I'm trying to make Scrapper Compendium. Pendent of Magi, and Sticher mitten.

I need the recipe, and it's super rare for some reason so I'd like to find a way to get a recipe some how without having to get lucky with random.

You weren't very clear... are you trying to add in-game via the [add command or through a script?

I'll show you both methods, and hopefully I answer your question.

To add in-game, you need to type the following:
[add recipescroll <recipeID>
where recipeID is the ID of the recipe you're wanting to add. Here's the snippet from deftinkering.cs that shows the recipeIDs:

 public enum TinkerRecipes
        InvisibilityPotion = 400,
        DarkglowPotion = 401,
        ParasiticPotion = 402,

        EssenceOfBattle = 450,
        PendantOfTheMagi = 451,
        ResilientBracer = 452,
        ScrappersCompendium = 453,
        HoveringWisp = 454,

        KotlPowerCoil = 455,

        // doom
        BraceletOfPrimalConsumption = 456


So this shows us that ScrappersCompendium is recipeID 453, meaning you would need to type "[add recipescroll 453" and that would give you the recipe for Scrappers Compendium. Changing the recipe ID will change the recipe given.

If you are trying to add the items in a script (as in dropping into the characters pack) it's pretty much the same thing:

DropItem( new RecipeScroll(453));

Hope that helps!