
My quest began when I was sitting at my computer sipping my morning coffee chatting on irc.
Suddenly I was struck with an uncontrollable urge to have to delicious fresh doughnuts!
I quickly acquired a recipe online: (note this makes a LOT I cut the recipe in half)
1 cup milk room temperature
1 cup granulated sugar
2 1/2 Tablespoons butter melted and cooled
3 eggs beaten
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
3 1/2 cups sifted flour
I mixed up the concoction and found it was quite a wet dough. I threw flour all over my counter, walls and ceiling. Making sure not to miss a single spot. :rolleyes:
Got the dough in a workable form, rolled it out and started punching out holes and doughnuts.

Now came the point where the cooking progress began. I had forgotten I was out of oil so after 20 minutes of digging around my kitchen I finally came to the defeating conclusion. I'm going to have to bake them :(And so it was that hank placed his doughtnuts on a cookie sheet lightly sprayed with butter and plopped them into the oven. I still want a doughnut.

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Oh no after all that and then to find no oil :) Well they don't look bad how did they taste? Nothing better for sure then homemade donuts!
Well they don't look bad how did they taste?
They taste like a bland sugar cookie. I put powder sugar on them to add a little more sweetness to them. Other then that it taste like baked egg and flower, tough to eat a lot of them, one or two was quite filling. If i'd of done them as doughnuts I would have tried a couple different toppings. *sigh*

I'm still finding traces of flower in the darnedest places when i go into the kitchen :confused:
Despite not being donuts they looks pretty damn good. A shame you did not have oil on hand to fry them, nothing sucks more than to find out mid way into the cooking process that something critical is missing.

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