
Hello all. This project seems to be moving a long a lot further and/or faster then RunUO. I've been in the UO emulator biz now since atleast 2004. My question is. How compatible is this with lets say a RunUO 2.0 version with ML? I moved from RunUO to OrbUO 2.3 (I think) Then I started having major software and hardware issues with my servers. By the time I got it straightened out OrbUO was out of dev and ForkUO I couldn't find. Biggest problem I got right now is in some areas my Players and NPC's are falling through the ground and walking around lol. BUT I don't mind starting over with a fresh new server thats more up to date then RunUO's current 2.3 or 2.5 versions.
White I was waiting for vitrification I ran some tests on all of my servers backups and even with Runuo 2.3 and Im still getting the weird falling through the ground problem and no artwork on animations or paperdoll with a lot of client crashes. I've read that RunUO 2.5 allows for the latest client to work? Does ServUO/forkUO have RunUO 2.5 integrated into it? When I set my datapath to use only ML client most of the paperdoll and animation artwork works, and walking isn't as hazardous but it still happens. (and for get going to haven lol) At this point I just want something that is the latest and the best even if it means starting over.
Usually the falling through the ground/floor is caused with having a low client patch-what would you game client patch be at?
ServUO has all ML content along with all SE content- I believe Runuo has up to very little ML content.
You can use the latest patch with ServUO-if you decide to go with ServUO you should check out the Tutorial section as this contains great information :)
Welcome to ServUO :)
Right now the client is patched at the highest because I had to reinstall everything. (I also tried with a defalt ML iso client animations/paperdoll worked but still had walking issues in some areas) I thought at first it was something I edited causing it, but when I tested some of my older test shards that I made long before the edit that I thought changed everything, it was happening with them as well. It was also happening with distro RunUO 2.3. Is there anyway this could be caused by an inferior video card? (or even onboard vid card). Im really not sure how good the video card is in this pc and id hate to take the vid card out of my good gaming system if it doesn't help anything. Id also hate to run through all the effort of upgrading and still have the same issues. I kinda doubt vid cards even could be inferior for a 20+ year old game but just a thought.
Welcome to the Servuo community sirenix. I'm sure things can get worked out so that your UO issues are resolved. :)

Is your server pointed to a copy of the same client version files? Sometimes when the server client version files are not the same as the player client version files it can cause falling through the ground.
Does your server computer have a registry entry for UO, if so where is that pointed?

I will be bold and say there is no chance that it is the fault of a video card.

What are you using to connect to the server?.. Razor, uosteam?
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Well I know I need to do a full upgrade that much is obvious at this point but getting my old one working properly (if thats even possible) would help make the merger more smooth. I downloaded and compiled the ServUO files and ran them and everything seems to be working perfect compared to what i been going through with even brand new distro RunUO 2.3 which was also causing me the same problems.

I been tinkering with Datapath.cs to atempt to figure out if that was the problem or not. So far no matter what I do it does not seem to help. To try to get rid of all the errors I pretty much set it back to default. Is there a way to update my server to match the client which should be the latest?

using System;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using Server;

namespace Server.Misc
public class DataPath
/* If you have not installed Ultima Online,
* or wish the server to use a separate set of datafiles,
* change the 'CustomPath' value.
* Example:
* private static string CustomPath = @"C:\Program Files\Ultima Online";
private static string CustomPath = null;

/* The following is a list of files which a required for proper execution:
* Multi.idx
* Multi.mul
* VerData.mul
* TileData.mul
* Map*.mul or Map*LegacyMUL.uop
* StaIdx*.mul
* Statics*.mul
* MapDif*.mul
* MapDifL*.mul
* StaDif*.mul
* StaDifL*.mul
* StaDifI*.mul

public static void Configure()
string pathUO = GetPath( @"Origin Worlds Online\Ultima Online\1.0", "ExePath" );
string pathTD = GetPath( @"Origin Worlds Online\Ultima Online Third Dawn\1.0", "ExePath" ); //These refer to 2D & 3D, not the Third Dawn expansion
string pathKR = GetPath( @"Origin Worlds Online\Ultima Online\KR Legacy Beta", "ExePath" ); //After KR, This is the new registry key for the 2D client
string pathSA = GetPath( @"Electronic Arts\EA Games\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss Classic", "InstallDir" );
string pathHS = GetPath( @"Electronic Arts\EA Games\Ultima Online Classic", "InstallDir" );

if ( CustomPath != null )
Core.DataDirectories.Add( CustomPath );

if ( pathUO != null )
Core.DataDirectories.Add( pathUO );

if ( pathTD != null )
Core.DataDirectories.Add( pathTD );

if ( pathKR != null )
Core.DataDirectories.Add( pathKR );

if ( pathSA != null )
Core.DataDirectories.Add( pathSA );

if ( pathHS != null )
Core.DataDirectories.Add( pathHS );

if ( Core.DataDirectories.Count == 0 && !Core.Service )
Console.WriteLine( "Enter the Ultima Online directory:" );
Console.Write( "> " );

Core.DataDirectories.Add( Console.ReadLine() );

private static string GetPath( string subName, string keyName )
string keyString;

if( Core.Is64Bit )
keyString = @"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\{0}";
keyString = @"SOFTWARE\{0}";

using( RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( String.Format( keyString, subName ) ) )
if( key == null )
return null;

string v = key.GetValue( keyName ) as string;

if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( v ) )
return null;

if ( keyName == "InstallDir" )
v = v + @"\";

v = Path.GetDirectoryName( v );

if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( v ) )
return null;

return v;
return null;

As far as the registry im not sure. Id assume since i did a fresh install of UO classic client, it would have a registry key pointed at the correct location. Im using UOSteam to connect to all the different shard/servers
Just for the heck of it try adding your game client path here also

    • private static string CustomPath = null; (add here) <<<<< also when you post a code please use the code tags so that all of your script will be seen :)
    • What are you using for login to the server- would that also be patched up to the fullest?
lol I couldn't find the code tag button ;) (I didnt sleep good last night lol) Well I did try:

private static string CustomPath = @"C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic";

But that didn't Do anything oddly.

EDIT: which is the correct path for my new instillation I will say that the old instal was probably different BUT that shouldnt effect the new RunUO 2.3 install.
All I can think of is to check razor (or what you use for login) be sure the top and the middle section (UO Directory) are both pointed to your correct game client.
Ya I tried that too. It started when I was using Razor and I couldn't figure it out then I guess it was aug sometime last year or so, when ever that big 7.x patch came out that messed things up. So I stored everything on a hard drive while I worked out my hardware issues. I tried it with both auto detect and direct pointing at the directory and client.exe.

***EDIT*** When I start servUO it actually tells me "OpenUO Error: Client Files Not Found" I'll tinker with data path on it too and see if I can fix that but heck as long as it working im scared to mess with it lol.
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