Hello Everyone!

I have been a fan of UO since it began. Some of my fondest experiences in gaming have been from UO.

Some of you may remember me from Pacific as one of the first Dread Lords (Metman). Perhaps you had your house seized by our crew as we owned 68% of the houses on the server at one time. After being considered a hooligan for some time (and being scolded by development for many of the things we did), I started a new guild KoPs which because famous across the four original shards for protecting miners and other from PKs. More so for the "Pacific Police Blotter" that ran for many years giving a light-hearted accounts of the "apprehension and arrests" of reds across the shards.

I digress. The glory days. After leaving OSI servers I returned to play on free shards a few years ago. I love what you innovators have done and the ideas you have brought to life. I recently re-started my private server that I use for my son and friends. I have been using RunUO up to this point.

About a week ago I tried to revive my server from the ashes (almost literally) however I see RunUO is no more and I am trying to run RunUO 2.5. I love the OWLTR system (among others) but am having trouble merging my fav scripts to 2.5. (Specifically Daat99s scripts). So I pose a couple of questions.

1- RunUO or ServUO (I have never uses ServUO)?
2- Does anyone have a merged script of OWLTR 3+ for 2.5? (Until I can get my feet wet with ServUO)

Any help would be greatly appreciated and I look forward to learning with all of you.

I apologize in advance for my blizzard of questions that I am certain I will inundate the forums with.

If you feel like being up to date, aim for servuo.
There are alot of quests and more things finished for ML and SA.
As for the oudated scripts, take a look around the forums, most scripts got converted and re-released already.

For my part i still use runuo 2.0, so don't feel like a dinosaur xD
Agree with PoOka, you could also use the HS New Boats and Galleons (released in Custom Releases)
Hammerhand has been working on updating OWLTR 3 so it can be used with Runuo and ServUO :)