaxe
Which will drop 25 ore, if any elemental which was just spawned with a spawner- if they also dropped 25 ore, that would make the gargoyle pickaxe not worth using? Not sure about OSI since I don't play there :)
This shows a normal dull copper elemental, which I guess would be normal spawned one, has drop of 2 ores.