Hi You all,
there is a way to do this (just for example)?
public override void GetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)
	Mobile tooltipOwner = OwnerOfTheTooltip; /* THIS IS JUST FOR EXAMPLE, IT DOESN'T COMPILE */
	list.Add( "{0}\n", this.Name );
	if( tooltipOwner == this.Owner )
        	list.Add( "{0}", String.Format( "Special Property: {0}", this.Special ) );
        	list.Add( "{0}", String.Format( "Weight: {0} stones", this.Weight ) );
I would give some extra notes just to the Owner of a particular object.
There's no mobile information passed to the method, you'd need another method that passes that information, or find another way to figure out who the owner is. It's an interesting thought for sure. May need to go to netstate or something like that to get the required information.