ServUO Version
Publish 58
Ultima Expansion
Endless Journey
I was wondering if anyone is feeling nice enough to make this ServerList.cs work on ServUO Pub 57-58.

I can pay you for your work.

// ==================================================================================================
// ServerList.cs
// ==================================================================================================
//        1.0     RunUO Beta 36        Initial version
//        1.1     Mr Fixit            Now automaticly detects if you are connecting localy and uses the
//                                    servers local ip in the client serverlist.
//        1.2        Mr Fixit            Internet IP autodetection using
//      1.3        Mr Fixit            If script fails to find the internet ip, keep the old one and try
//                                    again in # minutes.
//      1.4        Mr Fixit            You can now add AutoIP mirrors. Added and
//      1.5        Mr Fixit            Adjusted the AutoIP mirror engine so it supports more mirrors.
//                                    Added and
//      1.6        Mr Fixit            IP is now trimmed (Just in case). Added,,
//                           and
//      1.7     Mr Fixit            Removed is it seems to be out of buisness.
//      1.8     Mr Fixit            Added a message to the console with ServerList.cs version when server loads.
//                                    Now detects the internet ip when the server starts.
//                                    Now checks if the ip has changed every 60 minutes instead of 30 minutes.
//      1.9     Mr Fixit            Removed mirror as it isnt working anymore.
//      2.0     Mr Fixit            Now only renews the ip every 24 hours (1440 minutes).
//      2.1     Callandor2k         Made compatible with svn 278.
//              AKA                 Changed the way it writes to console and added a few console lines. 
//              Shai'Tan Malkier    Removed 3 edits are required. ServerName, Address and Local Lan IP.
//                                  Check the port address on line 208 to make sure its the one you use in SocketOptions.cs.
//      2.2     PappaSmurf          Modified to allow Multiple Servers to Run on One Machine.
// ==================================================================================================

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using Server.Network;

namespace Server.Misc
    public class ServerList
        // ==================================================================================
        // ==================================================================================
        public const string ServerName = "RevolutionX Test";    // Server Name Goes Here
        public const string ServerNameA = "RevolutionX";  // Other Sever Name Goes Here

        // ==================================================================================
        // Here you can select to autodetect your internet ip, or manualy specify
        // Examples:
        // public static string Address = "";
        // public static string Address = "";
        // ==================================================================================
        public const bool InternetIPAutodetect = true;
        public const int MinutesBetweenIPAutodetect = 14400;
        public static string Address = "";         // Server Address Goes Here
        public static string AddressA = "";
        public const int Port = 2595;
        public const int PortA = 2593;     //Only one port listing.....????
        // ==================================================================================
        // Here are some values stored
        // ==================================================================================
        private static LocalLanIPRange[] LocalLanIPRanges = new LocalLanIPRange[10];        
        private static UInt32 LocalLanIPRangesCount;
        private static AutoIPMirror[] AutoIPMirrors = new AutoIPMirror[10];    
        private static UInt32 AutoIPMirrorsCount;
        private static DateTime InternetIPAutodetectLast;
        // ==================================================================================
        // Initialization
        // ==================================================================================
        public static void Initialize()
            // ----------------------------------------------------
            // Load the local LAN ip ranges. 
            // Remove the // on section you need or create your own
            // ----------------------------------------------------
            //AddLocalLANIPRange("", "");
            //AddLocalLANIPRange("", "");
            //AddLocalLANIPRange("", "");
            //AddLocalLANIPRange("", "");

            // ----------------------------------------------------
            // Load the Auto IP mirros
            // ----------------------------------------------------
            AddAutoIPMirror("", "Your IP address is: ", "</B>");
            AddAutoIPMirror("", "Current IP Address: ", "</B>");
            AddAutoIPMirror("", "Your IP address is  <B> ", " </B>");
            AddAutoIPMirror("", "Your IP address is  <B> ", " </B>");
            // ----------------------------------------------------
            // Create the event
            // ----------------------------------------------------
            EventSink.ServerList += new ServerListEventHandler( EventSink_ServerList );

