With the release of the Gump Editor in UO Black Box, one of the things that I haven't finished and will as I get time is polishing the tool.

One of the biggest things I want to do with the polishing is to refine the elements to only load the usable gumpid's for that element!

For example, I want to restrict the gumpid's for the background to the top left id's only as the AddBackground() method handles the rest of the draw and the only relevant id is the top left. This can be said for buttons, checkbox, radio, I have the PressID settable but was thinking the better way is to only allow the initial state to be picked then code it to pick the corresponding pressed id automatically for the user! Again the initial state must be researched and then refined for button lists!

If anyone wants to help, please pm me, what I need are people to go through the 4000+ GumpId's and find the gumpid's (NumID, not HexID)[format = Gump:NumID;] needed for these elements so I can refine the list to better aid the user!

Thanks in advance, you'll get credit in the tools final about page!