I have never encountered this error before, so I am not sure what it is i need to fix. Every time i kill a monster the server will crash. This is the error report:

ServUO Version 0.5, Build 6785.34186
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
.NET Framework: 4.0.30319.42000
Time: 9/7/2018 12:14:21 PM
Mobiles: 42601
Items: 251153
System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
at Server.SkillHandlers.Imbuing.GetTotalWeight(Item item, Int32 mod)
at Server.Items.RunicReforging.TryApplyRandomDisadvantage(Item item)
at Server.Items.RunicReforging.GenerateRandomItem(Item item, Mobile killer, Int32 basebudget, Int32 luckchance, ReforgedPrefix forcedprefix, ReforgedSuffix forcedsuffix, Map map, Boolean artifact)
at Server.Items.RunicReforging.GenerateRandomItem(Item item, Mobile killer, BaseCreature creature)
at Server.LootPackEntry.Mutate(Mobile from, Int32 luckChance, Item item)
at Server.LootPack.Generate(Mobile from, Container cont, Boolean spawning, Int32 luckChance)
at Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature.AddLoot(LootPack pack)
at Server.Mobiles.Lich.GenerateLoot()
at Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature.GenerateLoot(Boolean spawning)
at Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature.OnBeforeDeath()
at Server.Mobile.Kill() in c:\Users\woahn\Desktop\serveuo\ServUO-master\Server\Mobile.cs:line 4003
at Server.Mobile.Damage(Int32 amount, Mobile from, Boolean informMount, Boolean checkDisrupt) in c:\Users\woahn\Desktop\serveuo\ServUO-master\Server\Mobile.cs:line 5591
at Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature.Damage(Int32 amount, Mobile from, Boolean informMount, Boolean checkDisrupt)
at Server.AOS.Damage(IDamageable damageable, Mobile from, Int32 damage, Boolean ignoreArmor, Int32 phys, Int32 fire, Int32 cold, Int32 pois, Int32 nrgy, Int32 chaos, Int32 direct, Boolean keepAlive, DamageType type)
at Server.Items.BaseWeapon.OnHit(Mobile attacker, IDamageable damageable, Double damageBonus)
at Server.Items.BasePoleArm.OnHit(Mobile attacker, IDamageable defender, Double damageBonus)
at Server.Items.BaseWeapon.OnSwing(Mobile attacker, IDamageable damageable, Double damageBonus)
at Server.Mobile.CombatTimer.OnTick() in c:\Users\woahn\Desktop\serveuo\ServUO-master\Server\Mobile.cs:line 2080
at Server.Timer.Slice() in c:\Users\woahn\Desktop\serveuo\ServUO-master\Server\Timer.cs:line 409
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args) in c:\Users\woahn\Desktop\serveuo\ServUO-master\Server\Main.cs:line 663

I had made some modifications in my Imbuing Skill cs. but even when I remove that code I am still getting this error.


  • Imbuing.cs
    113.4 KB · Views: 3
I messed around with a few things and couldn't get anything to work, after removing all the changes i made I now get a completely different error that I have never encountered before. Still the same situation, whenever i kill a monster the server crashes. I recently modified my items to be unidentified when they are created.

ServUO Version 0.5, Build 6785.34186
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
.NET Framework: 4.0.30319.42000
Time: 8/11/2018 10:21:22 PM
Mobiles: 42606
Items: 197965
System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero.
at Server.Items.BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(BaseArmor armor, Boolean playerMade, Int32 luckChance, Int32 attributeCount, Int32 min, Int32 max)
at Server.Items.BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(BaseArmor armor)
at Server.Items.BaseArmor.OnCraft(Int32 quality, Boolean makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, ITool tool, CraftItem craftItem, Int32 resHue)
at Server.Engines.Craft.CraftItem.CompleteCraft(Int32 quality, Boolean makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, ITool tool, CustomCraft customCraft)
at Server.Engines.Craft.CraftItem.InternalTimer.OnTick()
at Server.Timer.Slice() in c:\Users\woahn\Desktop\serveuo\ServUO-master\Server\Timer.cs:line 409
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args) in c:\Users\woahn\Desktop\serveuo\ServUO-master\Server\Main.cs:line 663


  • owltrBaseRunicTool.cs
    54 KB · Views: 1
look at what methods crash, it is the generated items that crash you, something from either the ApplyAttributes from the Runics or the Totalweight function from the Imbue.cs

I have no idea what you changed in those methods, since the first one is a cast issue and the second is that you divide something by 0 wich will always crash out too since 0 or infinity or both at once ;) noone knows could also be the worlds end