Greetings all! I have implemented the original NpcGuilds on my RunUO shard, and expanded on them a bit. Previously, joining and quitting the guild was activated via OnSpeech; speaking the name of the Npc Guildmaster followed by "join" or "quit." This worked well, but was a bit tedious. I recently added some new clilocs to enable the use of context menus for this purpose, though I also left in the code for OnSpeech. The code I added for Context Menus works, though I am not sure if the way I did it is the best or most efficient way, or if it might lead to issues of which I am not aware. I would be grateful if someone could maybe take a look at it. The code below is what I added. I have included the full Guildmaster.cs script as well. Thanks in advance for any help!

        public override void AddCustomContextEntries( Mobile from, List<ContextMenuEntry> list )

                 PlayerMobile pm = from as PlayerMobile;

                if ( pm != null )
                    if ( pm.NpcGuild == NpcGuild.None )
                    list.Add( new JoinGuildEntry( this, from ) );

                    if ( pm.NpcGuild == this.NpcGuild )
                    list.Add( new ResignGuildEntry( this, from ) );

            base.AddCustomContextEntries( from, list );

        private class JoinGuildEntry : ContextMenuEntry

            private BaseGuildmaster m_Mobile;
            private Mobile m_From;

            public JoinGuildEntry( BaseGuildmaster m, Mobile from ) : base( 6084, 3 )
                m_Mobile = m;
                m_From = from;

            public override void OnClick()
                if( !( m_From is PlayerMobile ) )
                PlayerMobile mobile = (PlayerMobile) m_From;
                BaseGuildmaster reg = ( BaseGuildmaster ) m_Mobile;
                if ( mobile != null )

                    if ( mobile.NpcGuild == reg.NpcGuild )
                        reg.SayTo( mobile, 501047 ); // Thou art already a member of our guild.

                    else if ( mobile.NpcGuild != NpcGuild.None )
                        reg.SayTo( mobile, 501046 ); // Thou must resign from thy other guild first.

                    else if ( reg.CheckCustomReqs( mobile ) )
                        reg.SayPriceTo( mobile );



        private class ResignGuildEntry : ContextMenuEntry

            private BaseGuildmaster m_Mobile;
            private Mobile m_From;

            public ResignGuildEntry( BaseGuildmaster m, Mobile from ) : base( 6085, 3 )
                m_Mobile = m;
                m_From = from;

            public override void OnClick()
                PlayerMobile mobile = (PlayerMobile) m_From;
                BaseGuildmaster reg = ( BaseGuildmaster ) m_Mobile;

                if ( mobile != null )

                    if ( mobile.NpcGuild != reg.NpcGuild )
                        reg.SayTo( mobile, 501052 ); // Thou dost not belong to my guild!
                    else if ( (mobile.NpcGuildJoinTime + reg.QuitAge) > DateTime.Now ) // || (pm.NpcGuildGameTime + QuitGameAge) > pm.GameTime )
                        reg.SayTo( mobile, "You just joined my guild! You must wait a week to resign." ); // You just joined my guild! You must wait a week to resign.
                        reg.SayTo( mobile, 501054 ); // I accept thy resignation.
                        mobile.NpcGuild = NpcGuild.None;
                        mobile.GuildTitle = null;




  • BaseGuildmaster.cs
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