I am new to ServUO but have been a player for many years! I am excited to learn new things and to build new places. This is a new thing for me so any help or directions is appreciated :)
Thank you for everything,
Darian Dax
Thank you Milva! As i am new to this whole process, i am not sure if this is the best place, but can you advise, or do you have links for new people?
thank you for any assistance :)

you need a good plat form to start with i am 2 mb 3 months new to runuo stuff!

then follow that to tune uo too your computer file paths

follow those steps i am few months old and at first had trouble but found this and had success to play...
then make sure you have a a good client. or else there will be issues with animations and housiong.
after learning [admin comand and get familiar with it youll prob want a nicer spawner
look into nerun distro