Been playing UO off and on since its release. Started playing free servers about 6 years ago. I'm currently working on creating a ML era server with a few minor changes. So far I have found servuo very helpful. Keep up the good work guys!
Welcome back.

I love the way you started that out, like it's an addiction, or some silly thing. I have a story to tell.

Years ago I was playing UO for the first time, 1999. My husband came in and was watching me. I asked him if he'd like to play. He said, "No way, I would get addicted!" I assured him that doesn't happen.

Well....after years of playing live UO, with little stops and starts in between, I thought I had walked away from it a little over a year ago and I am again. BUT I'm not addicted, just can't get this amazing game out of my system. :)
So now you're on to the hard-core street drug version of UO :) Welcome to the "gray shards". Within the community we call ourselves free shards. I was reading some posts from UO devs and they kept referencing "gray shards". I was about to bust a gut :)