            // ----------------------------------------------------
            // Show info in console
            // ----------------------------------------------------
            Console.WriteLine("ServerList 2.2");
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to The Grove");
            // ----------------------------------------------------
            // Lets find internet ip
            // ----------------------------------------------------

        // ==================================================================================
        // Add a range of local lan ips
        // ==================================================================================
        private static void AddLocalLANIPRange(string RangeFrom, string    RangeTo)
            LocalLanIPRanges[LocalLanIPRangesCount] = new LocalLanIPRange();
            LocalLanIPRanges[LocalLanIPRangesCount].RangeFrom = StringIPToUInt32IP(RangeFrom);
            LocalLanIPRanges[LocalLanIPRangesCount].RangeTo = StringIPToUInt32IP(RangeTo);
            LocalLanIPRangesCount = LocalLanIPRangesCount + 1;
        // ==================================================================================
        // Convert a ip string to a binary unsigned int
        // ==================================================================================
        private static UInt32 StringIPToUInt32IP(string addr)
            byte[] byteArray1 = IPAddress.Parse(addr).GetAddressBytes();
            byte[] byteArray2 = IPAddress.Parse(addr).GetAddressBytes();
            byteArray1[0] = byteArray2[3];
            byteArray1[1] = byteArray2[2];
            byteArray1[2] = byteArray2[1];
            byteArray1[3] = byteArray2[0];
            return  BitConverter.ToUInt32( byteArray1, 0);
        // ==================================================================================
        // Used to store the local lan ip ranges
        // ==================================================================================
        private class LocalLanIPRange
            public UInt32            RangeFrom;
            public UInt32            RangeTo;

        // ==================================================================================
        // Add a AutoIP mirror
        // ==================================================================================
        private static void AddAutoIPMirror(string sURL, string    sStart, string sEnd)
            AutoIPMirrors[AutoIPMirrorsCount] = new AutoIPMirror();
            AutoIPMirrors[AutoIPMirrorsCount].sURL = sURL;
            AutoIPMirrors[AutoIPMirrorsCount].sStart = sStart;
            AutoIPMirrors[AutoIPMirrorsCount].sEnd = sEnd;
            AutoIPMirrorsCount = AutoIPMirrorsCount + 1;

        // ==================================================================================
        // Used to store the Auto IP mirrors
        // ==================================================================================
        private class AutoIPMirror
            public string            sURL;
            public string            sStart;
            public string            sEnd;
            public UInt32            iFailures;

        // ==================================================================================
        // Detect ip
        // ==================================================================================
        public static void DetectInternetIP()

            // ----------------------------------------------------
            // Autodetect the Internet IP
            // ----------------------------------------------------
            if (InternetIPAutodetect) {
                DateTime UpdateTime = InternetIPAutodetectLast;
                UpdateTime = UpdateTime.AddMinutes(MinutesBetweenIPAutodetect);
                if (UpdateTime<DateTime.Now) {
                    string NewAddress = null;
                    NewAddress = FindInternetIP();
                    InternetIPAutodetectLast = DateTime.Now;
                    if (NewAddress!=null) 
                        Address = NewAddress;

        // ==================================================================================
        // The serverlist event
        // ==================================================================================
        public static void EventSink_ServerList( ServerListEventArgs e )

                // ----------------------------------------------------
                // Lets find internet ip
                // ----------------------------------------------------
                // ----------------------------------------------------
                // Find the server ip to use for this user
                // ----------------------------------------------------
                IPAddress ipAddr = FindMachineIP(e);
                // ----------------------------------------------------
                // Send serverlist
                // ----------------------------------------------------
                if (ipAddr != null)
                    e.AddServer(ServerName, new IPEndPoint(ipAddr, 2595 ));//  Place the port that you are using here.
                    e.AddServer(ServerNameA, new IPEndPoint(ipAddr, 2593)); //* changed 800 to PortA
                } else {
                    e.Rejected = true;
                e.Rejected = true;

        // ==================================================================================
        // Connects to a webserver that gives you your internet ip
        // ==================================================================================
                public static string FindInternetIP( )

