
A friend started a website back in 2009 - - that has grown to 6,000 members.
Many of whom are in crisis and rely on this community for info and support.

Despite being on disability with an income of $1000 per month she has been paying Ning $25 a month from her own pocket to keep this site going.
For anyone who doesn't know, this is already a ridiculous amount for them to charge for hosting.

However, Ning is raising her cost to almost $60 per month at the end of October.

The GoFundMe is set for a goal of only $300 to pay for keeping the site open for another month plus paying for a new host to move the site to.
She cannot afford to pay this on her own and worries about the people who rely on her website.

I will be helping to move the site to a new host [ free of charge, of course ] but first she needs to be able to pay to get everything started.

Please help if you can.
Link to GoFundMe page:

Thank you for your time.
