I ran a runUO along time ago. I want to try again.
My servUO Server is up. I logged into it.

Next Questions...

How do I set my Owner player/account?
How do I set a GM player/account?
What are the commands that get me started? (in run UO it was like saying "[set hp 100" and then target the 'toon.
is there a GM command cheat sheet someplace? MaIn gm gump?
How do I spawn the world with xmlspawner?

A website what answers all of these questions.
Welcome back then,

To answer a few of your questions,

When you first start the server it should ask you to create an account, that would be your "Owner" account. You can always create more using the [admin gump in-game. I usually have 2 accounts, one to play as a player on and one as my staff account.
The first command I would recommend is [CreateWorld ; this will get you started with spawns/decorations, etc.
You can use this to refer to for a list of most of the commands:

And for the last bit, this is were you can ask all your questions haha :)
Look in the Config folder in the file Accounts.cfg

# Number of accounts allowed to be created from a single IP address

# If true accounts will be automatically created on first login

# If true characters must be at least seven days old to be deleted
# Uncomment this line to override the default behavior of enabling this in
# Test Center mode and disabling in production mode.

# How old a character must be in order to be deleted.
# Default: 7 days.
# Format: dd:hh:mm:ss

# If true this enables the [password command

# Account password protection level.
# Default: NewCrypt
# Options: None, Crypt, NewCrypt (Default), NewSecureCrypt (Recommended)
# Explanation: Plain, MD5, SHA1, SHA512

Also look in Server.cfg for Local/IP settings