            // ----------------------------------------------------
            // Pick a random mirror
            // ----------------------------------------------------
            //Random rnd = new Random();
            //int UseMirror = (int)( rnd.NextDouble() * AutoIPMirrorsCount);
            string MyIP = "";
            // ----------------------------------------------------
            // Catch if the mirror is down
            // ----------------------------------------------------
                // ----------------------------------------------------
                // Get the webpage
                // ----------------------------------------------------
                        WebClient client = new WebClient();
                        //byte[] pageData = client.DownloadData(AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sURL);
                        //MyIP = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(pageData);
                // ----------------------------------------------------
                // Find the string
                // ----------------------------------------------------
                            //int iStart = MyIP.LastIndexOf(AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sStart);   
                            //int iEnd = MyIP.IndexOf(AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sEnd, iStart+AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sStart.Length);
                            //MyIP = MyIP.Substring(iStart+AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sStart.Length, iEnd-iStart-AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sStart.Length );
                            MyIP = MyIP.Trim();
                // ----------------------------------------------------
                // Return value
                // ----------------------------------------------------
                            Console.WriteLine("Serverlist.cs: 2.1");
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1})", ServerName, Address);
                            Console.WriteLine("You are using Internet IP : {0}", MyIP);
                            //Console.WriteLine("IP found by: ({0})", AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sURL);
                            return MyIP;
                //Console.WriteLine("Unable to autoupdate the Internet IP from {0}!", AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sURL);
                return null;

        // ==================================================================================
        // Calculates what server IP to use
        // ==================================================================================
                public static IPAddress FindMachineIP( ServerListEventArgs e )
            // ----------------------------------------------------
            // Find the IP of the connecting user
            // ----------------------------------------------------
            Socket sock = e.State.Socket;
            IPAddress theirAddress = ((IPEndPoint)sock.RemoteEndPoint).Address;                
            IPAddress serverAddress;

            // ----------------------------------------------------
            // Is it Loopback?
            // ----------------------------------------------------
            if ( IPAddress.IsLoopback( theirAddress ) )
                return IPAddress.Parse( "" ); //* changed to

            // ----------------------------------------------------
            // Local
            // ----------------------------------------------------
            UInt32 uint32Address = StringIPToUInt32IP(theirAddress.ToString());
            for (UInt32 LocalLanIPRangesLoop = 0 ; LocalLanIPRangesLoop < LocalLanIPRangesCount; LocalLanIPRangesLoop++)
                if ( (LocalLanIPRanges[LocalLanIPRangesLoop].RangeFrom <= uint32Address) && (LocalLanIPRanges[LocalLanIPRangesLoop].RangeTo >= uint32Address) )
                    Resolve(Dns.GetHostName(), out serverAddress);
                    Console.WriteLine("Player is reconnecting to " + serverAddress.ToString());
                    return serverAddress;

            // ----------------------------------------------------
            // Internet addresses
            // ----------------------------------------------------
            if (Address!=null)
                Resolve(Address, out serverAddress);    
            } else {
                Resolve(Dns.GetHostName(), out serverAddress);    
            Console.WriteLine("Player is reconnecting to " + serverAddress.ToString());
            return serverAddress;
        // ==================================================================================
        // Resolves dns names
        // ==================================================================================
        public static bool Resolve( string addr, out IPAddress outValue )
                outValue = IPAddress.Parse( addr );
                return true;
                IPHostEntry iphe = Dns.GetHostEntry( addr );

                    if ( iphe.AddressList.Length > 0 )
                        outValue = iphe.AddressList[iphe.AddressList.Length - 1];
                        return true;
            outValue = IPAddress.None;
            return false;
namespace Server.Network
    public class APH
        public static void Initialize()
            PacketHandlers.Register(145, 65, false, new OnPacketReceive(GameLogin));

        public static void GameLogin(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc)
            if (state.SentFirstPacket)
            state.SentFirstPacket = true;
            int SecurityID = pvSrc.ReadInt32();

            string un = pvSrc.ReadString(30);
            string pw = pvSrc.ReadString(30);
            GameLoginEventArgs loginevents = new GameLoginEventArgs(state, un, pw);
            if (loginevents.Accepted)
                state.CityInfo = loginevents.CityInfo;
                state.CompressionEnabled = true;
                /*if (Core.AOS)
                state.Send(new CharacterList(state.Account, state.CityInfo));