
Now that I have time to take a breath, I figured it'd be a good time to introduce myself.
I'm a mom, wife, and doer of all things that need to be done, lol.

I started playing back in ?94'?, and even started my sons on UO around the ages of 5 (great for learning to spell, no?) We all quit OSI due to all the changes, and deletion of my ~sacred~ rares. :mad: But, of course, we all missed it and one day my husband said "Wouldn't it be nice if we could play for free?"..and a searchin' I went. We all started out on UOGateway, playing many different servers. But, we found that most did what :mad:OSI:mad: did, then I found a server and was asked to be staff. I declined at first, but then agreed when I was ask to do custom artwork. I didn't know how, but learned quickly. But, alas, that server went down and the owner gave me a copy...and off I went with my own server . I ran it for a few years, but shut it down due to the endless list of "add this..please". My philosophy is to add and ~never~ take away. Test, test, test, and test some more before adding it in!

Just recently, I was missing the Khaldun puzzle chest (weird I know) and opened my mouth...and UO popped out. I started out BIG. I upgraded to the latest RunUO and started converting all my scripts, only to find out that RunUO like :mad:OSI:mad: had taken things from me! I made my own server (or tried to), but after a month of scripting I just didn't have it in me to continue. I thought "I ~know~ someone has done this already...searched and found ServUO.

I have to say that I absolutely fell head over heels in ~love~ with ServUO! I adore the console colors (why didn't I think of that???) and the fact that it not only has my old stuff (minus FSAT which I read is being worked on), but also had the new SA! Keep up the most ~excellent~ work ServUO!

Safe Travels,



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Hi Red, nice to have you here :)
Don't mind Goat, they sometimes let him have computer access instead of a night in a padded room ;)
I absolutely love the off the wall humor here, it speaks to my soul. LOL. I'd love to have a padded room lined with industrial velcro with a suit...add in one of those sky diving test fans...that'd be fun. :D

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