hello so im dealing with a problem that im not sure how to get around i am in the process of creating my own server and started getting a headache so went to try and play on another server it said i had to update my client so i did and played for a bit and came back to mine and ill be playing maybe 5 min 10 min then it will freeze and i get this message ....any help will be much appreciatedupload_2018-1-5_18-53-44.png

Ok so i went through my saves and it deleted them all so i backed it up and it let me play again but everytime it saves it crashes
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You added the worldomniporter in your custom folder and then used the command to remove the moongates then the omni? Have to added to the script at all?
. Drop anywhere in Scripts folder.
2. To remove moongates run command "[global delete where publicmoongate"
3. Run command "[WorldOmniGen" in the game to add World Omniporters
4. To remove Omniporters run command "[WorldOmniDel"
yes that was the problem lol my cousin josh helped me with it i decided to take it out entirely but thank you so much for your help