public ITEM()
this.SkillBonuses.SetValues(0, SkillName.Magery, 10.0);

How do i make this apply to pre aos, It works for stats like

IntBonus = 5;

But i dont know how to get it to give skilsl in pre aos
Sort of true. Mining gloves added the skill prior to AOS. Also the AncientSmithyHammer

@Boss Take a look at those for an idea on how to make items with a skill bonus.

Something like this would do it but would need to be coded on each custom item

        public int Bonus
                return this.m_Bonus;
                this.m_Bonus = value;

                if (this.m_Bonus == 0)
                    if (this.m_SkillMod != null)

                    this.m_SkillMod = null;
                else if (this.m_SkillMod == null && this.Parent is Mobile)
                    this.m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod(SkillName.Blacksmith, true, this.m_Bonus);
                else if (this.m_SkillMod != null)
                    this.m_SkillMod.Value = this.m_Bonus;
Or you just disable the AOS check for the skillbonuses and they should work just fine. Then you would just need to edit the OnSingleClick to add the properties to show for BaseWeapon, BaseArmor and BaseJewelry
MM but wouldnt that disallow the regular old settings then? ie force would not be force but would be a + 30%
It's like Tasanar said. Take a look at AncientSmithyHammer and MiningGloves. I have a few items on my shard like a Tamer's Amulet which give a 10 point boost to taming and animal lore when worn (OnAdded method) and they go away again when you take it off.