I am making a skill selection gump. Is there a way to add pages instead of having a mile long gump? Thanks... or even make two rows that would atleast half it...
The following is from: http://xmlspawner.fr.yuku.com/topic/115/How-do-I-Display-custom-gumps#.WWPxzojyvb0
I pasted it here because they have so many adds the page runs slowly.... This tells about everything anyone would need to know about XmlSpawners gump system.

Displaying custom gumps with the GUMP keyword

The GUMP keyword allows you to display customized gumps in one of 6 different formats or types. The general syntax for the GUMP keyword is


The title can be any string and is simply displayed at the top of the gump.
The typenumber specifies one of the 6 gump types available (0-5).
The optional gumpconstructor argument allows you to give the name of a custom gump constructor that you have scripted.
The text specification will depend on the type of gump being used.

The GUMP keyword must be used either with XmlDialogs or with triggered spawners so that the gumps can be displayed to the triggering player.

GUMP type 0 : Simple text display

GUMP type 0 is a simple text display gump with an "Okay" button.
The response string is set to "done" after the Okay button is pressed and the gump is closed.

GUMP,Read this,0/This will simply display this text and prompt the user to press the button when they are done.

GUMP type 1 : Yes/No choice

GUMP type 1 displays a gump with yes/no selections as well as an "Okay" button.
The response string is set to either "yes" or "no" when the Okay button is pressed depending on the user selection.

GUMP,Make a choice,1/This will simply display this text and prompt the user to choose either yes or no and press the button when they are done.

GUMP type 2 : User text entry

GUMP type 2 displays a gump with a text entry area and an "Okay" button.
The response string is set to the text entered when the Okay button is pressed.

GUMP,What do you say,2/This will simply display this text and prompt the user to enter in a string and press the button when they are done.

GUMP type 3 : Quest offer

GUMP type 3 will send a quest gump with accept or decline options.
The response string is set to either "accept" or "decline" depending on the user choice.

GUMP,Do you accept this quest?,3/This will simply display this text and prompt the user to accept or decline the quest offer and press the button when they are done.

GUMP type 4 : Multiple choice

Gump type 4 provides a convenient way of creating multiple-selection gumps in which the player must choose between one of several options.

To use this new gump use a GUMP string like

GUMP,gumpname,4/maintext ; selection; response ; selection ; response

so a specification like

GUMP,MyGump,4/This is the main text of the gump where you would put your main dialog ; End the dialog ; end ; Continue the dialog ; continue; Go eat some cheese; cheese

would pop up a gump with the main text at the top followed by the three selections
End the dialog
Continue the dialog
Go eat some cheese

Selecting the first would produce the response string "end", the second would give "continue", the third "cheese".

If used in a spawner, the GumpState property would be set to those strings. If used with an XmlDialog npc, the strings would be processed as speech triggering text that could drive other keyword driven entries.

GUMP type 5 : Fully configurable

GUMP type 5 is the most advanced and allows full dynamic ingame configuation of gumps with specifiable buttons, art, labels, and button responses. The syntax is

GUMP,name,5/width,height ; gumpitem ; response ; gumpitem ; response ...

The width and height will determine the size of the gump. The name is optional and will not appear anywhere in the gump.
The following gumpitems and their specification syntax are available

BUTTON,gumpid,x,y - will create a button with the specified gumpid art at the x,y location. Pressing the button will generate the response string that can be used to drive speech entries if used in an xmldialog attachment, or to drive a spawner by setting the GumpState to the response.

RADIO,gumpid1,gumpid2,x,y[,initialstate] - will place a radio button at the x,y location. gumpid1 is the gump art used when selected. gumpid2 is the art used when not selected. The initial state (true/false) of the button can optionally be specified.
The response string associated with a selected radio button will be appended to the response string generated by any button press.

TEXTENTRY,x,y,width,height[,text][,textcolor] - will place a text entry gumpitem at the specified x,y location and with the specified width and height with optional textcolor and starting text. Any text entered will be appended to the response string generated by any button press and radio button that might be selected.

LABEL,x,y,labelstring[,labelcolor] - will place a label with the specified string and the optional color at the x,y location.

HTML,x,y,width,height,text - will place a scrollable html text box with the specified text string and width and height at the x,y location.

IMAGE,gumpid,x,y[,hue] - will place the specified gump art at the x,y location with the optional hue

IMAGETILED,gumpid,x,y,width,height - will place the specified tiled gump art at the x,y location spanning the width,height area.

ITEM,itemid,x,y[,hue] - will place the specified item art at the x,y location with the optional hue

For gumpitems that dont generate a response, just specify an empty response, e.g.

LABEL, 100, 50, Hello there ;;
IMAGE, 0x2060, 100, 50 ;;
IMAGETILED, 10460,50,50,100,23 ;;

For the button gumpitem, just specify a response string, e.g.

BUTTON, 2130,50,200 ; okay ;

Using gumps in XmlDialogs

By setting the Gump field in XmlDialog entries to a GUMP keyword string you can pop up gumps during npc interactions in which the response strings generated by the gump will be used as speech that can drive other XmlDialog entries, just as if the player had said them.

This allows you to mix speech-driven and gump-driven interactions in a .npc specification.

Using gumps in spawners

When gumps are used in a spawner by using the GUMP keyword in a spawner entry, the GumpState property of the spawner is set to the response string value when a response is generated by the gump.

Example 1:

An example of the use of the type 5 GUMP in an xmldialog specification can be found in keypad.npc that is included in the xmlextras package.
To try it out, just place keypad.npc in your default XmlQuestNPC folder.
To load up the demonstration, put the keypad.xml file in your default Spawns folder and do an "[xmlloadhere keypad.xml" which will create a sample door and chest with the keypad.npc attachment (hint - the code is 132).

You can also just do "[loadnpc keypad" and target a lockable item, then approach the object as a player. This will add an xmldialog attachment configured with the keypad.npc file.
To delete the attachment when you are finished, do "[getatt" and target the object again, and select the attachment and then hit the delete button.
To view the attachment you can use "[xmledit" and target the object.

Example 2:

Another example is given in gumpdemo.xml. Just load it up with "[xmlloadhere gumpdemo.xml". You need to be a player to trigger it. It just pops up a dynamically configured gump with the various available elements displayed.

Example 3:

htmldemo.xml was directly inspired by one of Alari's scripts to display html from a file into a gump. It makes a type 4 GUMP and displays the contents of a file into it using the GETFROMFILE keyword (you need to have extracted the welcome.txt file into your Spawns directory). The gump pops up when a player says 'help'.